Warum erhalte ich in Go die Fehlermeldung „Non-Declaration Statement Outside Function Body'?

Patricia Arquette
Freigeben: 2024-11-13 10:41:02
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Why Do I Get

Non-Declaration Statement Outside Function Body in Go

In Go, declaring a variable outside of a function body typically leads to the "non-declaration statement outside function body" error. This occurs because Go strictly enforces scoping rules, requiring variables to be declared within the appropriate block (e.g., inside a function).

Idiomatic Global Variable Declaration

To create a globally accessible variable that is changeable but not a constant, the syntax is:

var test = "This is a test"
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  • The var keyword is used for variable declaration.
  • The name of the variable (test in this case) should start with a lowercase letter to indicate its visibility within the package (unexported).
  • The = sign assigns a value to the variable.


package apitest

import (

var test = "This is a test" // Globally accessible variable

func main() {
    test = "Another value"
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Extended Explanation

  • Variable Initialization in Functions: Inside functions, you can declare a variable and assign it a value later using the := operator. However, := is not valid for global variable declarations.
  • Type Inference: Go supports type inference, where the compiler can determine the type of a variable based on its initial value.
  • Changing Package-Level Variables: Package-level variables, including globally accessible variables, can be changed from within functions using the same variable name (e.g., changeTest(newVal) in the provided code snippet).
  • Init Function: For complex package initialization, Go provides the init function, which is automatically executed before main(). It can be used to set up initial states for the package.

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