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Zusammenfassung des HASH-Algorithmus in Java

Freigeben: 2017-09-29 09:58:02
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In diesem Artikel werden hauptsächlich die häufig verwendeten HASH-Algorithmen in Java vorgestellt und die häufig verwendeten HASH-Algorithmen in Java anhand von Beispielen zusammengefasst und analysiert, einschließlich Additions-Hash, Rotations-Hash, FNV-Algorithmus, RS-Algorithmus-Hash, PJW-Algorithmus und ELF Algorithmus, BKDR-Algorithmus, SDBM-Algorithmus, DJB-Algorithmus, DEK-Algorithmus, AP-Algorithmus usw. Freunde in Not können sich auf

Dieser Artikel beschreibt den häufig verwendeten HASH-Algorithmus in Java anhand von Beispielen. Teilen Sie es als Referenz mit allen. Die Details lauten wie folgt:

* Hash算法大全<br>
* 推荐使用FNV1算法
* @algorithm None
* @author Goodzzp 2006-11-20
* @lastEdit Goodzzp 2006-11-20
* @editDetail Create
public class HashAlgorithms
  * 加法hash
  * @param key 字符串
  * @param prime 一个质数
  * @return hash结果
  public static int additiveHash(String key, int prime)
    int hash, i;
    for (hash = key.length(), i = 0; i < key.length(); i++)
      hash += key.charAt(i);
    return (hash % prime);
  * 旋转hash
  * @param key 输入字符串
  * @param prime 质数
  * @return hash值
  public static int rotatingHash(String key, int prime)
    int hash, i;
    for (hash=key.length(), i=0; i<key.length(); ++i)
      hash = (hash<<4)^(hash>>28)^key.charAt(i);
    return (hash % prime);
    //  return (hash ^ (hash>>10) ^ (hash>>20));
  // 替代:
  // 使用:hash = (hash ^ (hash>>10) ^ (hash>>20)) & mask;
  // 替代:hash %= prime;
  * MASK值,随便找一个值,最好是质数
  static int M_MASK = 0x8765fed1;
  * 一次一个hash
  * @param key 输入字符串
  * @return 输出hash值
  public static int oneByOneHash(String key)
    int  hash, i;
    for (hash=0, i=0; i<key.length(); ++i)
      hash += key.charAt(i);
      hash += (hash << 10);
      hash ^= (hash >> 6);
    hash += (hash << 3);
    hash ^= (hash >> 11);
    hash += (hash << 15);
    //  return (hash & M_MASK);
    return hash;
  * Bernstein&#39;s hash
  * @param key 输入字节数组
  * @param level 初始hash常量
  * @return 结果hash
  public static int bernstein(String key)
    int hash = 0;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<key.length(); ++i) hash = 33*hash + key.charAt(i);
    return hash;
  /**///// Pearson&#39;s Hash
  // char pearson(char[]key, ub4 len, char tab[256])
  // {
  //  char hash;
  //  ub4 i;
  //  for (hash=len, i=0; i<len; ++i)
  //   hash=tab[hash^key[i]];
  //  return (hash);
  // }
  /**///// CRC Hashing,计算crc,具体代码见其他
  // ub4 crc(char *key, ub4 len, ub4 mask, ub4 tab[256])
  // {
  //  ub4 hash, i;
  //  for (hash=len, i=0; i<len; ++i)
  //   hash = (hash >> 8) ^ tab[(hash & 0xff) ^ key[i]];
  //  return (hash & mask);
  // }
  * Universal Hashing
  public static int universal(char[]key, int mask, int[] tab)
    int hash = key.length, i, len = key.length;
    for (i=0; i<(len<<3); i+=8)
      char k = key[i>>3];
      if ((k&0x01) == 0) hash ^= tab[i+0];
      if ((k&0x02) == 0) hash ^= tab[i+1];
      if ((k&0x04) == 0) hash ^= tab[i+2];
      if ((k&0x08) == 0) hash ^= tab[i+3];
      if ((k&0x10) == 0) hash ^= tab[i+4];
      if ((k&0x20) == 0) hash ^= tab[i+5];
      if ((k&0x40) == 0) hash ^= tab[i+6];
      if ((k&0x80) == 0) hash ^= tab[i+7];
    return (hash & mask);
  * Zobrist Hashing
  public static int zobrist( char[] key,int mask, int[][] tab)
    int hash, i;
    for (hash=key.length, i=0; i<key.length; ++i)
      hash ^= tab[i][key[i]];
    return (hash & mask);
  // LOOKUP3
  // 见Bob Jenkins(3).c文件
  // 32位FNV算法
  static int M_SHIFT = 0;
  * 32位的FNV算法
  * @param data 数组
  * @return int值
  public static int FNVHash(byte[] data)
    int hash = (int)2166136261L;
    for(byte b : data)
      hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ b;
    if (M_SHIFT == 0)
      return hash;
    return (hash ^ (hash >> M_SHIFT)) & M_MASK;
  * 改进的32位FNV算法1
  * @param data 数组
  * @return int值
  public static int FNVHash1(byte[] data)
    final int p = 16777619;
    int hash = (int)2166136261L;
    for(byte b:data)
      hash = (hash ^ b) * p;
    hash += hash << 13;
    hash ^= hash >> 7;
    hash += hash << 3;
    hash ^= hash >> 17;
    hash += hash << 5;
    return hash;
  * 改进的32位FNV算法1
  * @param data 字符串
  * @return int值
  public static int FNVHash1(String data)
    final int p = 16777619;
    int hash = (int)2166136261L;
    for(int i=0;i<data.length();i++)
      hash = (hash ^ data.charAt(i)) * p;
    hash += hash << 13;
    hash ^= hash >> 7;
    hash += hash << 3;
    hash ^= hash >> 17;
    hash += hash << 5;
    return hash;
  * Thomas Wang的算法,整数hash
  public static int intHash(int key)
    key += ~(key << 15);
    key ^= (key >>> 10);
    key += (key << 3);
    key ^= (key >>> 6);
    key += ~(key << 11);
    key ^= (key >>> 16);
    return key;
  * RS算法hash
  * @param str 字符串
  public static int RSHash(String str)
    int b  = 378551;
    int a  = 63689;
    int hash = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
      hash = hash * a + str.charAt(i);
      a  = a * b;
    return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
  /**//* End Of RS Hash Function */
  * JS算法
  public static int JSHash(String str)
    int hash = 1315423911;
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
      hash ^= ((hash << 5) + str.charAt(i) + (hash >> 2));
    return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
  /**//* End Of JS Hash Function */
  * PJW算法
  public static int PJWHash(String str)
    int BitsInUnsignedInt = 32;
    int ThreeQuarters   = (BitsInUnsignedInt * 3) / 4;
    int OneEighth     = BitsInUnsignedInt / 8;
    int HighBits     = 0xFFFFFFFF << (BitsInUnsignedInt - OneEighth);
    int hash       = 0;
    int test       = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length();i++)
      hash = (hash << OneEighth) + str.charAt(i);
      if((test = hash & HighBits) != 0)
        hash = (( hash ^ (test >> ThreeQuarters)) & (~HighBits));
    return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
  /**//* End Of P. J. Weinberger Hash Function */
  * ELF算法
  public static int ELFHash(String str)
    int hash = 0;
    int x  = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
      hash = (hash << 4) + str.charAt(i);
      if((x = (int)(hash & 0xF0000000L)) != 0)
        hash ^= (x >> 24);
        hash &= ~x;
    return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
  /**//* End Of ELF Hash Function */
  * BKDR算法
  public static int BKDRHash(String str)
    int seed = 131; // 31 131 1313 13131 131313 etc..
    int hash = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
      hash = (hash * seed) + str.charAt(i);
    return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
  /**//* End Of BKDR Hash Function */
  * SDBM算法
  public static int SDBMHash(String str)
    int hash = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
      hash = str.charAt(i) + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash;
    return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
  /**//* End Of SDBM Hash Function */
  * DJB算法
  public static int DJBHash(String str)
    int hash = 5381;
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
      hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + str.charAt(i);
    return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
  /**//* End Of DJB Hash Function */
  * DEK算法
  public static int DEKHash(String str)
    int hash = str.length();
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
      hash = ((hash << 5) ^ (hash >> 27)) ^ str.charAt(i);
    return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
  /**//* End Of DEK Hash Function */
  * AP算法
  public static int APHash(String str)
    int hash = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
      hash ^= ((i & 1) == 0) ? ( (hash << 7) ^ str.charAt(i) ^ (hash >> 3)) :
    (~((hash << 11) ^ str.charAt(i) ^ (hash >> 5)));
    //    return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
    return hash;
  /**//* End Of AP Hash Function */
  * JAVA自己带的算法
  public static int java(String str)
    int h = 0;
    int off = 0;
    int len = str.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
      h = 31 * h + str.charAt(off++);
    return h;
  * 混合hash算法,输出64位的值
  public static long mixHash(String str)
    long hash = str.hashCode();
    hash <<= 32;
    hash |= FNVHash1(str);
    return hash;
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