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class fpdf
var $page;               //current page number
var $n;                  //current object number
var $offsets;            //array of object offsets
var $buffer;             //buffer holding in-memory pdf
var $pages;              //array containing pages
var $state;              //current document state
var $compress;           //compression flag
var $k;                  //scale factor (number of points in user unit)
var $deforientation;     //default orientation
var $curorientation;     //current orientation
var $pageformats;        //available page formats
var $defpageformat;      //default page format
var $curpageformat;      //current page format
var $pagesizes;          //array storing non-default page sizes
var $wpt,$hpt;           //dimensions of current page in points
var $w,$h;               //dimensions of current page in user unit
var $lmargin;            //left margin
var $tmargin;            //top margin
var $rmargin;            //right margin
var $bmargin;            //page break margin
var $cmargin;            //cell margin
var $x,$y;               //current position in user unit
var $lasth;              //height of last printed cell
var $linewidth;          //line width in user unit
var $corefonts;          //array of standard font names
var $fonts;              //array of used fonts
var $fontfiles;          //array of font files
var $diffs;              //array of encoding differences
var $fontfamily;         //current font family
var $fontstyle;          //current font style
var $underline;          //underlining flag
var $currentfont;        //current font info
var $fontsizept;         //current font size in points
var $fontsize;           //current font size in user unit
var $drawcolor;          //commands for drawing color
var $fillcolor;          //commands for filling color
var $textcolor;          //commands for text color
var $colorflag;          //indicates whether fill and text colors are different
var $ws;                 //word spacing
var $images;             //array of used images
var $pagelinks;          //array of links in pages
var $links;              //array of internal links
var $autopagebreak;      //automatic page breaking
var $pagebreaktrigger;   //threshold used to trigger page breaks
var $inheader;           //flag set when processing header
var $infooter;           //flag set when processing footer
var $zoommode;           //zoom display mode
var $layoutmode;         //layout display mode
var $title;              //title
var $subject;            //subject
var $author;             //author
var $keywords;           //keywords
var $creator;            //creator
var $aliasnbpages;       //alias for total number of pages
var $pdfversion;         //pdf version number

*                                                                              *
*                               public methods                                 *
*                                                                              *
function fpdf($orientation='p', $unit='mm', $format='a4')
 //some checks
 //initialization of properties
 $this->drawcolor='0 g';
 $this->fillcolor='0 g';
 $this->textcolor='0 g';
 //standard fonts
 $this->corefonts=array('courier'=>'courier', 'courierb'=>'courier-bold', 'courieri'=>'courier-oblique', 'courierbi'=>'courier-boldoblique',
  'helvetica'=>'helvetica', 'helveticab'=>'helvetica-bold', 'helveticai'=>'helvetica-oblique', 'helveticabi'=>'helvetica-boldoblique',
  'times'=>'times-roman', 'timesb'=>'times-bold', 'timesi'=>'times-italic', 'timesbi'=>'times-bolditalic',
  'symbol'=>'symbol', 'zapfdingbats'=>'zapfdingbats');
 //scale factor
 if($unit=='pt')1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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