Wie entferne ich Bildelemente aus HTML-Inhalten mithilfe eines einfachen HTML-DOM?

Freigeben: 2024-10-17 16:49:02
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How to Remove Image Elements from HTML Content Using Simple HTML DOM?

Removing Elements with Simple HTML DOM

You have a task where you need to remove all image elements from an article using Simple HTML DOM. The goal is to create a succinct text snippet for a news ticker display.

To achieve this, you can follow these steps:

1. Get Content as HTML String

Acquire the article content as a string in the HTML format.

2. Remove Image Tags

Simple HTML DOM does not have a direct method for removing elements. Instead, you can target the specific img elements and clear their content:

<code class="php">foreach ($html->find('img') as $e) {
    $e->outertext = '';
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This loop iterates through all img elements and sets their outer HTML to an empty string, effectively removing them from the content.

3. Limit Content to X Words (Optional)

If desired, limit the content length to a specified number of words using the str_word_count() function:

<code class="php">$words = str_word_count($html);
if ($words > $max_words) {
    $html = substr($html, 0, $max_words);
Nach dem Login kopieren

4. Output

Finally, display the modified HTML content as needed.

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