So erstellen Sie Ihre erste Anwendung mit Lithe

Mary-Kate Olsen
Freigeben: 2024-10-01 06:16:02
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How to Create Your First Application with Lithe

Creating Your First Application with Lithe


Before you start building your application, you'll need to install Lithe. You can easily do this using Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:

composer create-project lithephp/lithephp my-first-app
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Once the installation is complete, navigate into your project directory:

cd my-first-app
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Now you're ready to begin developing your application!

Lithe allows you to create applications in a straightforward and flexible manner, offering two writing styles: classic and functional. You can choose one or even combine both without losing efficiency.

Classic Style: Instantiating the Application

To start with the classic style, set up your application in the App.php file by using the mount method of the Lithe\App class. Then, define your routes:

$app = \Lithe\App::mount();

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res) {
    $res->send('Hello World!');
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The App class serves as the core of your Lithe application, managing all application logic and making it easier to create routes and handle requests and responses in an organized manner.

Functional Style: Practicality and Agility

If you prefer a minimalist approach, you can use the functional syntax, which doesn't require direct instantiation of the class:

use function Lithe\Orbs\Http\Router\get;

get('/', function ($req, $res) {
    $res->send('Hello World!');
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This method is quick and efficient, allowing you to write concise and expressive code.

Running the Application

After defining your first route, the next step is to run your application. If you are using the classic style, call the listen method to make Lithe start listening for requests:

$app = \Lithe\App::mount();

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res) {
    $res->send('Hello World!');

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With Lithe 2, this method is automatically invoked.

Serving the Application

Using the Built-in PHP Server

Testing your application locally is easy! With PHP installed, you can start the built-in server by executing the following command:

php line serve
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This will start the server on port 8000. To change the port, simply pass the desired value as an argument:

php line serve 9000
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Open your browser and access http://localhost:9000/ to see your application in action!

Using Web Servers like Apache

If you prefer to run your application on a web server like Apache, the entry point will be the public directory. Adjust the URL settings according to your environment:

  • Local Environment: http://localhost/your-project/public/
  • Production:

Make sure that the server is pointing to the correct directory and is ready! Your application will be available to the world.


Lithe is a powerful framework that combines simplicity and flexibility. Now that you've created your first application, continue exploring its features and discover how it can transform your web development!

For more details on how to create your application and make the most of Lithe, explore the comprehensive documentation on the official site. It offers examples, configuration guides, and API references.

Start now and build something amazing with Lithe!

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