PHP轻量级图表类PHP Light Chart:PLChart

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<?php /** * PLChart - PHP图表生成工具 - Create charts in PHP * * ==================================================================== * Filename : plchart.php * Summary: PLChart图表类文件 - PLChart class file * Author: zeroleonhart ( ) * Version: 0.060811 * Copyright (c)2006 * ==================================================================== * * */class plchart {  // ============================ 参数定义 - define references ============================ // 图表变量 - chart variable var $chart; // 图表类型 - chart type var $type; // 3D效果 - 3D effect var $d3d; // 图表宽度 - chart width var $width; // 图表高度 - chart height var $height; // 图表质量 - chart quality var $quality;  // 图表背景色 - image backgroundcolor var $bgcolor = array();  // 图表参数 - chart parameter var $param = array(); // 保存为文件的路径 - saving file directory var $savefile; // 图形参数 - graphics references var $graphics = array(); // 标题参数 - title references var $title = array(); // 注释参数 - description references var $desc = array(); // 图表颜色数组 - colors array in chart var $colors = array(); // 颜色定义 - define color var $colordefine = array(  "lightgray" => array(192, 192, 192), "darkgray" => array(144, 144, 144), "lightred" => array(255, 0, 0), "darkred" => array(128, 0, 0), "lightgreen" => array(0, 255, 0), "darkgreen" => array(0, 80, 0), "lightblue" => array(0, 0, 255), "darkblue" => array(0, 0, 80), "lightyellow" => array(255, 255, 0), "darkyellow" => array(200, 200, 50), "lightcyan" => array(0, 255, 255), "darkcyan" => array(0, 90, 90),                ); // ============================ 设置函数 - setting functions ============================ /* * @todo 设置图像背景色 - set the backgroundcolor of the chart image * * @param int $red * @param int $green * @param int $blue * */function setbgcolor($red = 0, $green = 0, $blue = 0) {  $this->bgcolor[0] = $red;  $this->bgcolor[1] = $green;  $this->bgcolor[2] = $blue; } /* * @todo 设置图像参数 - set the parameters of the chart image * * @param string $type * @param int $d3d * @param int $width * @param int $height * @param int $quality * @param array $data * @param string $savefile * */function setchartdata($type = "pie", $d3d = 1, $width = 400, $height = 400, $quality = 70, $data = array(), $savefile = '') {  $this->type = $type;     // 图表类型 - type of the chart : pie, column, line  $this->d3d = $d3d;     // 3D效果 -  $this->width = $width;     // 图表宽度  $this->height = $height;     // 图表高度  $this->quality = $quality;     // 图表显示质量  $this->param = $data;     // 源数据数组  $this->savefile = $savefile;     // 保存文件路径 } /* * @todo 设置图像标题 - set the title of the chart * * @param string $tstring * @param float $tfontsize * @param float $tangle * @param int $tposx * @param int $tposy * @param string $tfontfile * @param int $tfred * @param int $tfgreen * @param int $tfblue * */function settitle($tstring = '', $tfontsize = 20, $tangle = 0, $tposx = 10, $tposy = 20, $tfontfile = 'c:/windows/fonts/simhei.ttf', $tfred = 0, $tfgreen = 0, $tfblue = 0) {  $this->title = array($tfontsize, $tangle, $tposx, $tposy, $tfontfile, $tstring, $tfred, $tfgreen, $tfblue); } /* * @todo 设置图像注释 - set the decsription of the chart * * @param int $dposx * @param int $dposy * @param int $dwidth * @param int $dheight * @param int $dmargin * @param int $dsize * @param int $dangle * @param string $dfontfile * @param int $dfred * @param int $dfgreen * @param int $dfblue * */function setdesc($dposx = 0, $dposy = 0, $dwidth = 100, $dheight = 300, $dmargin = 10, $dsize = 10, $dangle = 0, $dfontfile = 'c:/windows/fonts/simhei.ttf', $dfred = 0, $dfgreen = 0, $dfblue = 0) {  $this->desc = array($dposx, $dposy, $dwidth, $dheight, $dmargin, $dsize, $dangle, $dfontfile, $dfred, $dfgreen, $dfblue); } /* * @todo 设置图形 - set the graphics of the chart * * @param int $gstartx * @param int $gstarty * @param int $gwidth * @param int $gheight * @param int $gmargin * @param float $shadow * */function setgraphics($gstartx = 0, $gstarty = 0, $gwidth = 100, $gheight = 100, $gmargin = 10, $shadow = 0.1) {  $this->graphics = array($gstartx, $gstarty, $gwidth, $gheight, $gmargin, $shadow); } // ============================ 生成函数 - build functions ============================ /* * @todo 生成图表实例 - build chart object * */ function buildchart()     {  // 图像头信息 - header of the image file  header("Content-type: image/jpeg");  // 建立图像 - create image  $this->chart = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);  // 填充背景色 - set backgroundcolor  $bgc = imagecolorallocate($this->chart, $this->bgcolor[0], $this->bgcolor[1], $this->bgcolor[2]);         imagefill($this->chart, 0, 0, $bgc);  // 定义颜色 - allocate colors in the graphics  foreach($this->colordefine as $key => $value)      {            $$key = imagecolorallocate($this->chart, $value[0], $value[1], $value[2]);  array_push($this->colors, $$key);    // 颜色变量入栈 - add color variables into array      } } /* * @todo 生成图表标题 - build title of the chart * */ function buildtitle()     {  // 设置标题颜色 - set title color  $titlecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->chart, $this->title[6], $this->title[7], $this->title[8]);  // 写标题 - write title    imagettftext($this->chart, $this->title[0], $this->title[1], $this->title[2], $this->title[3], $titlecolor, $this->title[4], $this->title[5]); } /* * @todo 生成图表说明 - build description of the chart * */ function builddesc()     {  // 注释位置变量 - image position variables  $dposx = $this->desc[0];  $dposy = $this->desc[1];     // 注释起始坐标 - the start position of the description  $w = $this->desc[2];     // 注释部分宽度 - width of all description  $h = $this->desc[3];     // 注释部分高度 - height of all description  $num = count($this->param);     // 注释数量 - number of description lines  $perh = round($h / $num);      // 每行注释的平均高度 - height of each description line  $margin = $this->desc[4];     // 注释的间距 - margin between square and font  $dsize = $this->desc[5];     // 注释的字体大小 - font size of description  $dangle = $this->desc[6];     // 注释的字体角度 - font display angle of description  $dfontfile = $this->desc[7];     // 注释的字体文件 - font file of description  $dfcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->chart, $this->desc[8], $this->desc[9], $this->desc[10]);     // 注释的字体颜色 - font color of description    // 写注释 - write description  $dstring = array_keys($this->param);  for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)    {  // 矩形色块 - colorful square         imagefilledrectangle($this->chart, $dposx, $dposy, $dposx + $dsize, $dposy + $dsize, $this->colors[$i * 2]);  // 写文字 - write string      imagettftext($this->chart, $dsize, $dangle, $dposx + $dsize + $margin, $dposy + $dsize, $dfcolor, $dfontfile, $dstring[$i] . " - " . $this->param[$dstring[$i]]);  // 下移 - move down to write next description  $dposy += $perh;    }     } /* * @todo 生成图形 - build graphics of the chart * * @param source $chart * @param int $d3d * @param array $param * @param array $colordefine * */ function buildgraphics()     {  // 定义生成图形函数 - define make graphics function   // ==================== 饼状图 - pie ====================  if($this->type == "pie")   {    // 取得图形位置 - get the positoin of the graphics  $posx = $this->graphics[0];  $posy = $this->graphics[1];  // 取得图形宽度和高度 - get width and height of the graphics  $w = $this->graphics[2];  $h = $this->graphics[3];  // 图形边距 - graphics margin  $margin = $this->graphics[4];  // 3D阴影高度对于椭圆高度的比例 - percent of 3D effect shadow height as the height of the ellipse  $shadow = $this->graphics[5];  // 图形位置变量 - image position variables  $centerx = round($posx + $w / 2 + $margin);  $centery = round($posy + $h / 2 + $margin);     // 椭圆中心坐标 - the center of the ellipse           // 数据处理 - data process  $total = array_sum($this->param);     // 取得总数 - get total  $percent = array(0);     // 保存比例 - save each percent  $temp = 0;  foreach($this->param as $v)           {  $temp += 360 * ($v / $total);  array_push($percent, $temp);     // 保存角度 - save angle           }  // 生成饼状图 - make pie chart     // 生成3D饼状图 - make 3D pie chart  if($this->d3d == 1)               {  // 3D阴影 - make 3D shadow  for ($j = ($centery * (1 + $shadow)); $j > $centery; $j--)                    {  for ($k = 0; $k < count($percent)-1; $k++)                      {                        imagefilledarc($this->chart, $centerx, $j, $w, $h, $percent[$k], $percent[$k + 1], $this->colors[$k * 2 + 1], IMG_ARC_NOFILL);                }                     }              }  // 生成平面饼状图 - make 2D pie chart  for ($i = 0; $i < count($percent)-1; $i++)        {      imagefilledarc($this->chart, $centerx, $centery, $w, $h, $percent[$i], $percent[$i + 1], $this->colors[$i * 2], IMG_ARC_PIE);        }   }  // ==================== 柱状图 - column ====================  elseif($this->type == "column")   {  // 取得图形位置 - get the positoin of the graphics  $posx = $this->graphics[0];  $posy = $this->graphics[1];  // 取得图形宽度和高度 - get width and height of the graphics  $w = $this->graphics[2];  $h = $this->graphics[3];  // 图形边距 - graphics margin  $margin = $this->graphics[4];  // 3D阴影高度对于柱体宽度的比例 - percent of 3D effect shadow height as the width of the column  $shadow = $this->graphics[5];  // 图形位置变量 - image position variables  $startx = round($posx + $margin);  $starty = round($posy + $h - $margin);     // 图形左下角坐标 - the left-bottom position of the graphics           // 数据处理 - data process  $maxvalue = max($this->param);    // 取得最大值 - get max value  $num = count($this->param);     // 取得条柱个数 - get number of columns  $multiple = floor(log10($maxvalue));     // 取得数值区间 - get data field  $field = floor($maxvalue / pow(10, $multiple)) + 1;     // 区间数 - number of unit fields  $fieldnumber = $field > 5 ? $field : 5;     // 数据区域数量 - number of data fields  $topvalue = $field * pow(10, $multiple);     // 图表最高点数值 - value of the top  $unitx = ($w - $margin * 2) / $num;     // 取得x单位长度 - get x unit length  $unity = ($h - $margin * 2) / $fieldnumber;     // 取得y单位长度 - get y unit length  $shadowheight = $unitx / 2 * $shadow;     // 阴影宽度 - shadow height     // 初始化坐标系 - initialize reference frame  if($this->d3d == 1)     // 3D效果 - 3D effect     {            imagefilledpolygon($this->chart, array($startx, $starty, $startx + $shadowheight, $starty - $shadowheight, $startx + $shadowheight, $posy - $shadowheight, $startx, $posy), 4, $this->colors[0]);            imageline($this->chart, $startx + $shadowheight, $starty - $shadowheight, $startx + $shadowheight, $posy - $shadowheight, $this->colors[1]);           }     imageline($this->chart, $startx, $starty, $posx + $w, $starty, $this->colors[1]);     // x     imageline($this->chart, $startx, $starty, $startx, $posy, $this->colors[1]);     // y     // 区间标识 - declare fields  for($i = 0; $i <= $fieldnumber; $i++)         {  // 区间标识线 - lines declaring fields       // 3D效果 - 3D effect  if($this->d3d == 1)             {              imageline($this->chart, $startx, $starty - $unity * $i, $startx + $shadowheight, $starty - $unity * $i - $shadowheight, $this->colors[1]);        imageline($this->chart, $startx + $shadowheight, $starty - $unity * $i - $shadowheight, $posx + $w + $shadowheight, $starty - $unity * $i - $shadowheight, $this->colors[1]);       }  // 2D - 2D  else      {                    imageline($this->chart, $startx, $starty - $unity * $i, $posx + $w, $starty - $unity * $i, $this->colors[0]);             }  // 区间说明 - field description             imagettftext($this->chart, $this->desc[5], $this->desc[6], $posx, $starty - $unity * $i, $this->colors[0], $this->desc[7], $topvalue / $fieldnumber * $i);         }  // 生成条柱 - make columns  $paramkeys = array_keys($this->param);  for($j = 0; $j < $num; $j++)           {  $columnheight = ($h - $margin * 2) * ($this->param[$paramkeys[$j]] / $topvalue);     // 条柱高度 - column height  $columnx = $startx + $unitx / 4 + $unitx * $j;     // 条柱起点x坐标 - x coordinate of column               imagefilledrectangle($this->chart, $columnx, $starty - $columnheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2, $starty - 1, $this->colors[$j * 2]);     // 画条柱 - draw columns      // 3D效果 - 3D effect  if($this->d3d == 1)            {  // 轮廓线 - contour line                   imagerectangle($this->chart, $columnx, $starty - $columnheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2, $starty - 1, $this->colors[$j * 2 + 1]);  // 3D表面 - 3D top          imagefilledpolygon($this->chart, array($columnx, $starty - $columnheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2, $starty - $columnheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2 + $shadowheight, $starty - $columnheight - $shadowheight, $columnx + $shadowheight, $starty - $columnheight - $shadowheight), 4, $this->colors[$j * 2]);          imagepolygon($this->chart, array($columnx, $starty - $columnheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2, $starty - $columnheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2 + $shadowheight, $starty - $columnheight - $shadowheight, $columnx + $shadowheight, $starty - $columnheight - $shadowheight), 4, $this->colors[$j * 2 + 1]);  // 3D阴影 - 3D shadow          imagefilledpolygon($this->chart, array($columnx + $unitx / 2, $starty, $columnx + $unitx / 2 + $shadowheight, $starty - $shadowheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2 + $shadowheight, $starty - $columnheight - $shadowheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2, $starty - $columnheight), 4, $this->colors[$j * 2 + 1]);          imagepolygon($this->chart, array($columnx + $unitx / 2, $starty, $columnx + $unitx / 2 + $shadowheight, $starty - $shadowheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2 + $shadowheight, $starty - $columnheight - $shadowheight, $columnx + $unitx / 2, $starty - $columnheight), 4, $this->colors[$j * 2 + 1]);            }           }   }  // ==================== 曲线图 - line ====================  else  {  // 取得图形位置 - get the positoin of the graphics  $posx = $this->graphics[0];  $posy = $this->graphics[1];  // 取得图形宽度和高度 - get width and height of the graphics  $w = $this->graphics[2];  $h = $this->graphics[3];  // 图形边距 - graphics margin  $margin = $this->graphics[4];  // 每个点的直径 - diameter of each point  $pointsize = $this->graphics[5] * 20;  // 图形位置变量 - image position variables  $startx = round($posx + $margin);  $starty = round($posy + $h - $margin);     // 图形左下角坐标 - the left-bottom position of the graphics           // 数据处理 - data process  $maxvalue = max($this->param);    // 取得最大值 - get max value  $minvalue = min($this->param);    // 取得最小值 - get min value  $num = count($this->param);     // 取得点个数 - get number of points  $fieldnumber = $num;     // 数据区域数量 - number of data fields  $fielddata = $maxvalue - $minvalue;     // 取得数据区间 - get data field  $unitdata = $fielddata / $fieldnumber;     // 取得单位区间数值 - get unit field data value  $unitx = ($w - $margin * 2) / $num;     // 取得x单位长度 - get x unit length  $unity = ($h - $margin * 2) / $fieldnumber;     // 取得y单位长度 - get y unit length     // 初始化坐标系 - initialize reference frame     imageline($this->chart, $startx, $starty, $posx + $w, $starty, $this->colors[1]);     // x     imageline($this->chart, $startx, $starty, $startx, $posy, $this->colors[1]);     // y     // 区间标识 - declare fields  for($i = 0; $i <= $fieldnumber; $i++)         {  // 标识线 - declaring fields line       imageline($this->chart, $startx, $starty - $unity * $i, $posx + $w, $starty - $unity * $i, $this->colors[0]);        // 区间说明 - field description             imagettftext($this->chart, $this->desc[5], $this->desc[6], $posx, $starty - $unity * $i, $this->colors[0], $this->desc[7], $minvalue + $unitdata * $i);         }  // 生成线条 - make line  $paramkeys = array_keys($this->param);  $loca = array();     // 保存轨迹的数组 - array to save locas  for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)     // 得到轨迹数组 - get loca array           {  // 点x坐标 - x coordinate of the point  $pointx = $startx + $unitx * $i;  // 点y坐标 - y coordinate of the point  $pointy = $starty - $unity * $fieldnumber * (($this->param[$paramkeys[$i]] - $minvalue) / $fielddata);  // 坐标数据入栈 - push coordinates into array  $loca[$i * 2] = $pointx;  $loca[$i * 2 + 1] = $pointy;  // 画点 - draw point      imagefilledellipse($this->chart, $pointx, $pointy, $pointsize, $pointsize, $this->colors[$i * 2]);           }  $linecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->chart, $this->title[6], $this->title[7], $this->title[8]);     // 定义线条颜色 - define line color  for($i = 0; $i < $num + 3; )     {  // 画线条 - draw line      imageline($this->chart, $loca[$i], $loca[$i + 1], $loca[$i + 2], $loca[$i + 3], $linecolor);  $i += 2;     }   }     } /* * @todo 输出图像至浏览器或文件 - output the chart image to browser or file */ function outputchart() {  // 建立图标 - build chart  $this->buildchart();  // 写入图形 - build graphics  $this->buildgraphics();  // 写入注释 - build description  $this->builddesc();  // 写入标题 - build title  $this->buildtitle();  // 输出图像 - flush image         imagejpeg($this->chart, $this->savefile, $this->quality);         imagedestroy($this->chart);     } } ?>
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<?php // 载入类文件 include('plchart.php'); //设置数据数组 $data = array("1月份:11%" => 20, "2月份:16%" => 23, "3月份:19%" => 27, "4月份:13%" => 18, "5月份:18%" => 24, "6月份:12%" => 25); // 实例化 $chart = new plchart(); // 设置背景色 // 三个参数为0-255 $chart->setbgcolor(255,255,255);     // 设置标题文字 $title = <<< string图表测试 TEST PIE CHART string; // 设置图表数据 /* * 第一个参数为图表类型,只能是三个值:pie, column, line * 第二个参数为是否启用3D显示,0代表不启用,1代表启动 * 第三个参数为图表的宽度 * 第四个参数为图表的高度 * 第五个参数为图表的图片质量,0-100,100为最佳质量,但文件相对也最大 * 第六个参数为原数据数组 */$chart->setchartdata("line", 0, 800, 600, 100, $data); // 设置标题 /* * 第一个参数为标题的字符串 * 第二个参数为标题字体大小 * 第三个参数为标题倾斜角度 * 第四个参数为标题位于图表的起始横坐标 * 第五个参数为标题文字的基准纵坐标 * 第六个参数为标题字体文件 * 最后三个参数为标题字体的RGB颜色 */$chart->settitle($title, 20, 0, 10, 20, 'c:/windows/fonts/simhei.ttf', 0, 0, 0); // 设置注释 /* * 第一个参数为注释位于图表的起始横坐标 * 第二个参数为注释位于图表的起始纵坐标 * 第三个参数为注释部分的宽度 * 第四个参数为注释部分的高度 * 第五个参数为注释内容与注释部分边框的间距 * 第六个参数为注释字体大小 * 第七个参数为注释字体倾斜角度 * 第六个参数为注释字体文件 * 最后三个参数为注释字体的RGB颜色 */$chart->setdesc(500, 100, 200, 300, 10, 18, 0, 'c:/windows/fonts/simhei.ttf', 0, 0, 0); // 设置图形 /* * 第一个参数为图形部分位于整个图表的左上角横坐标 * 第二个参数为图形部分位于整个图表的左上角纵坐标 * 第三个参数为图形部分的宽度 * 第四个参数为图形部分的高度 * 第五个参数为图形与图形部分边框的间距(纵坐标标记的宽度) * 第六个参数为3D阴影的相对比例或是轨迹图中圆点的直径 */$chart->setgraphics(10, 100, 500, 500, 50, 0.3); // 输出图表 $chart->outputchart();     // 销毁实例 unset($chart); ?>
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