Das beinhaltet
import streamlit as st import # your database manager here! from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin import base64, hashlib, uuid
Initiieren Sie eine Sitzung mit Streamlit, wenn Sie möchten
def initialize_session_state(): pass
Das Hauptskript:
class BadgeConfig: def __init__(self): initialize_session_state() # Ensure badge_id is stored as a class attribute self.badge_id = None # Generate a SHA-256 hash from image data def generate_image_hash(self, image_data): return hashlib.sha256(image_data).hexdigest() # Create the encryption signature using Fernet def create_signature(self, unique_id): id_image_bytes = unique_id.encode("utf-8") # Ensure 32-byte length padded_id_image_bytes = id_image_bytes.ljust(32)[:32] encoded_key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(padded_id_image_bytes) return Fernet(encoded_key) # Check if image was created on Canva using PngImagePlugin def is_canva_image(self, image): if isinstance(image, PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile): # Extract metadata from the image metadata = image.info # Info contains the metadata # Checking if 'Canva' appears in the 'xmp:CreatorTool' field xmp_metadata = metadata.get('XML:com.adobe.xmp', '') if "Canva" in xmp_metadata: return True return False # Display the uploaded badge and validate its dimensions and source def process_image(self, user_badge): try: image = Image.open(user_badge) WIDTH, HEIGHT = image.size if WIDTH != 1080 or HEIGHT != 1920: st.warning("This is not a valid dnakey-badge!") st.stop() # Check if the image is created on Canva if not self.is_canva_image(image): st.warning("The uploaded image is not a Canva PNG image!") st.stop() st.image(user_badge, caption="Uploaded Image", use_column_width=True) # Reset the file pointer and read the image data for hashing user_badge.seek(0) return user_badge.read() except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing the image: {str(e)}") st.stop() # Handle badge activation and update session def activate_badge(self, badge_usage, config_manager): if not st.session_state['toast_shown']: st.toast("**:blue[Your Id Badge is activated now!]**", icon="?") st.session_state['toast_shown'] = True if not st.session_state['usage_updated'] and badge_usage > 0: config_manager.update_usage_badge_count() st.session_state['usage_updated'] = True # Main function to create a session and handle badge logic def create_session(self, user_badge): # Process image and generate its unique ID image_data = self.process_image(user_badge) unique_id = self.generate_image_hash(image_data) # Create an encryption signature signature = self.create_signature(unique_id) # Create a UUID (version 5) based on the existing unique_id self.badge_id = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, unique_id)) # Initialize config manager config_manager = ConfigManager(self.badge_id) badge_usage = config_manager.get_badge_usage() # Handle badge activation and session updates self.activate_badge(badge_usage, config_manager) return signature, self.badge_id # Return the badge_id as well # call the script with st.sidebar: st.title("Log-In Here:") with st.popover("Upload Your Agent Badge!", use_container_width=True): user_badge = st.file_uploader("Your Agent Badge!", type=["png"], key="agent_badge") if user_badge: # User badge is uploaded signature, badge_id = BadgeConfig().create_session(user_badge)
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