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Ausführliche Erklärung des supercoolen HTML5 Canvas-Netzwerk-Zeichenbrett-Codebeispiels

Freigeben: 2017-03-09 15:54:38
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Ausführliche Erklärung des supercoolen HTML5 Canvas-Netzwerkzeichenbrett-Codebeispiels

Im heutigen HTML-Tutorial lernen wir, wie man HTML5 Canvas verwendet, um ein supercooles und einfaches Codebeispiel zu implementieren Netzwerk-Zeichenbrettfunktion. In diesem Tutorial können wir den Pinseltyp, die Pinselgröße und die Pinselfarbe auswählen. Als Zeichenbrett sind hier jedoch nur die grundlegendsten Zeichenfunktionen erforderlich Komplexe Elemente wie Rechtecke und Ellipsen selbst umsetzen.

Ausführliche Erklärung des supercoolen HTML5 Canvas-Netzwerk-Zeichenbrett-Codebeispiels

Sie können sich die DEMO-Demonstration auch hier ansehen

Lassen Sie uns kurz die Prinzipien und Prinzipien der Implementierung dieses Zeichenbretts für HTML5-Webseiten analysieren . Code, der Code besteht aus HTML und Javascript, hauptsächlich Javascript-Code.


<p style="width:530px;margin:10px auto">
    <p id="canvasp"></p>
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Der HTML-Code ist sehr einfach. Er erstellt lediglich einen Canvas-Container und unsere Zeichenfläche wird hier generiert.


Zuerst definieren wir den Stil der Zeichenfläche durch eine Reihe von Variablen und initialisieren einige Daten:

var canvas;
var context;
var canvasWidth = 490;
var canvasHeight = 220;
var padding = 25;
var lineWidth = 8;
var colorPurple = "#cb3594";
var colorGreen = "#659b41";
var colorYellow = "#ffcf33";
var colorBrown = "#986928";
var outlineImage = new Image();
var crayonImage = new Image();
var markerImage = new Image();
var eraserImage = new Image();
var crayonBackgroundImage = new Image();
var markerBackgroundImage = new Image();
var eraserBackgroundImage = new Image();
var crayonTextureImage = new Image();
var clickX = new Array();
var clickY = new Array();
var clickColor = new Array();
var clickTool = new Array();
var clickSize = new Array();
var clickDrag = new Array();
var paint = false;
var curColor = colorPurple;
var curTool = "crayon";
var curSize = "normal";
var mediumStartX = 18;
var mediumStartY = 19;
var mediumImageWidth = 93;
var mediumImageHeight = 46;
var drawingAreaX = 111;
var drawingAreaY = 11;
var drawingAreaWidth = 267;
var drawingAreaHeight = 200;
var toolHotspotStartY = 23;
var toolHotspotHeight = 38;
var sizeHotspotStartY = 157;
var sizeHotspotHeight = 36;
var sizeHotspotWidthObject = new Object();
sizeHotspotWidthObject.huge = 39;
sizeHotspotWidthObject.large = 25;
sizeHotspotWidthObject.normal = 18;
sizeHotspotWidthObject.small = 16;
var totalLoadResources = 8;
var curLoadResNum = 0;
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Als nächstes beginnen wir mit der Vorbereitung der Leinwand , das ist das Initialisieren des Canvas-Objekts:

function prepareCanvas()
    // Create the canvas (Neccessary for IE because it doesn&#39;t know what a canvas element is)
    var canvasp = document.getElementById(&#39;canvasp&#39;);
    canvas = document.createElement(&#39;canvas&#39;);
    canvas.setAttribute(&#39;width&#39;, canvasWidth);
    canvas.setAttribute(&#39;height&#39;, canvasHeight);
    canvas.setAttribute(&#39;id&#39;, &#39;canvas&#39;);
    if(typeof G_vmlCanvasManager != &#39;undefined&#39;) {
        canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas);
    context = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Grab the 2d canvas context
    // Note: The above code is a workaround for IE 8 and lower. Otherwise we could have used:
    //     context = document.getElementById(&#39;canvas&#39;).getContext("2d");

    // Load images
    // -----------
    crayonImage.onload = function() { resourceLoaded(); 
    crayonImage.src = "images/crayon-outline.png";
    //context.drawImage(crayonImage, 0, 0, 100, 100);

    markerImage.onload = function() { resourceLoaded(); 
    markerImage.src = "images/marker-outline.png";

    eraserImage.onload = function() { resourceLoaded(); 
    eraserImage.src = "images/eraser-outline.png";    

    crayonBackgroundImage.onload = function() { resourceLoaded(); 
    crayonBackgroundImage.src = "images/crayon-background.png";

    markerBackgroundImage.onload = function() { resourceLoaded(); 
    markerBackgroundImage.src = "images/marker-background.png";

    eraserBackgroundImage.onload = function() { resourceLoaded(); 
    eraserBackgroundImage.src = "images/eraser-background.png";

    crayonTextureImage.onload = function() { resourceLoaded(); 
    crayonTextureImage.src = "images/crayon-texture.png";

    outlineImage.onload = function() { resourceLoaded(); 
    outlineImage.src = "images/watermelon-duck-outline.png";

    // Add mouse events
    // ----------------
        // Mouse down location
        var mouseX = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
        var mouseY = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;

        if(mouseX < drawingAreaX) // Left of the drawing area
            if(mouseX > mediumStartX)
                if(mouseY > mediumStartY && mouseY < mediumStartY + mediumImageHeight){
                    curColor = colorPurple;
                }else if(mouseY > mediumStartY + mediumImageHeight && mouseY < mediumStartY + mediumImageHeight * 2){
                    curColor = colorGreen;
                }else if(mouseY > mediumStartY + mediumImageHeight * 2 && mouseY < mediumStartY + mediumImageHeight * 3){
                    curColor = colorYellow;
                }else if(mouseY > mediumStartY + mediumImageHeight * 3 && mouseY < mediumStartY + mediumImageHeight * 4){
                    curColor = colorBrown;
        else if(mouseX > drawingAreaX + drawingAreaWidth) // Right of the drawing area
            if(mouseY > toolHotspotStartY)
                if(mouseY > sizeHotspotStartY)
                    var sizeHotspotStartX = drawingAreaX + drawingAreaWidth;
                    if(mouseY < sizeHotspotStartY + sizeHotspotHeight && mouseX > sizeHotspotStartX)
                        if(mouseX < sizeHotspotStartX + sizeHotspotWidthObject.huge){
                            curSize = "huge";
                        }else if(mouseX < sizeHotspotStartX + sizeHotspotWidthObject.large + sizeHotspotWidthObject.huge){
                            curSize = "large";
                        }else if(mouseX < sizeHotspotStartX + sizeHotspotWidthObject.normal + 
                        sizeHotspotWidthObject.large + sizeHotspotWidthObject.huge){
                            curSize = "normal";
                        }else if(mouseX < sizeHotspotStartX + sizeHotspotWidthObject.small + 
                        sizeHotspotWidthObject.normal + sizeHotspotWidthObject.large + sizeHotspotWidthObject.huge){
                            curSize = "small";                        
                    if(mouseY < toolHotspotStartY + toolHotspotHeight){
                        curTool = "crayon";
                    }else if(mouseY < toolHotspotStartY + toolHotspotHeight * 2){
                        curTool = "marker";
                    }else if(mouseY < toolHotspotStartY + toolHotspotHeight * 3){
                        curTool = "eraser";
        else if(mouseY > drawingAreaY && mouseY < drawingAreaY + drawingAreaHeight)
            // Mouse click location on drawing area
        paint = true;
        addClick(mouseX, mouseY, false);

            addClick(e.pageX - this.offsetLeft, e.pageY - this.offsetTop, true);

        paint = false;

        paint = false;
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Es scheint sehr kompliziert zu sein. Die Vorderseite dient hauptsächlich dazu, das Hintergrundbild der Leinwand zu initialisieren, und die Rückseite dient dazu, die Pinselereignisse wie Klicken und Mouseup zu initialisieren , Mouseleave und andere Mausereignisse.

Im Folgenden sind die wichtigsten Zeichenmethoden aufgeführt:

function redraw()
    // Make sure required resources are loaded before redrawing
    if(curLoadResNum < totalLoadResources){ return; }


    var locX;
    var locY;
    if(curTool == "crayon")
        // Draw the crayon tool background
        context.drawImage(crayonBackgroundImage, 0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

        // Purple
        locX = (curColor == colorPurple) ? 18 : 52;
        locY = 19;

        context.moveTo(locX + 41, locY + 11);
        context.lineTo(locX + 41, locY + 35);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 35);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 33);
        context.lineTo(locX + 11, locY + 27);
        context.lineTo(locX + 11, locY + 19);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 13);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 11);
        context.lineTo(locX + 41, locY + 11);
        context.fillStyle = colorPurple;

        if(curColor == colorPurple){
            context.drawImage(crayonImage, locX, locY, mediumImageWidth, mediumImageHeight);
            context.drawImage(crayonImage, 0, 0, 59, mediumImageHeight, locX, locY, 59, mediumImageHeight);

        // Green
        locX = (curColor == colorGreen) ? 18 : 52;
        locY += 46;

        context.moveTo(locX + 41, locY + 11);
        context.lineTo(locX + 41, locY + 35);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 35);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 33);
        context.lineTo(locX + 11, locY + 27);
        context.lineTo(locX + 11, locY + 19);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 13);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 11);
        context.lineTo(locX + 41, locY + 11);
        context.fillStyle = colorGreen;

        if(curColor == colorGreen){
            context.drawImage(crayonImage, locX, locY, mediumImageWidth, mediumImageHeight);
            context.drawImage(crayonImage, 0, 0, 59, mediumImageHeight, locX, locY, 59, mediumImageHeight);

        // Yellow
        locX = (curColor == colorYellow) ? 18 : 52;
        locY += 46;

        context.moveTo(locX + 41, locY + 11);
        context.lineTo(locX + 41, locY + 35);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 35);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 33);
        context.lineTo(locX + 11, locY + 27);
        context.lineTo(locX + 11, locY + 19);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 13);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 11);
        context.lineTo(locX + 41, locY + 11);
        context.fillStyle = colorYellow;

        if(curColor == colorYellow){
            context.drawImage(crayonImage, locX, locY, mediumImageWidth, mediumImageHeight);
            context.drawImage(crayonImage, 0, 0, 59, mediumImageHeight, locX, locY, 59, mediumImageHeight);

        // Yellow
        locX = (curColor == colorBrown) ? 18 : 52;
        locY += 46;

        context.moveTo(locX + 41, locY + 11);
        context.lineTo(locX + 41, locY + 35);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 35);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 33);
        context.lineTo(locX + 11, locY + 27);
        context.lineTo(locX + 11, locY + 19);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 13);
        context.lineTo(locX + 29, locY + 11);
        context.lineTo(locX + 41, locY + 11);
        context.fillStyle = colorBrown;

        if(curColor == colorBrown){
            context.drawImage(crayonImage, locX, locY, mediumImageWidth, mediumImageHeight);
            context.drawImage(crayonImage, 0, 0, 59, mediumImageHeight, locX, locY, 59, mediumImageHeight);
    else if(curTool == "marker")
        // Draw the marker tool background
        context.drawImage(markerBackgroundImage, 0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

        // Purple
        locX = (curColor == colorPurple) ? 18 : 52;
        locY = 19;

        context.moveTo(locX + 10, locY + 24);
        context.lineTo(locX + 10, locY + 24);
        context.lineTo(locX + 22, locY + 16);
        context.lineTo(locX + 22, locY + 31);
        context.fillStyle = colorPurple;

        if(curColor == colorPurple){
            context.drawImage(markerImage, locX, locY, mediumImageWidth, mediumImageHeight);
            context.drawImage(markerImage, 0, 0, 59, mediumImageHeight, locX, locY, 59, mediumImageHeight);

        // Green
        locX = (curColor == colorGreen) ? 18 : 52;
        locY += 46;

        context.moveTo(locX + 10, locY + 24);
        context.lineTo(locX + 10, locY + 24);
        context.lineTo(locX + 22, locY + 16);
        context.lineTo(locX + 22, locY + 31);
        context.fillStyle = colorGreen;

        if(curColor == colorGreen){
            context.drawImage(markerImage, locX, locY, mediumImageWidth, mediumImageHeight);
            context.drawImage(markerImage, 0, 0, 59, mediumImageHeight, locX, locY, 59, mediumImageHeight);

        // Yellow
        locX = (curColor == colorYellow) ? 18 : 52;
        locY += 46;

        context.moveTo(locX + 10, locY + 24);
        context.lineTo(locX + 10, locY + 24);
        context.lineTo(locX + 22, locY + 16);
        context.lineTo(locX + 22, locY + 31);
        context.fillStyle = colorYellow;

        if(curColor == colorYellow){
            context.drawImage(markerImage, locX, locY, mediumImageWidth, mediumImageHeight);
            context.drawImage(markerImage, 0, 0, 59, mediumImageHeight, locX, locY, 59, mediumImageHeight);

        // Yellow
        locX = (curColor == colorBrown) ? 18 : 52;
        locY += 46;

        context.moveTo(locX + 10, locY + 24);
        context.lineTo(locX + 10, locY + 24);
        context.lineTo(locX + 22, locY + 16);
        context.lineTo(locX + 22, locY + 31);
        context.fillStyle = colorBrown;

        if(curColor == colorBrown){
            context.drawImage(markerImage, locX, locY, mediumImageWidth, mediumImageHeight);
            context.drawImage(markerImage, 0, 0, 59, mediumImageHeight, locX, locY, 59, mediumImageHeight);
    else if(curTool == "eraser")
        context.drawImage(eraserBackgroundImage, 0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
        context.drawImage(eraserImage, 18, 19, mediumImageWidth, mediumImageHeight);    
        alert("Error: Current Tool is undefined");

    if(curSize == "small"){
        locX = 467;
    }else if(curSize == "normal"){
        locX = 450;
    }else if(curSize == "large"){
        locX = 428;
    }else if(curSize == "huge"){
        locX = 399;
    locY = 189;
    context.rect(locX, locY, 2, 12);
    context.fillStyle = &#39;#333333&#39;;

    // Keep the drawing in the drawing area
    context.rect(drawingAreaX, drawingAreaY, drawingAreaWidth, drawingAreaHeight);

    var radius;
    var i = 0;
    for(; i < clickX.length; i++)
        if(clickSize[i] == "small"){
            radius = 2;
        }else if(clickSize[i] == "normal"){
            radius = 5;
        }else if(clickSize[i] == "large"){
            radius = 10;
        }else if(clickSize[i] == "huge"){
            radius = 20;
            alert("Error: Radius is zero for click " + i);
            radius = 0;    

        if(clickDrag[i] && i){
            context.moveTo(clickX[i-1], clickY[i-1]);
            context.moveTo(clickX[i], clickY[i]);
        context.lineTo(clickX[i], clickY[i]);

        if(clickTool[i] == "eraser"){
            //context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; // To erase instead of draw over with white
            context.strokeStyle = &#39;white&#39;;
            //context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";    // To erase instead of draw over with white
            context.strokeStyle = clickColor[i];
        context.lineJoin = "round";
        context.lineWidth = radius;

    //context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";// To erase instead of draw over with white

    // Overlay a crayon texture (if the current tool is crayon)
    if(curTool == "crayon"){
        context.globalAlpha = 0.4; // No IE support
        context.drawImage(crayonTextureImage, 0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
    context.globalAlpha = 1; // No IE support

    // Draw the outline image
    context.drawImage(outlineImage, drawingAreaX, drawingAreaY, drawingAreaWidth, drawingAreaHeight);
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Tatsächlich erfordert HTML5 immer noch viel Javascript-Unterstützung, aber Canvas ist sehr gut und ermöglicht das freie Zeichnen von Grafiken und Animationen darauf. Dieses auf HTML5 Canvas basierende Web-Zeichenbrett ist ein gutes Beispiel. Quellcode herunterladen>

Das obige ist der detaillierte Inhalt vonAusführliche Erklärung des supercoolen HTML5 Canvas-Netzwerk-Zeichenbrett-Codebeispiels. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte anderen verwandten Artikeln auf der PHP chinesischen Website!

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