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DBO Form Widget

Freigeben: 2016-07-25 09:09:46
1282 Leute haben es durchsucht
这是一个十分有用的组件,可用于生成一个数据的编辑form,他是MST Library 3.1一个十分重要的组件,可以实现dbo form和dbo form的循环嵌套,而且控制在一个form中,同时支持dbo form中再次嵌套自定义的widget组件。
  1. // 要操作的對象的數據
  2. // $target必須為基於MST_DBO的實例
  3. if (!isset($data) || !is_object($data) || !$data instanceof MST_DBO) {
  4. echo '$data not a MST_DBO instance!';
  5. }
  6. else {
  7. // 獲取關聯的模塊
  8. $model = get_class($data);
  9. // 定義$columns
  10. // 如果未定義,默認根據MST_DBO的接口來取
  11. if (!isset($columns))
  12. $columns = $data->getFormColumns($data);
  13. if (empty($columns) || !is_array($columns)) {
  14. echo 'undefine form columns!';
  15. }
  16. else {
  17. // 生成該模塊的前綴
  18. if (!isset($prefix))
  19. $prefix = strtolower($model);
  20. else
  21. $prefix = MST_String::tableize($prefix);
  22. if (!isset($id))
  23. $id = $prefix . '_form';
  24. if (!isset($class))
  25. $class = $prefix . '-form';
  26. $errors = $data->getErrors();
  27. // 初始化Form配置
  28. // 定制提交的action
  29. if (!isset($action))
  30. $action = $this->params->uri;
  31. // method
  32. if (!isset($method))
  33. $method = 'post';
  34. else {
  35. $method = strtolower((string)$method);
  36. if ($method != 'get' && $method != 'post')
  37. $method = 'post';
  38. }
  39. // 是否需要上傳
  40. if (!isset($isUpload)) $isUpload = true;
  41. // 定制提交按鈕的文字
  42. if (!isset($submitText)) $submitText = 'Submit';
  43. // 定制label部分的寬度
  44. if (!isset($headWidth)) $headWidth = 130;
  45. $headWidth = is_numeric($headWidth) && $headWidth > 0 ? $headWidth : 120;
  46. if (!isset($continueForm)) $continueForm = false;
  47. // 重載
  48. if (!isset($lineStart)) $lineStart = 1;
  49. ?>
  50. >
  51. $lineNum = $lineStart;
  52. $tinymceTimes = 0;
  53. foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
  54. // 跳過$column[0]為空的部分
  55. if (!isset($column[0])) continue;
  56. // 定制一行的$column常用變量
  57. $key = strtolower(trim($key));
  58. $columnId = $prefix . '_' . $key;
  59. $columnName = $prefix . '[' . $key . ']';
  60. $columnClass = $prefix . '-' . $key;
  61. $columnText = empty($column['title']) ? ucfirst($key) : $column['title'];
  62. $columnValue = isset($data[$key]) ? (string)$data[$key] : (isset($column['default']) ? $column['default'] : null);
  63. if (isset($column['forceValue'])) $columnValue = (string)$column['forceValue'];
  64. $isDisabled = isset($column['disabled']) ? $column['disabled'] : false;
  65. $isReadonly = isset($column['readonly']) ? $column['readonly'] : false;
  66. if (is_object($column[0]) && $column[0] instanceof Closure) {
  67. $editType = 'closure';
  68. }
  69. else {
  70. $editType = strtolower($column[0]);
  71. }
  72. ?>
  73. if ($editType == 'dbo_form') {
  74. if (empty($column[1])) {
  75. // 缺少dbo_form重用說明
  76. ?>
  77. } else {
  78. $column[1]['continueForm'] = true;
  79. $this->widget('base/dbo_form', $column[1]);
  80. }
  81. ?>
  82. $lineClass = $lineNum % 2 == 0 ? 'f-line f-line-odd' : 'f-line f-line-even';
  83. ?>
  84. }
  85. ?>
  86. Can't reuse dbo_form, please set the dbo_form options in $column[1].
  87. widget($column[1], $column[2]); ?>
  88. // 開始生成form行
  89. switch ($editType) {
  90. case 'text' :
  91. ?>
  92. if (isset($column['max']))
  93. echo ' maxlength="',$column['max'],'"';
  94. if ($isDisabled)
  95. echo ' disabled="disabled"';
  96. if ($isReadonly)
  97. echo ' readonly="readonly"';
  98. ?>/>
  99. break;
  100. case 'smalltextarea' :
  101. ?>
  102. break;
  103. case 'longtext' :
  104. ?>
  105. if (isset($column['max']))
  106. echo ' maxlength="',$column['max'],'"';
  107. if ($isDisabled)
  108. echo ' disabled="disabled"';
  109. if ($isReadonly)
  110. echo ' readonly="readonly"';
  111. ?>/>
  112. break;
  113. case 'upload' :
  114. ?>
  115. break;
  116. case 'password' :
  117. ?>
  118. if (isset($column['max']))
  119. echo ' maxlength="'.$column['max'].'"';
  120. if ($isDisabled)
  121. echo ' disabled="disabled"';
  122. if ($isReadonly)
  123. echo ' readonly="readonly"';
  124. ?>/>
  125. break;
  126. case 'textarea' :
  127. ?>
  128. break;
  129. case 'select' :
  130. $options = isset($column['options']) ? $column['options'] : array();
  131. $optionsType = isset($column['optionsType']) ? $column['optionsType'] : 'map';
  132. // 向前兼容:0 -> map, 1 -> list
  133. if (is_numeric($optionsType)) $optionsType = $optionsType > 0 ? 'list' : 'map';
  134. ?>
  135. break;
  136. case 'radiogroup' :
  137. $maps = isset($column['maps']) ? $column['maps'] : array();
  138. $mapsType = isset($column['mapsType']) ? $column['mapsType'] : 'map';
  139. // 向前兼容:0 -> map, 1 -> list
  140. if (is_numeric($mapsType)) $mapsType = $mapsType > 0 ? 'list' : 'map';
  141. ?>
  142. $index = 0;
  143. foreach ($maps as $key => $map) {
  144. $index++;
  145. ?>
  146. " class="f-radio" value="" />
  147. " class="f-radio" value="" />
  148. }
  149. ?>
  150. break;
  151. case 'datetime':
  152. $format = empty($column['dateFormat']) ? 'Y-m-d H:i:s' : $column['dateFormat'];
  153. $jsFormat = empty($column['jsFormat']) ? '%Y-%m-%d %H:00' : $column['jsFormat'];
  154. $pickSize = isset($column['pickSize']) ? intval($column['pickSize']) : 2;
  155. if ($columnValue > 0) {
  156. if (is_numeric($columnValue)) {
  157. $dtStr = date($format, $columnValue);
  158. $dtVal = $columnValue;
  159. }
  160. else {
  161. $dtStr = $columnValue;
  162. $dtVal = MST_String::date2num($columnValue);
  163. }
  164. }
  165. else {
  166. $dtStr = 0;
  167. $dtVal = 0;
  168. }
  169. if (is_numeric($dtVal) && $dtVal > 0)
  170. $dtStr = date($format, $dtVal);
  171. ?>
  172. type="text"
  173. id="_str"
  174. class="f-text f-dt "
  175. value=""
  176. />
  177. type="hidden"
  178. name=""
  179. id=""
  180. value=""
  181. />
  182. break;
  183. case 'tinymce' :
  184. $tinymceTimes++;
  185. ?>
  186. script('tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js'); ?>
  187. break;
  188. case 'widget' :
  189. $this->widget($column[1], $column[2]);
  190. break;
  191. }
  192. $lineNum++;
  193. ?>
  194. $index = 0;
  195. foreach ($submitText as $btnId => $btnText) {
  196. $index++;
  197. ?>
  198. validCode($prefix, 'input'); ?>
  199. }
  200. }
  201. ?>
  1. $this->widget('base/dbo_form', array(
  2. 'data' => $this->list,
  3. ));
  1. class Testimonial extends MST_DBO {
  2. protected static
  3. $columns = array(
  4. 'firstname' => array('text','title' => 'First Name', 'require' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 32),
  5. 'lastname' => array('text','title' => 'Last Name', 'require' => 1, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 32),
  6. 'avator' => array('title' => 'Avator', 'max' => 256),
  7. 'age_group' => array('title' => 'Age Group', 'require' => 1),
  8. 'secret' => array('textarea','title' => 'Secret', 'require' => 1, 'min' => 10, 'max' => 600),
  9. );
  10. public function getFormColumns() {
  11. if (GB_PERSSIONS == Region::ROOT) {
  12. $columns['region_id'] = array(
  13. 'select',
  14. 'title' => ' region ',
  15. 'optionsType' => 'list',
  16. 'options' => Region::find('all', array('select' => 'id, name')),
  17. );
  18. }
  19. else {
  20. $columns['region_id'] = array(
  21. 'hidden',
  22. 'default' => GB_PERSSIONS,
  23. );
  24. }
  25. $columns = array_merge($columns,self::$columns);
  26. $columns['age_group'] = array('widget', 'base/age_group', array(
  27. 'prefix' => 'testimonial',
  28. ), 'title' => 'Age Group');
  29. $columns['avator'] = array('widget', 'base/testmonial_upload', array(
  30. 'prefix' => 'testimonial',
  31. ), 'title' => 'Avator');
  32. return $columns;
  33. }
  34. public function beforeCreate(& $data) {
  35. $data['created_at'] = time();
  36. }
  37. public function getAge() {
  38. $ageGroup = array(
  39. 0 => '--',
  40. 1 => 'Under 18',
  41. 2 => '19 ? 25',
  42. 3 => '26 ? 35',
  43. 4 => '36 ? 45',
  44. 5 => '46 ? 55',
  45. 6 => '56 or above',
  46. );
  47. return isset($ageGroup[$this['age_group']]) ? $ageGroup[$this['age_group']] : $ageGroup[0];
  48. }
  49. public function getAvator() {
  50. return empty($this['avator']) ? httpUri('images/avator.png') : httpUri($this['avator']);
  51. }
  52. // 这是对MST_DBO的find的方法的重载
  53. static public function find($args = array(), $params = null, $isArray = false) {
  54. if (defined('GB_PERSSIONS') && GB_PERSSIONS == Region::ROOT) {
  55. self::initFind($args, $params, $isArray);
  56. return parent::find($args, $params, $isArray);
  57. }
  58. else {
  59. self::initFind($args, $params, $isArray);
  60. if (isset($args['where'])) {
  61. $args['where'][0] .= ' AND region_id = ?';
  62. $args['where'][] = GB_PERSSIONS;
  63. }
  64. else {
  65. $args['where'] = array('region_id = ?', GB_PERSSIONS);
  66. }
  67. return parent::find($args, $params, $isArray);
  68. }
  69. }
  70. }
DBO Form Widget

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