Beispiele zur Erläuterung der Verwendung von Thread-Sperren in der Python-Programmierung
Aug 04, 2016 am 08:55 AMSperren
In Python integrierte Datenstrukturen wie Listen und Wörterbücher sind threadsicher, einfache Datentypen wie Ganzzahlen und Gleitkommazahlen sind jedoch nicht threadsicher. Um diese einfachen Datentypen zu betreiben, müssen Sie Sperren verwenden.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 import threading shared_resource_with_lock = 0 shared_resource_with_no_lock = 0 COUNT = 100000 shared_resource_lock = threading.Lock() ####LOCK MANAGEMENT## def increment_with_lock(): global shared_resource_with_lock for i in range(COUNT): shared_resource_lock.acquire() shared_resource_with_lock += 1 shared_resource_lock.release() def decrement_with_lock(): global shared_resource_with_lock for i in range(COUNT): shared_resource_lock.acquire() shared_resource_with_lock -= 1 shared_resource_lock.release() ####NO LOCK MANAGEMENT ## def increment_without_lock(): global shared_resource_with_no_lock for i in range(COUNT): shared_resource_with_no_lock += 1 def decrement_without_lock(): global shared_resource_with_no_lock for i in range(COUNT): shared_resource_with_no_lock -= 1 ####the Main program if __name__ == "__main__": t1 = threading.Thread(target = increment_with_lock) t2 = threading.Thread(target = decrement_with_lock) t3 = threading.Thread(target = increment_without_lock) t4 = threading.Thread(target = decrement_without_lock) t1.start() t2.start() t3.start() t4.start() t1.join() t2.join() t3.join() t4.join() print ("the value of shared variable with lock management is %s"\ %shared_resource_with_lock) print ("the value of shared variable with race condition is %s"\ %shared_resource_with_no_lock)
$ ./threading_lock.py
the value of shared variable with lock management is 0 the value of shared variable with race condition is 0
Ein weiteres Beispiel:
import random import threading import time logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='(%(threadName)-10s) %(message)s', ) class Counter(object): def __init__(self, start=0): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.value = start def increment(self): logging.debug(time.ctime(time.time())) logging.debug('Waiting for lock') self.lock.acquire() try: pause = random.randint(1,3) logging.debug(time.ctime(time.time())) logging.debug('Acquired lock') self.value = self.value + 1 logging.debug('lock {0} seconds'.format(pause)) time.sleep(pause) finally: self.lock.release() def worker(c): for i in range(2): pause = random.randint(1,3) logging.debug(time.ctime(time.time())) logging.debug('Sleeping %0.02f', pause) time.sleep(pause) c.increment() logging.debug('Done') counter = Counter() for i in range(2): t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(counter,)) t.start() logging.debug('Waiting for worker threads') main_thread = threading.currentThread() for t in threading.enumerate(): if t is not main_thread: t.join() logging.debug('Counter: %d', counter.value)
$ python threading_lock.py
(Thread-1 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:18 2015 (Thread-1 ) Sleeping 3.00 (Thread-2 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:18 2015 (MainThread) Waiting for worker threads (Thread-2 ) Sleeping 2.00 (Thread-2 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:20 2015 (Thread-2 ) Waiting for lock (Thread-2 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:20 2015 (Thread-2 ) Acquired lock (Thread-2 ) lock 2 seconds (Thread-1 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:21 2015 (Thread-1 ) Waiting for lock (Thread-2 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:22 2015 (Thread-1 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:22 2015 (Thread-2 ) Sleeping 2.00 (Thread-1 ) Acquired lock (Thread-1 ) lock 1 seconds (Thread-1 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:23 2015 (Thread-1 ) Sleeping 2.00 (Thread-2 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:24 2015 (Thread-2 ) Waiting for lock (Thread-2 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:24 2015 (Thread-2 ) Acquired lock (Thread-2 ) lock 1 seconds (Thread-1 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:25 2015 (Thread-1 ) Waiting for lock (Thread-1 ) Tue Sep 15 15:49:25 2015 (Thread-1 ) Acquired lock (Thread-1 ) lock 2 seconds (Thread-2 ) Done (Thread-1 ) Done (MainThread) Counter: 4
Durch die Übergabe eines False-Werts an acquire() kann überprüft werden, ob die Sperre erworben wurde. Zum Beispiel:
import logging import threading import time logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='(%(threadName)-10s) %(message)s', ) def lock_holder(lock): logging.debug('Starting') while True: lock.acquire() try: logging.debug('Holding') time.sleep(0.5) finally: logging.debug('Not holding') lock.release() time.sleep(0.5) return def worker(lock): logging.debug('Starting') num_tries = 0 num_acquires = 0 while num_acquires < 3: time.sleep(0.5) logging.debug('Trying to acquire') have_it = lock.acquire(0) try: num_tries += 1 if have_it: logging.debug('Iteration %d: Acquired', num_tries) num_acquires += 1 else: logging.debug('Iteration %d: Not acquired', num_tries) finally: if have_it: lock.release() logging.debug('Done after %d iterations', num_tries) lock = threading.Lock() holder = threading.Thread(target=lock_holder, args=(lock,), name='LockHolder') holder.setDaemon(True) holder.start() worker = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(lock,), name='Worker') worker.start()
$ python threading_lock_noblock.py
(LockHolder) Starting (LockHolder) Holding (Worker ) Starting (LockHolder) Not holding (Worker ) Trying to acquire (Worker ) Iteration 1: Acquired (LockHolder) Holding (Worker ) Trying to acquire (Worker ) Iteration 2: Not acquired (LockHolder) Not holding (Worker ) Trying to acquire (Worker ) Iteration 3: Acquired (LockHolder) Holding (Worker ) Trying to acquire (Worker ) Iteration 4: Not acquired (LockHolder) Not holding (Worker ) Trying to acquire (Worker ) Iteration 5: Acquired (Worker ) Done after 5 iterations
Fadensichere Sperre
Gibt ein wiedereintrittsfähiges Sperrobjekt zurück. Eine Wiedereintrittssperre muss von dem Thread freigegeben werden, der sie erworben hat. Sobald ein Thread eine wiedereintrittsfähige Sperre erhält, kann derselbe Thread diese ohne Blockierung erneut erwerben und muss nach der Erfassung freigegeben werden.
Normalerweise kann ein Thread die Sperre nur einmal erhalten:
import threading lock = threading.Lock() print 'First try :', lock.acquire() print 'Second try:', lock.acquire(0)
$ python threading_lock_reacquire.py
First try : True Second try: False
Verwenden Sie RLock, um mehrere Sperren zu erhalten:
import threading lock = threading.RLock() print 'First try :', lock.acquire() print 'Second try:', lock.acquire(0)
python threading_rlock.py
First try : True Second try: 1
Sehen wir uns ein anderes Beispiel an:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 import threading import time class Box(object): lock = threading.RLock() def __init__(self): self.total_items = 0 def execute(self,n): Box.lock.acquire() self.total_items += n Box.lock.release() def add(self): Box.lock.acquire() self.execute(1) Box.lock.release() def remove(self): Box.lock.acquire() self.execute(-1) Box.lock.release() ## These two functions run n in separate ## threads and call the Box's methods def adder(box,items): while items > 0: print ("adding 1 item in the box\n") box.add() time.sleep(5) items -= 1 def remover(box,items): while items > 0: print ("removing 1 item in the box") box.remove() time.sleep(5) items -= 1 ## the main program build some ## threads and make sure it works if __name__ == "__main__": items = 5 print ("putting %s items in the box " % items) box = Box() t1 = threading.Thread(target=adder,args=(box,items)) t2 = threading.Thread(target=remover,args=(box,items)) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() print ("%s items still remain in the box " % box.total_items)
$ python3 threading_rlock2.py
putting 5 items in the box adding 1 item in the box removing 1 item in the box adding 1 item in the box removing 1 item in the box adding 1 item in the box removing 1 item in the box removing 1 item in the box adding 1 item in the box removing 1 item in the box adding 1 item in the box 0 items still remain in the box

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