// PNGHandler: Object-Oriented Javascript-based PNG wrapper
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Version 1.1.20031218
// Code by Scott Schiller -
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Provides gracefully-degrading PNG functionality where
// PNG is supported natively or via filters (Damn you, IE!)
// Should work with PNGs as images and DIV background images.
function PNGHandler() {
var self = this; = navigator.appName.toLowerCase();
this.nv = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase();
this.isIE ='internet explorer')+1?1:0;
this.isWin = this.nv.indexOf('windows')+1?1:0;
this.ver = this.isIE?parseFloat(this.nv.split('msie ')[1]):parseFloat(this.nv);
this.isMac = this.nv.indexOf('mac')+1?1:0;
this.isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera ')+1 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera/')+1);
if (this.isOpera) this.isIE = false; // Opera filter catch (which is sneaky, pretending to be IE by default)
this.transform = null;
this.getElementsByClassName = function(className,oParent) {
doc = (oParent||document);
matches = [];
nodes = doc.all||doc.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (i=0; i
matches[matches.length] = nodes[i];
return matches; // kids, don't play with fire. ;)
this.filterMethod = function(oOld) {
// IE 5.5+ proprietary filter garbage (boo!)
// Create new element based on old one. Doesn't seem to render properly otherwise (due to filter?)
// use proprietary "currentStyle" object, so rules inherited via CSS are picked up.
var o = document.createElement('div'); // oOld.nodeName
var filterID = 'DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader';
// = oOld.currentStyle.width;
// = oOld.currentStyle.height;
if (oOld.nodeName == 'DIV') {
var b = oOld.currentStyle.backgroundImage.toString(); // parse out background image URL = 'none';
// Parse out background image URL from currentStyle object.
var i1 = b.indexOf('url("')+5;
var newSrc = b.substr(i1,b.length-i1-2).replace('.gif','.png'); // find first instance of ") after (", chop from string
o = oOld; = 'lr-tb'; // Has to be applied so filter "has layout" and is displayed. Seriously. Refer to = "progid:"+filterID+"(src='"+newSrc+"',sizingMethod='crop')";
// Replace the old (existing) with the new (just created) element.
// oOld.parentNode.replaceChild(o,oOld);
} else if (oOld.nodeName == 'IMG') {
var newSrc = oOld.getAttribute('src').replace('.gif','.png');
// apply filter
oOld.src = 'none.gif'; // get rid of image = "progid:"+filterID+"(src='"+newSrc+"',sizingMethod='crop')"; = 'lr-tb'; // Has to be applied so filter "has layout" and is displayed. Seriously. Refer to
this.pngMethod = function(o) {
// Native transparency support. Easy to implement. (woo!)
bgImage = this.getBackgroundImage(o);
if (bgImage) {
// set background image, replacing .gif = 'url('+bgImage.replace('.gif','.png')+')';
} else if (o.nodeName == 'IMG') {
o.src = o.src.replace('.gif','.png');
} else if (!this.isMac) {
// window.status = 'PNGHandler.applyPNG(): Node is not a DIV or IMG.';
this.getBackgroundImage = function(o) {
var b, i1; // background-related variables
var bgUrl = null;
if (o.nodeName == 'DIV' && !(this.isIE && this.isMac)) { // ie:mac PNG support broken for DIVs with PNG backgrounds
if (document.defaultView) {
if (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
b = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(o,'').getPropertyValue('background-image');
i1 = b.indexOf('url(')+4;
bgUrl = b.substr(i1,b.length-i1-1);
} else {
// no computed style
} else {
// no default view
return bgUrl;
this.supportTest = function() {
// Determine method to use.
// IE 5.5+/win32: filter
if (this.isIE && this.isWin && this.ver >= 5.5) {
// IE proprietary filter method (via DXFilter)
self.transform = self.filterMethod;
} else if (!this.isIE && this.ver self.transform = null;
// No PNG support or broken support
// Leave existing content as-is
} else if (!this.isIE && this.ver >= 5 || (this.isIE && this.isMac && this.ver >= 5)) { // version 5+ browser (not IE), or IE:mac 5+
self.transform = self.pngMethod;
} else {
// Presumably no PNG support. GIF used instead.
self.transform = null;
return false;
return true;
this.init = function() {
if (this.supportTest()) {
this.elements = this.getElementsByClassName('png');
for (var i=0; i
// Instantiate and initialize PNG Handler
var pngHandler = new PNGHandler();