function OnTreeNodeChecked(id, type) {
var element = window.event.srcElement;
if (!IsCheckBox(element))
var isChecked = element.checked;
var tree = TV2_GetTreeById(id);
var node = TV2_GetNode(tree, element);
switch (type) {
case "1":
element.checked = true;
case "2":
TV2_SetChildNodesCheckStatus(node, isChecked);
case "3":
TV2_SetChildNodesCheckStatus(node, isChecked);
var parent = TV2_GetParentNode(tree, node);
TV2_NodeOnChildNodeCheckedChanged(tree, parent, isChecked);
//set all nodes checkbox nochecked
function SetNodesUnChecked(TreeNode) {
var inputs = WebForm_GetElementsByTagName(TreeNode, "INPUT");
if (inputs == null || inputs.length == 0)
for (var i = 0; i if (IsCheckBox(inputs[i]))
inputs[i].checked = false;
//set child nodes checkbox status
function TV2_SetChildNodesCheckStatus(node, isChecked) {
var childNodes = TV2i_GetChildNodesDiv(node);
if (childNodes == null)
var inputs = WebForm_GetElementsByTagName(childNodes, "INPUT");
if (inputs == null || inputs.length == 0)
for (var i = 0; i if (IsCheckBox(inputs[i]))
inputs[i].checked = isChecked;
//change parent node checkbox status after child node changed
function TV2_NodeOnChildNodeCheckedChanged(tree, node, isChecked) {
if (node == null)
var childNodes = TV2_GetChildNodes(tree, node);
if (childNodes == null || childNodes.length == 0)
var isAllSame = true;
for (var i = 0; i var item = childNodes[i];
var value = TV2_NodeGetChecked(item);
if (isChecked != value) {
isAllSame = false;
var parent = TV2_GetParentNode(tree, node);
if (isAllSame) {
TV2_NodeSetChecked(node, isChecked);
TV2_NodeOnChildNodeCheckedChanged(tree, parent, isChecked);
else {
TV2_NodeSetChecked(node, true);
TV2_NodeOnChildNodeCheckedChanged(tree, parent, true);
//get node relative element(etc. checkbox)
function TV2_GetNode(tree, element) {
var id =, "");
id = id.toLowerCase().replace(element.type, "");
id = + id;
var node = document.getElementById(id);
if (node == null) //leaf node, no "A" node
return element;
return node;
//get parent node
function TV2_GetParentNode(tree, node) {
var div = WebForm_GetParentByTagName(node, "DIV");
//The structure of node: information of node
child nodes
var table = div.previousSibling;
if (table == null)
return null;
return TV2i_GetNodeInElement(tree, table);
//get child nodes array
function TV2_GetChildNodes(tree, node) {
if (TV2_NodeIsLeaf(node))
return null;
var children = new Array();
var div = TV2i_GetChildNodesDiv(node);
var index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i var element = div.childNodes[i];
if (element.tagName != "TABLE")
var child = TV2i_GetNodeInElement(tree, element);
if (child != null)
children[index++] = child;
return children;
function TV2_NodeIsLeaf(node) {
return !(node.tagName == "A"); //Todo
function TV2_NodeGetChecked(node) {
var checkbox = TV2i_NodeGetCheckBox(node);
return checkbox.checked;
function TV2_NodeSetChecked(node, isChecked) {
var checkbox = TV2i_NodeGetCheckBox(node);
if (checkbox != null)
checkbox.checked = isChecked;
function IsCheckBox(element) {
if (element == null)
return false;
return (element.tagName == "INPUT" && element.type.toLowerCase() == "checkbox");
//get tree
function TV2_GetTreeById(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
//private mothods, with TV2i_ prefix
//get div contains child nodes
function TV2i_GetChildNodesDiv(node) {
//如果node.tagName == "A"则不处理
if (TV2_NodeIsLeaf(node))
return null;
var childNodsDivId = + "Nodes";
return document.getElementById(childNodsDivId);
//find node in element
function TV2i_GetNodeInElement(tree, element) {
var node = TV2i_GetNodeInElementA(tree, element);
if (node == null) {
node = TV2i_GetNodeInElementInput(tree, element);
return node;
//find "A" node
function TV2i_GetNodeInElementA(tree, element) {
var as = WebForm_GetElementsByTagName(element, "A");
if (as == null || as.length == 0)
return null;
var regexp = new RegExp("^" + + "n\\d+$");
for (var i = 0; i if (as[i].id.match(regexp)) {
return as[i];
return null;
//find "INPUT" node
function TV2i_GetNodeInElementInput(tree, element) {
var as = WebForm_GetElementsByTagName(element, "INPUT");
if (as == null || as.length == 0)
return null;
var regexp = new RegExp("^" + + "n\\d+");
for (var i = 0; i if (as[i].id.match(regexp)) {
return as[i];
return null;
//get checkbox of node
function TV2i_NodeGetCheckBox(node) {
if (IsCheckBox(node))
return node;
var id = + "CheckBox";
return document.getElementById(id);