Welche Bedeutung hat die Verwendung von „r' vor einem String-Literal in Python?

Linda Hamilton
Freigeben: 2024-10-17 20:00:04
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What is the Significance of Using \

The Significance of Preceding a String Literal with "r"

When working with multi-line regular expressions in Python, you may encounter the prefix "r." Encountering this prefix in expressions such as:

regex = re.compile(
    r'[A-Z]$', re.IGNORECASE
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prompts the question: what is the purpose of "r" in string literals?

The Raw String Modifier

The "r" prefix before a string literal designates it as a "raw string." Raw strings have a crucial property: escape sequences, typically represented by "\", are interpreted literally.

Consider the following example:

'\n'  # interpreted as a newline character
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If we prepend with "r," the escape sequence is preserved in the string:

r'\n'  # literal characters \ and n
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Escaping and Raw Strings

This distinction is crucial in cases where you need to use escape sequences literally. For instance, to represent the backslash character itself in a string, use "r" to prevent it from escaping the following string quote:

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Additionally, "r" can be used to include a single backslash without line continuation (which would be a syntax error):

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Preceding a string literal with "r" transforms it into a raw string, preserving escape sequences and allowing for their literal use. This distinction is essential when working with regular expressions across multiple lines or when you need to include escape sequences in your strings without them being interpreted as special characters.

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