Heim > Web-Frontend > HTML-Tutorial > 第四篇 基于.net搭建热插拔式web框架(RazorEngine实现)_html/css_WEB-ITnose

第四篇 基于.net搭建热插拔式web框架(RazorEngine实现)_html/css_WEB-ITnose

Freigeben: 2016-06-24 11:30:39
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回顾上篇文章,我们重造了一个controller,这个controller中用到了视图引擎,我们的视图引擎虽然也叫Razor,但此Razor非mvc中的Razor,MVC中的Razor同样依赖于HttpContext,我们实现的Razor借用 RazorEngine 。关于 RazorEngine的更多介绍请参阅http://antaris.github.io/RazorEngine/。

在上篇文章中无论是View方法还是PartialView方法,都用到了CompileView对象,我们先来看一下 CompileView类的实现。

/// <summary>    /// 视图编译类    /// </summary>    public class CompileView    {        private static Regex layoutEx = new Regex("Layout\\s*=\\s*@?\"(\\S*)\";");//匹配视图中的layout        static InvalidatingCachingProvider cache = new InvalidatingCachingProvider();        static FileSystemWatcher m_Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();        static CompileView()        {            var config = new TemplateServiceConfiguration();            config.BaseTemplateType = typeof(HuberImplementingTemplateBase<>);            config.ReferenceResolver = new HuberReferenceResolver();            config.CachingProvider = cache;            cache.InvalidateAll();            Engine.Razor = RazorEngineService.Create(config);            //添加文件修改监控,以便在cshtml文件修改时重新编译该文件            m_Watcher.Path = HuberVariable.CurWebDir;            m_Watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true;            m_Watcher.Filter = "*.*";            m_Watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName;            m_Watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);            m_Watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);            m_Watcher.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);            m_Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;        }        //当视图被修改后清除缓存        private static void OnChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)        {            if (e.FullPath.EndsWith(".cshtml"))            {                string s = e.FullPath.Replace(HuberVariable.CurWebDir, "/");                var key = Engine.Razor.GetKey(s);                cache.InvalidateCache(key);            }        }        public CompileView()        {        }        public string RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, Type modelType, object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)        {            //判断唯一视图的缓存            string path = (HuberVariable.CurWebDir + key.Name).Replace(@"\\", @"\");            ICompiledTemplate cacheTemplate;            cache.TryRetrieveTemplate(key, null, out cacheTemplate);            if (cacheTemplate == null || !cacheTemplate.Key.Name.Trim().Equals(key.Name.Trim()))            {                CompileViewAndLayout(key, null, model, viewBag);            }            //当缓存存在返回结果            return Engine.Razor.RunCompile(key, null, model, viewBag);        }        /// <summary>        /// 编译视图和层layout        /// </summary>        /// <param name="key">视图的唯一路径</param>        /// <param name="modelType">视图类型 :视图/layout</param>        /// <param name="model">页面 MODEL</param>        /// <param name="viewBag">viewBag</param>        public void CompileViewAndLayout(ITemplateKey key, Type modelType, object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)        {            //获取视图            string FullPath = (HuberVariable.CurWebDir + key.Name.Replace("/", @"\")).Replace(@"\\", @"\");            string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FullPath);            //匹配layout            var matchs = layoutEx.Matches(content);            string layoutPath = string.Empty;            if (matchs != null)            {                foreach (Match m in matchs)                {                    layoutPath = m.Groups[1].Value;                }            }            if (layoutPath != string.Empty)            {                //添加layout到模板                string FullLayoutPath = (HuberVariable.CurWebDir + layoutPath.Replace("/", @"\")).Replace(@"\\", @"\");                if (File.Exists(FullLayoutPath))                {                    ITemplateKey layoutKey = Engine.Razor.GetKey(layoutPath, ResolveType.Layout);                    CompileViewAndLayout(layoutKey, null, model, viewBag);                }            }            if (key.TemplateType == ResolveType.Layout)            {                Engine.Razor.AddTemplate(key, content);            }            else            {                //编译视图                Engine.Razor.RunCompile(content, key, null, model);            }        }    }
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  1 /// <summary>页面帮助类  2     /// A simple helper demonstrating the @Html.Raw  3     /// </summary>  4     /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>  5     public class HuberImplementingTemplateBase<T> : TemplateBase<T>  6     {  7         /// <summary>  8         /// A simple helper demonstrating the @Html.Raw  9         /// </summary> 10         public HuberImplementingTemplateBase() 11         { 12             Html = new RazorHtmlHelper(); 13         } 14  15         /// <summary> 16         /// A simple helper demonstrating the @Html.Raw 17         ///  18         /// </summary> 19         public RazorHtmlHelper Html { get; set; } 20    21     } 22  23 public class RazorHtmlHelper 24     { 25  26         /// <summary> 27         /// 调用Action视图 28         /// </summary> 29         /// <param name="actionName">action方法名称</param> 30         /// <param name="controllerName">控制器名称</param> 31         /// <returns></returns> 32         public IEncodedString Action(string actionName, string controllerName) 33         { 34             return Action(actionName, controllerName, new { }); 35  36         } 37  38         /// <summary> 39         /// 调用Action视图 40         /// </summary> 41         /// <param name="actionName"></param> 42         /// <param name="controllerName"></param> 43         /// <param name="routeValues">传入参数</param> 44         /// <returns></returns> 45         public IEncodedString Action(string actionName, string controllerName, object routeValues) 46         { 47             RefRequestEntity paras = SetParamValue(routeValues); 48  49             var t = HuberHttpModule.CurDomainAssembly.GetType(HuberHttpModule.CurDomainAssemblyName + ".Controllers." + controllerName + "Controller"); 50             var m = t.GetMethod(actionName); 51             object dObj = Activator.CreateInstance(t); 52             object result = m.Invoke(dObj, new object[] { paras }); 53             return new RawString((result as RefRespondEntity).ResultContext.ToString()); 54         } 55  56         /// <summary> 57         /// 根据model设置传入参数 58         /// </summary> 59         /// <param name="routeValues"></param> 60         /// <returns></returns> 61         private static RefRequestEntity SetParamValue(object routeValues) 62         { 63             RefRequestEntity paras = new RefRequestEntity(); 64  65             Type t1 = routeValues.GetType(); 66             PropertyInfo[] pis = t1.GetProperties(); 67             foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pis) 68             { 69                 paras.Request.Add(pi.Name, pi.GetValue(routeValues)); 70  71             } 72             return paras; 73         } 74  75  76         public IEncodedString RenderAction(string actionName, string controllerName) 77         { 78             return Action(actionName, controllerName, new { }); 79         } 80  81         public IEncodedString RenderAction(string actionName, string controllerName, object routeValues) 82         { 83             return Action(actionName, controllerName, routeValues); 84         } 85  86         public IEncodedString RenderPartial(string partialViewName, string controllerName) 87         { 88             return RenderPartial(partialViewName, controllerName, new { }, new DynamicViewBag()); 89         } 90  91         // Renders the partial view with the given view data and, implicitly, the given view data's model 92         public IEncodedString RenderPartial(string partialViewName, string controllerName, DynamicViewBag ViewBag) 93         { 94             return RenderPartial(partialViewName, controllerName, new { }, ViewBag); 95         } 96  97         // Renders the partial view with an empty view data and the given model 98         public IEncodedString RenderPartial(string partialViewName, string controllerName, object model) 99         {100             return RenderPartial(partialViewName, controllerName, model, new DynamicViewBag());101         }102 103 104         // Renders the partial view with a copy of the given view data plus the given model105         /// <summary>106         /// 部分视图107         /// </summary>108         /// <param name="partialViewName">部分视图名称</param>109         /// <param name="controllerName">控制器名称</param>110         /// <param name="model"> model</param>111         /// <param name="ViewBag">ViewBag</param>112         /// <returns></returns>113         public IEncodedString RenderPartial(string partialViewName, string controllerName, object model, DynamicViewBag ViewBag)114         {115 116 117             RefRequestEntity paras = SetParamValue(model);118 119             var t = HuberHttpModule.CurDomainAssembly.GetType(HuberHttpModule.CurDomainAssemblyName + ".Controllers." + controllerName + "Controller");120             var ActionFunc = t.GetMethod(partialViewName);121             object dObj = Activator.CreateInstance(t);122 123             var AddViewBageFunc = t.GetMethod("AddViewBageValues");124 125             foreach (string key in ViewBag.GetDynamicMemberNames())126             {127 128                 AddViewBageFunc.Invoke(dObj, new object[] { key, Impromptu.InvokeGet(ViewBag, key) });129             }130 131             object result = ActionFunc.Invoke(dObj, new object[] { paras });132             return new RawString((result as RefRespondEntity).ResultContext.ToString());133         }134 135     }View Code
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 1 public class HuberReferenceResolver : IReferenceResolver 2     { 3  4         static List<CompilerReference> compilerReference; 5         static HuberReferenceResolver() 6         { 7             //加载本地所有类库,@using 使用 8             compilerReference = new List<CompilerReference>(); 9             IEnumerable<string> loadedAssemblies = (new UseCurrentAssembliesReferenceResolver())10                 .GetReferences(null, null)11                 .Select(r => r.GetFile())12                 .ToArray();13             foreach (var l in loadedAssemblies)14             {15                 compilerReference.Add(CompilerReference.From(l));16             }17 18 19 20         }21 22         public string FindLoaded(IEnumerable<string> refs, string find)23         {24             return refs.First(r => r.EndsWith(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + find));25         }26         public IEnumerable<CompilerReference> GetReferences(TypeContext context, IEnumerable<CompilerReference> includeAssemblies)27         {28 29             #region 加载依赖程序集  此处是加载所有程序集,效率需要改进30 31             return compilerReference;32             #endregion33         }34     }View Code
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获取视图文件对应编译后的缓存key: Engine.Razor.GetKey();

编译模板文件(即layout部分): Engine.Razor.AddTemplate();

编译视图文件: Engine.Razor.RunCompile()。

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