In PHP geschriebener Funktionscode zum Finden von Polynomableitungen. Freunde, die ihn benötigen, können darauf zurückgreifen.
<?php function getDerivativeByFormulaAndXDATA($formula, $x_data){ $xArray = explode("+", $formula); $Derivative = 0; foreach ($xArray as $x_record) { $tmpArray = explode("x^", $x_record); if(count($tmpArray) == 2){ $coefficient = $tmpArray[0]==""?1:$tmpArray[0]; $exp = $tmpArray[1]; } //constant else { $coefficient = $tmpArray[0]; $exp = 0; } $Derivative += $coefficient*$exp*pow($x_data,$exp-1); } return $Derivative; } function getValueByFormulaAndXDATA($formula, $x_data){ $xArray = explode("+", $formula); $y_data = 0; foreach ($xArray as $x_record) { $tmpArray = explode("x^", $x_record); if(count($tmpArray) == 2){ $coefficient = $tmpArray[0]==""?1:$tmpArray[0]; $exp = $tmpArray[1]; } //constant else { $coefficient = $tmpArray[0]; $exp = 0; } $y_data += $coefficient*pow($x_data,$exp); } return $y_data; } function getMaxDerivativeByFormulaAndXDATAS($formula, $x_datas, &$matchs){ $derivatives = array(); $max_derivative = 0; foreach ($x_datas as $x_data) { $derivative = getDerivativeByFormulaAndXDATA($formula, $x_data); $derivatives[$x_data] = $derivative; $max_derivative = $max_derivative>=abs($derivative)?$max_derivative:abs($derivative); //printf("x=%f, derivative=%f \n",$x_data, $derivative); } $matchs = array(); foreach ($derivatives as $x_data=>$derivative) { if(abs($derivative) == $max_derivative){ $matchs[] = $x_data; } } printf("max derivative=%f\n",$max_derivative); foreach ($matchs as $x_match) { printf(" derivative=%f when x=%f\n",$derivatives[$x_match], $x_match); } } //notice the format of formula: ax^b if b=0 could omit except coefficient a, if a=1 could omit coefficient $formula = "x^2+2x^1+1"; print "The formula is $formula \n"; //printf("Derivative of 2 is %f \n",getDerivativeByFormulaAndXDATA($formula, 3.2)); //print getValueByFormulaAndXDATA($formula, 3.2)."\n"; $sampleData = array(-12,-11,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12); foreach ($sampleData as $x_data) { $str.=$x_data.", "; } print "sample x values: $str \n"; getMaxDerivativeByFormulaAndXDATAS($formula, $sampleData, $matchs)."\n"; ?>
Die Ausgabe lautet:
Beispiel-x-Werte: -12, -11, -10, -. 9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
maximale Ableitung = 26,000000
Ableitung = 26,000000, wenn x = 12,000000
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3 Möglichkeiten, Zufallszahlen in PHP zu generieren
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Das obige ist der detaillierte Inhalt vonFunktionscode zum Finden von Polynomableitungen in PHP. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte anderen verwandten Artikeln auf der PHP chinesischen Website!