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content="农历; 阳历; 月历; 节日; 时区; 节气; 八字; 干支; 生肖; gregorian solar; chinese lunar; calendar;"


<script> <BR>function click() { <br><br>if (event.button==2) {alert('版权所有') }} <br><br>document.onmousedown=click <br><br></script>

<script> <BR><!-- <BR>/***************************************************************************** <BR> 日期资料 <BR>*****************************************************************************/ <br><br>var lunarInfo=new Array( <BR>0x04bd8,0x04ae0,0x0a570,0x054d5,0x0d260,0x0d950,0x16554,0x056a0,0x09ad0,0x055d2, <BR>0x04ae0,0x0a5b6,0x0a4d0,0x0d250,0x1d255,0x0b540,0x0d6a0,0x0ada2,0x095b0,0x14977, <BR>0x04970,0x0a4b0,0x0b4b5,0x06a50,0x06d40,0x1ab54,0x02b60,0x09570,0x052f2,0x04970, <BR>0x06566,0x0d4a0,0x0ea50,0x06e95,0x05ad0,0x02b60,0x186e3,0x092e0,0x1c8d7,0x0c950, <BR>0x0d4a0,0x1d8a6,0x0b550,0x056a0,0x1a5b4,0x025d0,0x092d0,0x0d2b2,0x0a950,0x0b557, <BR>0x06ca0,0x0b550,0x15355,0x04da0,0x0a5d0,0x14573,0x052d0,0x0a9a8,0x0e950,0x06aa0, <BR>0x0aea6,0x0ab50,0x04b60,0x0aae4,0x0a570,0x05260,0x0f263,0x0d950,0x05b57,0x056a0, <BR>0x096d0,0x04dd5,0x04ad0,0x0a4d0,0x0d4d4,0x0d250,0x0d558,0x0b540,0x0b5a0,0x195a6, <BR>0x095b0,0x049b0,0x0a974,0x0a4b0,0x0b27a,0x06a50,0x06d40,0x0af46,0x0ab60,0x09570, <BR>0x04af5,0x04970,0x064b0,0x074a3,0x0ea50,0x06b58,0x055c0,0x0ab60,0x096d5,0x092e0, <BR>0x0c960,0x0d954,0x0d4a0,0x0da50,0x07552,0x056a0,0x0abb7,0x025d0,0x092d0,0x0cab5, <BR>0x0a950,0x0b4a0,0x0baa4,0x0ad50,0x055d9,0x04ba0,0x0a5b0,0x15176,0x052b0,0x0a930, <BR>0x07954,0x06aa0,0x0ad50,0x05b52,0x04b60,0x0a6e6,0x0a4e0,0x0d260,0x0ea65,0x0d530, <BR>0x05aa0,0x076a3,0x096d0,0x04bd7,0x04ad0,0x0a4d0,0x1d0b6,0x0d250,0x0d520,0x0dd45, <BR>0x0b5a0,0x056d0,0x055b2,0x049b0,0x0a577,0x0a4b0,0x0aa50,0x1b255,0x06d20,0x0ada0) <br><br>var solarMonth=new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); <BR>var Gan=new Array("甲","乙","丙","丁","戊","己","庚","辛","壬","癸"); <BR>var Zhi=new Array("子","丑","寅","卯","辰","巳","午","未","申","酉","戌","亥"); <BR>var Animals=new Array("鼠","牛","虎","兔","龙","蛇","马","羊","猴","鸡","狗","猪"); <BR>var solarTerm = new Array("小寒","大寒","立春","雨水","惊蛰","春分","清明","谷雨","立夏","小满","芒种","夏至","小暑","大暑","立秋","处暑","白露","秋分","寒露","霜降","立冬","小雪","大雪","冬至") <BR>var sTermInfo = new Array(0,21208,42467,63836,85337,107014,128867,150921,173149,195551,218072,240693,263343,285989,308563,331033,353350,375494,397447,419210,440795,462224,483532,504758) <BR>var nStr1 = new Array('日','一','二','三','四','五','六','七','八','九','十') <BR>var nStr2 = new Array('初','十','廿','卅',' ') <BR>var monthName = new Array("1 月","2 月","3 月","4 月","5 月","6 月","7 月","8 月","9 月","10 月","11 月","12 月"); <br><br>//国历节日 *表示放假日 <BR>var sFtv = new Array( <BR>"0101*元旦", <BR>"0214 情人节", <BR>"0308 妇女节", <BR>"0312 植树节", <BR>"0315 消费者权益日", <BR>"0401 愚人节", <BR>"0501 劳动节", <BR>"0504 青年节", <BR>"0509 郝维节", <BR>"0512 护士节", <BR>"0601 儿童节", <BR>"0701 建党节 香港回归纪念", <BR>"0801 建军节", <BR>"0808 父亲节", <BR>"0816 燕衔泥节", <BR>"0909 毛泽东逝世纪念", <BR>"0910 教师节", <BR>"0928 孔子诞辰", <BR>"1001*国庆节", <BR>"1006 老人节", <BR>"1024 联合国日", <BR>"1112 孙中山诞辰纪念", <BR>"1220 澳门回归纪念", <BR>"1225 圣诞节", <BR>"1226 毛泽东诞辰纪念") <br><br>//农历节日 *表示放假日 <BR>var lFtv = new Array( <BR>"0101*春节、弥勒佛圣诞!", <BR>"0106 定光佛圣诞", <BR>"0115 元宵节", <BR>"0208 释迦牟尼佛出家", <BR>"0215 释迦牟尼佛涅槃", <BR>"0209 海空上师生日!", <BR>"0219 观世音菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0221 普贤菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0316 准提菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0404 文殊菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0408 释迦牟尼佛圣诞", <BR>"0415 佛吉祥日——释迦牟尼佛诞生、成道、涅槃三期同一庆(即南传佛教国家的卫塞节)", <BR>"0505 端午节", <BR>"0513 伽蓝菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0603 护法韦驮尊天菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0619 观世音菩萨成道——此日放生、念佛,功德殊胜", <BR>"0707 七夕情人节", <BR>"0713 大势至菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0715 中元节", <BR>"0724 龙树菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0730 地藏菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0815 中秋节", <BR>"0822 燃灯佛圣诞", <BR>"0909 重阳节", <BR>"0919 观世音菩萨出家纪念日", <BR>"0930 药师琉璃光如来圣诞", <BR>"1005 达摩祖师圣诞", <BR>"1107 阿弥陀佛圣诞", <BR>"1208 释迦如来成道日,腊八节", <BR>"1224 小年", <BR>"1229 华严菩萨圣诞", <BR>"0100*除夕") <br><br>//某月的第几个星期几 <BR>var wFtv = new Array( <BR>"0520 母亲节", <BR>"0716 合作节", <BR>"0730 被奴役国家周") <br><br>/***************************************************************************** <BR> 日期计算 <BR>*****************************************************************************/ <br><br>//====================================== 传回农历 y年的总天数 <BR>function lYearDays(y) { <BR> var i, sum = 348 <BR> for(i=0x8000; i>0x8; i>>=1) sum += (lunarInfo[y-1900] & i)? 1: 0 <BR> return(sum+leapDays(y)) <BR>} <br><br>//====================================== 传回农历 y年闰月的天数 <BR>function leapDays(y) { <BR> if(leapMonth(y)) return((lunarInfo[y-1900] & 0x10000)? 30: 29) <BR> else return(0) <BR>} <br><br>//====================================== 传回农历 y年闰哪个月 1-12 , 没闰传回 0 <BR>function leapMonth(y) { <BR> return(lunarInfo[y-1900] & 0xf) <BR>} <br><br>//====================================== 传回农历 y年m月的总天数 <BR>function monthDays(y,m) { <BR> return( (lunarInfo[y-1900] & (0x10000>>m))? 30: 29 ) <BR>} <br><br>//====================================== 算出农历, 传入日期物件, 传回农历日期物件 <BR>// 该物件属性有 .year .month .day .isLeap .yearCyl .dayCyl .monCyl <BR>function Lunar(objDate) { <br><br> var i, leap=0, temp=0 <BR> var baseDate = new Date(1900,0,31) <BR> var offset = (objDate - baseDate)/86400000 <br><br> this.dayCyl = offset + 40 <BR> this.monCyl = 14 <br><br> for(i=1900; i<2050 && offset>0; i++) { <BR> temp = lYearDays(i) <BR> offset -= temp <BR> this.monCyl += 12 <BR> } <br><br> if(offset<0) { <BR> offset += temp; <BR> i--; <BR> this.monCyl -= 12 <BR> } <br><br> this.year = i <BR> this.yearCyl = i-1864 <br><br> leap = leapMonth(i) //闰哪个月 <BR> this.isLeap = false <br><br> for(i=1; i<13 && offset>0; i++) { <BR> //闰月 <BR> if(leap>0 && i==(leap+1) && this.isLeap==false) <BR> { --i; this.isLeap = true; temp = leapDays(this.year); } <BR> else <BR> { temp = monthDays(this.year, i); } <br><br> //解除闰月 <BR> if(this.isLeap==true && i==(leap+1)) this.isLeap = false <br><br> offset -= temp <BR> if(this.isLeap == false) this.monCyl ++ <BR> } <br><br> if(offset==0 && leap>0 && i==leap+1) <BR> if(this.isLeap) <BR> { this.isLeap = false; } <BR> else <BR> { this.isLeap = true; --i; --this.monCyl;} <br><br> if(offset<0){ offset += temp; --i; --this.monCyl; } <br><br> this.month = i <BR> this.day = offset + 1 <BR>} <br><br>//==============================传回国历 y年某m+1月的天数 <BR>function solarDays(y,m) { <BR> if(m==1) <BR> return(((y%4 == 0) && (y%100 != 0) || (y%400 == 0))? 29: 28) <BR> else <BR> return(solarMonth[m]) <BR>} <BR>//============================== 传入 offset 传回干支, 0=甲子 <BR>function cyclical(num) { <BR> return(Gan[num%10]+Zhi[num%12]) <BR>} <br><br>//============================== 月历属性 <BR>function calElement(sYear,sMonth,sDay,week,lYear,lMonth,lDay,isLeap,cYear,cMonth,cDay) { <br><br> this.isToday = false; <BR> //国历 <BR> this.sYear = sYear; <BR> this.sMonth = sMonth; <BR> this.sDay = sDay; <BR> this.week = week; <BR> //农历 <BR> this.lYear = lYear; <BR> this.lMonth = lMonth; <BR> this.lDay = lDay; <BR> this.isLeap = isLeap; <BR> //干支 <BR> this.cYear = cYear; <BR> this.cMonth = cMonth; <BR> this.cDay = cDay; <br><br> this.color = ''; <br><br> this.lunarFestival = ''; //农历节日 <BR> this.solarFestival = ''; //国历节日 <BR> this.solarTerms = ''; //节气 <br><br>} <br><br>//===== 某年的第n个节气为几日(从0小寒起算) <BR>function sTerm(y,n) { <BR> var offDate = new Date( ( 31556925974.7*(y-1900) + sTermInfo[n]*60000 ) + Date.UTC(1900,0,6,2,5) ) <BR> return(offDate.getUTCDate()) <BR>} <br><br>//============================== 传回月历物件 (y年,m+1月) <BR>function calendar(y,m) { <br><br> var sDObj, lDObj, lY, lM, lD=1, lL, lX=0, tmp1, tmp2 <BR> var lDPOS = new Array(3) <BR> var n = 0 <BR> var firstLM = 0 <br><br> sDObj = new Date(y,m,1) //当月一日日期 <br><br> this.length = solarDays(y,m) //国历当月天数 <BR> this.firstWeek = sDObj.getDay() //国历当月1日星期几 <br><br><BR> for(var i=0;i<this.length;i++) { <br><br> if(lD>lX) { <BR> sDObj = new Date(y,m,i+1) //当月一日日期 <BR> lDObj = new Lunar(sDObj) //农历 <BR> lY = lDObj.year //农历年 <BR> lM = lDObj.month //农历月 <BR> lD = lDObj.day //农历日 <BR> lL = lDObj.isLeap //农历是否闰月 <BR> lX = lL? leapDays(lY): monthDays(lY,lM) //农历当月最後一天 <br><br> if(n==0) firstLM = lM <BR> lDPOS[n++] = i-lD+1 <BR> } <br><br> //sYear,sMonth,sDay,week, <BR> //lYear,lMonth,lDay,isLeap, <BR> //cYear,cMonth,cDay <BR> this[i] = new calElement(y, m+1, i+1, nStr1[(i+this.firstWeek)%7], <BR> lY, lM, lD++, lL, <BR> cyclical(lDObj.yearCyl) ,cyclical(lDObj.monCyl), cyclical(lDObj.dayCyl++) ) <br><br><BR> if((i+this.firstWeek)%7==0) this[i].color = 'red' //周日颜色 <BR> if((i+this.firstWeek)%14==13) this[i].color = 'red' //周休二日颜色 <BR> } <br><br> //节气 <BR> tmp1=sTerm(y,m*2 )-1 <BR> tmp2=sTerm(y,m*2+1)-1 <BR> this[tmp1].solarTerms = solarTerm[m*2] <BR> this[tmp2].solarTerms = solarTerm[m*2+1] <BR> if(m==3) this[tmp1].color = 'red' //清明颜色 <br><br> //国历节日 <BR> for(i in sFtv) <BR> if(sFtv[i].match(/^(\d{2})(\d{2})([\s\*])(.+)$/)) <BR> if(Number(RegExp.$1)==(m+1)) { <BR> this[Number(RegExp.$2)-1].solarFestival += RegExp.$4 + ' ' <BR> if(RegExp.$3=='*') this[Number(RegExp.$2)-1].color = 'red' <BR> } <br><br> //月周节日 <BR> for(i in wFtv) <BR> if(wFtv[i].match(/^(\d{2})(\d)(\d)([\s\*])(.+)$/)) <BR> if(Number(RegExp.$1)==(m+1)) { <BR> tmp1=Number(RegExp.$2) <BR> tmp2=Number(RegExp.$3) <BR> this[((this.firstWeek>tmp2)?7:0) + 7*(tmp1-1) + tmp2 - this.firstWeek].solarFestival += RegExp.$5 + ' ' <BR> } <br><br> //农历节日 <BR> for(i in lFtv) <BR> if(lFtv[i].match(/^(\d{2})(.{2})([\s\*])(.+)$/)) { <BR> tmp1=Number(RegExp.$1)-firstLM <BR> if(tmp1==-11) tmp1=1 <BR> if(tmp1 >=0 && tmp1<n) { <BR> tmp2 = lDPOS[tmp1] + Number(RegExp.$2) -1 <BR> if( tmp2 >= 0 && tmp2<this.length) { <BR> this[tmp2].lunarFestival += RegExp.$4 + ' ' <BR> if(RegExp.$3=='*') this[tmp2].color = 'red' <BR> } <BR> } <BR> } <br><br> //黑色星期五 <BR> if((this.firstWeek+12)%7==5) <BR> this[12].solarFestival += '黑色星期五 ' <br><br> //今日 <BR> if(y==tY && m==tM) this[tD-1].isToday = true; <br><br>} <br><br>//====================== 中文日期 <BR>function cDay(d){ <BR> var s; <br><br> switch (d) { <BR> case 10: <BR> s = '初十'; break; <BR> case 20: <BR> s = '二十'; break; <BR> break; <BR> case 30: <BR> s = '三十'; break; <BR> break; <BR> default : <BR> s = nStr2[Math.floor(d/10)]; <BR> s += nStr1[d%10]; <BR> } <BR> return(s); <BR>} <br><br>/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <br><br>var cld; <br><br>function drawCld(SY,SM) { <BR> var i,sD,s,size; <BR> cld = new calendar(SY,SM); <br><br> if(SY>1874 && SY<1909) yDisplay = '光绪' + (((SY-1874)==1)?'元':SY-1874) <BR> if(SY>1908 && SY<1912) yDisplay = '宣统' + (((SY-1908)==1)?'元':SY-1908) <BR> if(SY>1911 && SY<1950) yDisplay = '民国' + (((SY-1911)==1)?'元':SY-1911) <BR> if(SY>1949) yDisplay = '共和国' + (((SY-1949)==1)?'元':SY-1949) <br><br> GZ.innerHTML = yDisplay +'年 农历' + cyclical(SY-1900+36) + '年 【'+Animals[(SY-4)%12]+'】'; <br><br> YMBG.innerHTML = " " + SY + "<BR> " + monthName[SM]; <br><br><BR> for(i=0;i<42;i++) { <br><br> sObj=eval('SD'+ i); <BR> lObj=eval('LD'+ i); <br><br> sObj.className = ''; <br><br> sD = i - cld.firstWeek; <br><br> if(sD>-1 && sD<cld.length) { //日期内 <BR> sObj.innerHTML = sD+1; <br><br> if(cld[sD].isToday) sObj.className = 'todyaColor'; //今日颜色 <br><br> sObj.style.color = cld[sD].color; //国定假日颜色 <br><br> if(cld[sD].lDay==1) //显示农历月 <BR> lObj.innerHTML = '<b>'+(cld[sD].isLeap?'闰':'') + cld[sD].lMonth + '月' + (monthDays(cld[sD].lYear,cld[sD].lMonth)==29?'小':'大')+''; <BR> else //显示农历日 <BR> lObj.innerHTML = cDay(cld[sD].lDay); <br><br> s=cld[sD].lunarFestival; <BR> if(s.length>0) { //农历节日 <BR> if(s.length>6) s = s.substr(0, 4)+'…'; <BR> s = s.fontcolor('red'); <BR> } <BR> else { //国历节日 <BR> s=cld[sD].solarFestival; <BR> if(s.length>0) { <BR> size = (s.charCodeAt(0)>0 && s.charCodeAt(0)<128)?8:4; <BR> if(s.length>size+2) s = s.substr(0, size)+'…'; <BR> s = s.fontcolor('blue'); <BR> } <BR> else { //廿四节气 <BR> s=cld[sD].solarTerms; <BR> if(s.length>0) s = s.fontcolor('limegreen'); <BR> } <BR> } <BR> if(s.length>0) lObj.innerHTML = s; <br><br> } <BR> else { //非日期 <BR> sObj.innerHTML = ''; <BR> lObj.innerHTML = ''; <BR> } <BR> } <BR>} <br><br><BR>function changeCld() { <BR> var y,m; <BR> y=CLD.SY.selectedIndex+1900; <BR> m=CLD.SM.selectedIndex; <BR> drawCld(y,m); <BR>} <br><br>function pushBtm(K) { <BR> switch (K){ <BR> case 'YU' : <BR> if(CLD.SY.selectedIndex>0) CLD.SY.selectedIndex--; <BR> break; <BR> case 'YD' : <BR> if(CLD.SY.selectedIndex<149) CLD.SY.selectedIndex++; <BR> break; <BR> case 'MU' : <BR> if(CLD.SM.selectedIndex>0) { <BR> CLD.SM.selectedIndex--; <BR> } <BR> else { <BR> CLD.SM.selectedIndex=11; <BR> if(CLD.SY.selectedIndex>0) CLD.SY.selectedIndex--; <BR> } <BR> break; <BR> case 'MD' : <BR> if(CLD.SM.selectedIndex<11) { <BR> CLD.SM.selectedIndex++; <BR> } <BR> else { <BR> CLD.SM.selectedIndex=0; <BR> if(CLD.SY.selectedIndex<149) CLD.SY.selectedIndex++; <BR> } <BR> break; <BR> default : <BR> CLD.SY.selectedIndex=tY-1900; <BR> CLD.SM.selectedIndex=tM; <BR> } <BR> changeCld(); <BR>} <br><br><br><br>var Today = new Date(); <BR>var tY = Today.getFullYear(); <BR>var tM = Today.getMonth(); <BR>var tD = Today.getDate(); <BR>////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <br><br>var width = "130"; <BR>var offsetx = 2; <BR>var offsety = 16; <br><br>var x = 0; <BR>var y = 0; <BR>var snow = 0; <BR>var sw = 0; <BR>var cnt = 0; <br><br>var dStyle; <BR>document.onmousemove = mEvn; <br><br>//显示详细日期资料 <BR>function mOvr(v) { <BR> var s,festival; <BR> var sObj=eval('SD'+ v); <BR> var d=sObj.innerHTML-1; <br><br> //sYear,sMonth,sDay,week, <BR> //lYear,lMonth,lDay,isLeap, <BR> //cYear,cMonth,cDay <br><br> if(sObj.innerHTML!='') { <br><br> sObj.style.cursor = 's-resize'; <br><br> if(cld[d].solarTerms == '' && cld[d].solarFestival == '' && cld[d].lunarFestival == '') <BR> festival = ''; <BR> else <BR> festival = '<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#CCFFCC"><TR><TD>'+ <BR> '<FONT COLOR="#000000" STYLE="font-size:9pt;">'+cld[d].solarTerms + ' ' + cld[d].solarFestival + ' ' + cld[d].lunarFestival+''+ <BR> ''; <br><br> s= '<TABLE WIDTH="130" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000066"><TR><TD>' + <BR> '<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD ALIGN="right"><FONT COLOR="#ffffff" STYLE="font-size:9pt;">'+ <BR> cld[d].sYear+' 年 '+cld[d].sMonth+' 月 '+cld[d].sDay+' 日<br>星期'+cld[d].week+'<br>'+ <BR> '<font color="violet">农历'+(cld[d].isLeap?'闰 ':' ')+cld[d].lMonth+' 月 '+cld[d].lDay+' 日<br>'+ <BR> '<font color="yellow">'+cld[d].cYear+'年 '+cld[d].cMonth+'月 '+cld[d].cDay + '日'+ <BR> ''+ festival +''; <br><br><BR> document.all["detail"].innerHTML = s; <br><br> if (snow == 0) { <BR> dStyle.left = x+offsetx-(width/2); <BR> dStyle.top = y+offsety; <BR> dStyle.visibility = "visible"; <BR> snow = 1; <BR> } <BR> } <BR>} <br><br>//清除详细日期资料 <BR>function mOut() { <BR> if ( cnt >= 1 ) { sw = 0 } <BR> if ( sw == 0 ) { snow = 0; dStyle.visibility = "hidden";} <BR> else cnt++; <BR>} <br><br>//取得位置 <BR>function mEvn() { <BR> x=event.x; <BR> y=event.y; <BR> if (document.body.scrollLeft) <BR> {x=event.x+document.body.scrollLeft; y=event.y+document.body.scrollTop;} <BR> if (snow){ <BR> dStyle.left = x+offsetx-(width/2) <BR> dStyle.top = y+offsety <BR> } <BR>} <br><br>/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <br><br>function changeTZ() { <BR> CITY.innerHTML = CLD.TZ.value.substr(6) <BR> setCookie("TZ",CLD.TZ.selectedIndex) <BR>} <br><br>function tick() { <BR> var today <BR> today = new Date() <BR> Clock.innerHTML = today.toLocaleString().replace(/(年|月)/g, "/").replace(/日/, ""); <BR> Clock.innerHTML = TimeAdd(today.toGMTString(), CLD.TZ.value) <BR> window.setTimeout("tick()", 1000); <BR>} <br><br>function setCookie(name, value) { <BR> var today = new Date() <BR> var expires = new Date() <BR> expires.setTime(today.getTime() + 1000*60*60*24*365) <BR> document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() <BR>} <br><br>function getCookie(Name) { <BR> var search = Name + "=" <BR> if(document.cookie.length > 0) { <BR> offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) <BR> if(offset != -1) { <BR> offset += search.length <BR> end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset) <BR> if(end == -1) end = document.cookie.length <BR> return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) <BR> } <BR> else return "" <BR> } <BR>} <br><br>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <br><br>function initial() { <BR> dStyle = detail.style; 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<script> <BR><!-- <BR>'===== 算世界时间 <BR>Function TimeAdd(UTC,T) <BR> Dim PlusMinus, DST, y <BR> If Left(T,1)="-" Then PlusMinus = -1 Else PlusMinus = 1 <BR> UTC=Right(UTC,Len(UTC)-5) <BR> UTC=Left(UTC,Len(UTC)-4) <BR> y = Year(UTC) <BR> TimeAdd=DateAdd("n", (Cint(Mid(T,2,2))*60 + Cint(Mid(T,4,2))) * PlusMinus, UTC) <BR> '美国日光节约期间: 4月第一个星日00:00 至 10月最後一个星期日00:00 <BR> If Mid(T,6,1)="*" And DateSerial(y,4,(9 - Weekday(DateSerial(y,4,1)) mod 7) ) <= TimeAdd And DateSerial(y,10,31 - Weekday(DateSerial(y,10,31))) >= TimeAdd Then <BR> TimeAdd=CStr(DateAdd("h", 1, TimeAdd)) <BR> tSave.innerHTML = "R" <BR> Else <BR> tSave.innerHTML = "" <BR> End If <BR> TimeAdd = CStr(TimeAdd) <BR>End Function <BR>'--> <BR></script>

<script><!-- <BR> if(navigator.appName == "Netscape" || parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4) <BR> document.write("<h1>你的浏览器无法执行此程序。此程序在 IE4 以后的版本才能执行!!") <BR>//--></script>

<script> <BR>var enabled = 0; today = new Date(); <BR>var day; var date; <BR>if(today.getDay()==0) day = "星期日" <BR>if(today.getDay()==1) day = "星期一" <BR>if(today.getDay()==2) day = "星期二" <BR>if(today.getDay()==3) day = "星期三" <BR>if(today.getDay()==4) day = "星期四" <BR>if(today.getDay()==5) day = "星期五" <BR>if(today.getDay()==6) day = "星期六" <BR>document.fgColor = "000000"; <BR>date = " 佛历 " + (today.getYear()+544) + " 年 " + <BR>(today.getMonth() + 1 ) + "月 " + today.getDate() + "日 " + <BR>day +""; <BR>document.write(date) <BR></script>
      style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt">本地时间:
      id=Clock size=4 align="center">

时间       style="COLOR: red; FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings; FONT-SIZE: 18pt">

      style="COLOR: green; FONT-FAMILY: Webdings; FONT-SIZE: 120pt">û
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      style="COLOR: #f0f0f0; FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black'; FONT-SIZE: 100pt"> 0000


        <script><!-- <BR> var gNum <BR> for(i=0;i<6;i++) { <BR> document.write('<tr align=center>') <BR> for(j=0;j<7;j++) { <BR> gNum = i*7+j <BR> document.write('<td id="GD' + gNum +'" onMouseOver="mOvr(' + gNum +')" onMouseOut="mOut()"><font id="SD' + gNum +'" size=5 face="Arial Black"') <BR> if(j == 0) document.write(' color=red') <BR> if(j == 6) <BR> if(i%2==1) document.write(' color=red') <BR> else document.write(' color=green') <BR> document.write(' TITLE=""> <br><font id="LD' + gNum + '" size=2 style="font-size:9pt"> ') <BR> } <BR> document.write('') <BR> } <BR> //--></script>
            style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt">西历             size=4>





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