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每日一搏 | 100行 PHP 代码实现 socks5 代理服务器

Freigeben: 2016-06-23 13:08:19
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当然,由于php(不算swoole扩展)本身不擅长做网络服务端编程,所以这个代理,只是个玩具,离日常使用有点距离。如果想使用稳定可靠的加密(所以能禾斗学上网)代理,可以用这个:https://github.com/momaer/asocks-go 也是100来行代码使用go实现。

写的过程中发现php多线程还是难的。比如我开始想每个连接新建一个线程。但这个线程得保存起来(比如保存到数组),比如官方例子中的这个:https://github.com/krakjoe/pthreads/blob/master/examples/SocketServer.php 要放到$clients这个数组里,不然,你试试(curl -L一个要301的地址)就知道出现什么情况了。

这个例子说了in the real world, do something here to ensure clients not running are destroyed 但是,如何把不再运行的连接销毁却没有讲。恩。我试了把$clients放到一个类里,把类传给线程类,然后在线程类要结束时把$clients里对应的连接给unset掉,无果。

那,以下就是使用线程池来实现的代理,按道理讲,退出时池要shutdown(),监听socket也要shutdown的,但百行代码,就不勉强了,随着ctrl + c,就让操作系统来回收资源吧。

php不擅长网络编程体现在哪里呢?首先我用的是stream socketXXX相关的函数,为啥不用socket扩展呢?因为socket扩展有问题,参见:https://github.com/krakjoe/pthreads/issues/581 而stream settimeout对stream socketrecvfrom这些高级操作,不起作用,参见:http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-set-timeout.php 而这些,在写代理时都需要考虑的。比如连接远程目标服务器时,没有超时控制,很容易就线程池跑满了。

测试的话,使用curl即可,对了,目前只支持远程dns解析,为啥呢?因为这个玩具后期可是要实现禾斗学上网的哟: curl --socks5-hostname http://ip.cn

```php Class Pipe extends Threaded { private $client; private $remote; public function _ construct($client, $remote) { $this->client = $client; $this->remote = $remote; } public function run() { for ( ; ; ) { $data = streamsocket recvfrom($this->client, 4096); if ($data === false || strlen($data) === 0) { break; } $sendBytes = streamsocket sendto($this->remote, $data); if ($sendBytesclient, STREAMSHUT RD); streamsocket shutdown($this->remote, STREAMSHUT_WR); } }

Class Client extends Threaded { public $fd; public function __construct($fd) { $this->fd = $fd; }

public function run(){    $data = stream_socket_recvfrom($this->fd, 2);    $data = unpack('c*', $data);    if ($data[1] !== 0x05) {        stream_socket_shutdown($this->fd, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);        echo '协议不正确.', PHP_EOL;        return;    }    $nmethods = $data[2];    $data = stream_socket_recvfrom($this->fd, $nmethods);    stream_socket_sendto($this->fd, "\x05\x00");    $data = stream_socket_recvfrom($this->fd, 4);    $data = unpack('c*', $data);    $addressType = $data[4];    if ($addressType === 0x03) { // domain        $domainLength = unpack('c', stream_socket_recvfrom($this->fd, 1))[1];        $data = stream_socket_recvfrom($this->fd, $domainLength + 2);        $domain = substr($data, 0, $domainLength);        $port = unpack("n", substr($data, -2))[1];    } else {        stream_socket_shutdown($this->fd, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);        echo '请使用远程dns解析.', PHP_EOL;    }    stream_socket_sendto($this->fd, "\x05\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00");    echo "{$domain}:{$port}", PHP_EOL;    $remote = stream_socket_client("tcp://{$domain}:{$port}");    if ($remote === false) {        stream_socket_shutdown($this->fd, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);        return;    }    $pool = $this->worker->pipePool;    $pipe1 = new Pipe($remote, $this->fd);    $pipe2 = new Pipe($this->fd, $remote);    $pool->submit($pipe1);    $pool->submit($pipe2);}
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class ProxyWorker extends Worker { public $pipePool; public function __construct($pipePool) { $this->pipePool = $pipePool; } }

$server = stream socketserver('tcp://', $errno, $errstr); if ($server === false) exit($errstr);

$pipePool = new Pool(200, Worker::class); $pool = new Pool(50, 'ProxyWorker', [$pipePool]);

for( ; ; ) { $fd = @stream socketaccept($server, 60); if ($fd === false) continue; $pool->submit(new Client($fd)); } ```

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