Dieser Leitfaden optimiert Ihre Ligendenden: Wild Rift -Einstellungen für erweiterte Grafiken und Gameplay. Die richtigen FPS, Kontrollen und UI beeinflussen Ihre Leistung erheblich. Lassen Sie uns Ihr wildes Rift-Erlebnis gut abteilen!
Wir werden Grafiken, Steuerelemente, Benutzeroberflächen und Ton abdecken und andere Einstellungen zu Ihrer Präferenz überlassen.
priorisieren Grafikeinstellungen
für manuelle Anpassungen. High-End-Geräte können Einstellungen maximieren, aber für die meisten Telefone priorisieren Sie das glatte Gameplay und die Stabilität:
Setting | Recommended Option | Description & Reason |
Sound Effects | High | Crucial for timely reactions to enemy abilities. |
Champion VO | Medium/Low | Avoid drowning out important in-game sounds. |
Music | Low | Prevents important sounds and pings from being masked. |
Voice Chat | High | Essential for team coordination. |
Ping/Broadcast Volume | High | Critical for in-game awareness. |
Announce Pings | On | Provides audio cues for pings, beneficial for focus-intensive situations. |
Verbose Announcer | On | Alerts you to important events like monster kills or tower attacks. |
Viele Einstellungen sind subjektiv, aber vermeiden Sie das Überladen Ihres Geräts.
Setting | Recommended Option | Description & Reason |
Highlight Medal Enhanced Display Switch | Optional | No gameplay impact; adjust to preference. |
In-Game Chat Kill Announcement | Simplified | Keeps chat clean and uncluttered. |
Game Interface Transparency | Optional | Adjust transparency of minimap, pings, and icons; preview changes in settings. |
Strategy Panel Transparency | Lower Transparency | Reduce transparency to maintain situational awareness while checking the panel; crucial in Ranked matches to avoid attacks while viewing information. |
Store Transparency | Lower Transparency | Lower transparency to avoid attacks while purchasing items, especially important in Ranked matches. |
Indicator Style For Attacking Units | On | Displays AD/AP, Armor, and Magic Resist indicators for informed combat decisions. |
Setting | Recommended Option | Description & Reason |
Portrait Lock | On - Fixed Display | Extremely useful in team fights for quick target selection; fixed display keeps portraits in consistent positions for instinctive targeting. |
General Targeting Priority | Low Health (Absolute) | Prioritizes enemies with the lowest total HP, preventing misdirection to tanky champions with lower percentage health. |
Force Attack Follow | Off | Prevents accidental chasing of locked targets during retreats, avoiding potential deaths. |
Dash In Move Direction | Optional (test both) | Affects dash ability behavior; "On" dashes in movement direction (good for escapes), "Off" prioritizes targets (good for engages). Test both to determine best fit for your champions and playstyle. |
Lock Target System | All | Allows targeting any unit; supports may prefer "No Minion/Structure" to avoid interfering with ADC last hits. |
Ally Buff Targeting Priority | Always Self | Prioritizes buffs/shields on yourself unless playing Support; supports may consider "Low Health (%)" or "Low Health (Absolute)" for quicker teammate protection. |
Setting | Recommended Option | Description & Reason |
Move Stick Type | Default | Standard movement control. |
Button Aiming Sensitivity | Optional | Adjust to preference; higher sensitivity for faster ability spamming, lower for increased accuracy. |
Joystick Deadzone Size | Optional | Adjust to preference; increase to reduce accidental aiming, decrease to reduce accidental auto-targeting. |
Locked Button Centers | Off | Avoids restricting ability aiming. |
Action Cancel Method | Optional | Default is safer, Alternative is faster but riskier; choose based on your precision and speed preference. |
Ping Button Size | Optional | No significant gameplay impact. |
Manual Aim Time Limit | 7-20% | Adjust to preference; lower percentage for faster auto-cast transition. |
Setting | Recommended Option | Description & Reason |
Aim Panning | On | Expands vision, aiding in finishing off escaping low-HP enemies and scouting with long-range abilities. |
Camera Height | High | Maximizes map awareness. |
Ability Mini-Cam | On | Provides a clear view of abilities in action, especially beneficial for long-range abilities. |
Camera Pan Sensitivity | Optional | Adjust to preference; higher sensitivity for quicker panning, lower for more precise control. |
Semi-Lock Camera | Off | Difficult to master, not recommended for most players; can easily lead to losing track of your champion and becoming an easy target. |
Death & Spectate Panning | Optional | Adjust to preference; "Natural" pans in the direction you drag, "Inverted" pans in the opposite direction. |
Setting | Recommended Option | Description & Reason |
Minimap Auto Pathing | On | Enables automatic pathing via minimap clicks, freeing up your fingers for other actions. |
Quick Cast Empowered Attacks | Optional | Can be risky; instant ability use may target unintended targets (minions, objects). |
Level-Up Suggestion | Optional | Useful for new players; experienced players prefer manual skill upgrades. |
Auto Level Up | Off | Experienced players should manually upgrade abilities for better adaptability to in-game situations. |
Warding Aim Assist | Off | Provides more precise ward placement. |
Ping Magnifier | Fixed | Keeps the magnifier in a consistent position for clear minimap viewing. |
Cast on Button Press | Off | Allows for ability cancellation before casting. |
Button Transparency | 100% | Ensures clear visibility of buttons for quick and precise actions. |
Flash Combo | Off | Avoids potential misplays and inaccurate Flash combos. |
Item Recommendation Requests | On | Facilitates item suggestions between teammates, improving teamwork. |
Recall With Pre-Ordered Items | Off | Avoids redundant recall button. |
Ward Alerts | On | Alerts you when enemies cross your wards, improving map awareness. |
Denken Sie daran, das sind Empfehlungen. Passen Sie die Einstellungen an Ihren Playstyle an, um eine optimale Leistung zu erzielen. Viel Glück und viel Spaß!
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