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Inline-Tags in HTML

Freigeben: 2024-09-04 16:25:09
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For creating a webpage, HTML elements take an important role in webpage development. Those HTML elements specifically divided into 2 subcategories like Inline elements and Block level elements. Inline elements are those that don’t start with the new line. Also, it doesn’t take full-width space on the webpage. That kind of element only occupies as much space as required to fit included elements. There are various Inline tags in HTML. We will see all those one by one later. element work as a container for included text in HTML. Most of the time, inline elements used within another HTML element.

The syntax for creating inline elements is as follow:


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  • As shown above, the span elements treated as a container for included elements. There is no need to attribute to the span tag. It uses a classname, idname or style as an attribute.
  • Inline elements are included within the body part. Those elements create a shorter structure as compare to other elements.

Top 20 Inline Tags in HTML

Multiple Inline tags are going to use in HTML; let’s see one by one:

1. : This tag is used to place abbreviations of the text it’s like HTML, WWW, ASAP, PFA, etc.


<abbr title="Text">Abbrevation_text</abbr>
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2. This tag is to used to describe the acronym. It’s like NASA, GUI, etc. This tag is not used nowadays in HTML 5. It gives information about the browser, search engine, etc.


<acronym title="Text">text</acronym>
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3. : Defines text in bold format.


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4. : This Inline tag in HTML defines Bi-Directional Override. It helps the user to override the already existing direction of the text. It has two values left-to-right and right-to-left.


<bdo dir="ltr">Text </bdo>
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5. : This is one of the inline tag used to define the bigger text.


<big >Text</big>
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6. <br>: This tag is used to give line break or space in HTML code.


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