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Verwenden Sie JavaScript und Canvas, um Bilder zuzuschneiden

Freigeben: 2018-06-22 15:29:44
2903 Leute haben es durchsucht

In diesem Artikel wird hauptsächlich die Methode zur Verwendung von JavaScript + Canvas zum Zuschneiden von Bildern vorgestellt.

Canvas ist ein Tag, mit dem wir Skriptzeichnungen verwenden können von Eigenschaften und Methoden. Damit können wir Grafikzeichnungen, Bildverarbeitung und sogar einfache Animationen und Spiele produzieren.

Das Canvas-Tag hat nur zwei Attribute: Breite und Höhe, die zum Festlegen der Breite und Höhe der Leinwand verwendet werden. Wenn sie nicht über Tag-Attribute oder Skripte festgelegt werden, ist der Standardwert 300*150;

Okay Okay, hier ist zuerst die Einführung in Canvas. Schauen wir uns den Code zum Zuschneiden von Bildern mit Javascript in Kombination mit Canvas an:

var selectObj = null;
function ImageCrop(canvasId, imageSource, x, y, width, height) {
    var canvas = $("#" + canvasId);
    if (canvas.length == 0 && imageSource) {
    function canvasMouseDown(e) {
        canvas.css("cursor", "default");
    function canvasMouseMove(e) {
        var canvasOffset = canvas.offset();
        var pageX = e.pageX || event.targetTouches[0].pageX;
        var pageY = e.pageY || event.targetTouches[0].pageY;
        iMouseX = Math.floor(pageX - canvasOffset.left);
        iMouseY = Math.floor(pageY - canvasOffset.top);
        canvas.css("cursor", "default");
        if (selectObj.bDragAll) {
            canvas.css("cursor", "move");
            canvas.data("drag", true);
            var cx = iMouseX - selectObj.px;
            cx = cx < 0 ? 0 : cx;
            mx = ctx.canvas.width - selectObj.w;
            cx = cx > mx ? mx : cx;
            selectObj.x = cx;
            var cy = iMouseY - selectObj.py;
            cy = cy < 0 ? 0 : cy;
            my = ctx.canvas.height - selectObj.h;
            cy = cy > my ? my : cy;
            selectObj.y = cy;
        for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            selectObj.bHow[i] = false;
            selectObj.iCSize[i] = selectObj.csize;
        // hovering over resize cubes
        if (iMouseX > selectObj.x - selectObj.csizeh && iMouseX < selectObj.x + selectObj.csizeh &&
            iMouseY > selectObj.y - selectObj.csizeh && iMouseY < selectObj.y + selectObj.csizeh) {
            canvas.css("cursor", "pointer");
            selectObj.bHow[0] = true;
            selectObj.iCSize[0] = selectObj.csizeh;
        if (iMouseX > selectObj.x + selectObj.w - selectObj.csizeh && iMouseX < selectObj.x + selectObj.w + selectObj.csizeh &&
            iMouseY > selectObj.y - selectObj.csizeh && iMouseY < selectObj.y + selectObj.csizeh) {
            canvas.css("cursor", "pointer");
            selectObj.bHow[1] = true;
            selectObj.iCSize[1] = selectObj.csizeh;
        if (iMouseX > selectObj.x + selectObj.w - selectObj.csizeh && iMouseX < selectObj.x + selectObj.w + selectObj.csizeh &&
            iMouseY > selectObj.y + selectObj.h - selectObj.csizeh && iMouseY < selectObj.y + selectObj.h + selectObj.csizeh) {
            canvas.css("cursor", "pointer");
            selectObj.bHow[2] = true;
            selectObj.iCSize[2] = selectObj.csizeh;
        if (iMouseX > selectObj.x - selectObj.csizeh && iMouseX < selectObj.x + selectObj.csizeh &&
            iMouseY > selectObj.y + selectObj.h - selectObj.csizeh && iMouseY < selectObj.y + selectObj.h + selectObj.csizeh) {
            canvas.css("cursor", "pointer");
            selectObj.bHow[3] = true;
            selectObj.iCSize[3] = selectObj.csizeh;
        if (iMouseX > selectObj.x && iMouseX < selectObj.x + selectObj.w && iMouseY > selectObj.y && iMouseY < selectObj.y + selectObj.h) {
            canvas.css("cursor", "move");
        // in case of dragging of resize cubes
        var iFW, iFH, iFX, iFY, mx, my;
        if (selectObj.bDrag[0]) {
            iFX = iMouseX - selectObj.px;
            iFY = iMouseY - selectObj.py;
            iFW = selectObj.w + selectObj.x - iFX;
            iFH = selectObj.h + selectObj.y - iFY;
            canvas.data("drag", true);
        if (selectObj.bDrag[1]) {
            iFX = selectObj.x;
            iFY = iMouseY - selectObj.py;
            iFW = iMouseX - selectObj.px - iFX;
            iFH = selectObj.h + selectObj.y - iFY;
            canvas.data("drag", true);
        if (selectObj.bDrag[2]) {
            iFX = selectObj.x;
            iFY = selectObj.y;
            iFW = iMouseX - selectObj.px - iFX;
            iFH = iMouseY - selectObj.py - iFY;
            canvas.data("drag", true);
        if (selectObj.bDrag[3]) {
            iFX = iMouseX - selectObj.px;
            iFY = selectObj.y;
            iFW = selectObj.w + selectObj.x - iFX;
            iFH = iMouseY - selectObj.py - iFY;
            canvas.data("drag", true);
        if (iFW > selectObj.csizeh * 2 && iFH > selectObj.csizeh * 2) {
            selectObj.w = iFW;
            selectObj.h = iFH;
            selectObj.x = iFX;
            selectObj.y = iFY;
    function canvasMouseOut() {
    function canvasMouseUp() {
        selectObj.bDragAll = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            selectObj.bDrag[i] = false;
        canvas.css("cursor", "default");
        canvas.data("select", {
            x: selectObj.x,
            y: selectObj.y,
            w: selectObj.w,
            h: selectObj.h
        selectObj.px = 0;
        selectObj.py = 0;
    function Selection(x, y, w, h) {
        this.x = x; // initial positions
        this.y = y;
        this.w = w; // and size
        this.h = h;
        this.px = x; // extra variables to dragging calculations
        this.py = y;
        this.csize = 4; // resize cubes size
        this.csizeh = 6; // resize cubes size (on hover)
        this.bHow = [false, false, false, false]; // hover statuses
        this.iCSize = [this.csize, this.csize, this.csize, this.csize]; // resize cubes sizes
        this.bDrag = [false, false, false, false]; // drag statuses
        this.bDragAll = false; // drag whole selection
    Selection.prototype.draw = function () {
        ctx.strokeStyle = &#39;#666&#39;;
        ctx.lineWidth = 2;
        ctx.strokeRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
        // draw part of original image
        if (this.w > 0 && this.h > 0) {
            ctx.drawImage(image, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);
        // draw resize cubes
        ctx.fillStyle = &#39;#999&#39;;
        ctx.fillRect(this.x - this.iCSize[0], this.y - this.iCSize[0], this.iCSize[0] * 2, this.iCSize[0] * 2);
        ctx.fillRect(this.x + this.w - this.iCSize[1], this.y - this.iCSize[1], this.iCSize[1] * 2, this.iCSize[1] * 2);
        ctx.fillRect(this.x + this.w - this.iCSize[2], this.y + this.h - this.iCSize[2], this.iCSize[2] * 2, this.iCSize[2] * 2);
        ctx.fillRect(this.x - this.iCSize[3], this.y + this.h - this.iCSize[3], this.iCSize[3] * 2, this.iCSize[3] * 2);
    var drawScene = function () {
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); // clear canvas
        // draw source image
        ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
        // and make it darker
        ctx.fillStyle = &#39;rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)&#39;;
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
        // draw selection
        canvas.on("touchstart", canvasMouseDown);
    var createSelection = function (x, y, width, height) {
        var content = $("#imagePreview");
        x = x || Math.ceil((content.width() - width) / 2);
        y = y || Math.ceil((content.height() - height) / 2);
        return new Selection(x, y, width, height);
    var ctx = canvas[0].getContext("2d");
    var iMouseX = 1;
    var iMouseY = 1;
    var image = new Image();
    image.onload = function () {
        selectObj = createSelection(x, y, width, height);
        canvas.data("select", {
            x: selectObj.x,
            y: selectObj.y,
            w: selectObj.w,
            h: selectObj.h
    image.src = imageSource;
    canvas.on("touchmove", canvasMouseMove);
    var StopSelect = function (e) {
        var canvasOffset = $(canvas).offset();
        var pageX = e.pageX || event.targetTouches[0].pageX;
        var pageY = e.pageY || event.targetTouches[0].pageY;
        iMouseX = Math.floor(pageX - canvasOffset.left);
        iMouseY = Math.floor(pageY - canvasOffset.top);
        selectObj.px = iMouseX - selectObj.x;
        selectObj.py = iMouseY - selectObj.y;
        if (selectObj.bHow[0]) {
            selectObj.px = iMouseX - selectObj.x;
            selectObj.py = iMouseY - selectObj.y;
        if (selectObj.bHow[1]) {
            selectObj.px = iMouseX - selectObj.x - selectObj.w;
            selectObj.py = iMouseY - selectObj.y;
        if (selectObj.bHow[2]) {
            selectObj.px = iMouseX - selectObj.x - selectObj.w;
            selectObj.py = iMouseY - selectObj.y - selectObj.h;
        if (selectObj.bHow[3]) {
            selectObj.px = iMouseX - selectObj.x;
            selectObj.py = iMouseY - selectObj.y - selectObj.h;
        if (iMouseX > selectObj.x + selectObj.csizeh &&
            iMouseX < selectObj.x + selectObj.w - selectObj.csizeh &&
            iMouseY > selectObj.y + selectObj.csizeh &&
            iMouseY < selectObj.y + selectObj.h - selectObj.csizeh) {
            selectObj.bDragAll = true;
        for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            if (selectObj.bHow[i]) {
                selectObj.bDrag[i] = true;
    canvas.on("touchend", canvasMouseUp);
    this.getImageData = function (previewID) {
        var tmpCanvas = $("<canvas></canvas>")[0];
        var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext("2d");
        if (tmpCanvas && selectObj) {
            tmpCanvas.width = selectObj.w;
            tmpCanvas.height = selectObj.h;
            tmpCtx.drawImage(image, selectObj.x, selectObj.y, selectObj.w, selectObj.h, 0, 0, selectObj.w, selectObj.h);
            if (document.getElementById(previewID)) {
                document.getElementById(previewID).src = tmpCanvas.toDataURL();
                document.getElementById(previewID).style.border = "1px solid #ccc";
            return tmpCanvas.toDataURL();
function autoResizeImage(maxWidth, maxHeight, objImg) {
    var img = new Image();
    img.src = objImg.src;
    var hRatio;
    var wRatio;
    var ratio = 1;
    var w = objImg.width;
    var h = objImg.height;
    wRatio = maxWidth / w;
    hRatio = maxHeight / h;
    if (w < maxWidth && h < maxHeight) {
    if (maxWidth == 0 && maxHeight == 0) {
        ratio = 1;
    } else if (maxWidth == 0) {
        if (hRatio < 1) {
            ratio = hRatio;
    } else if (maxHeight == 0) {
        if (wRatio < 1) {
            ratio = wRatio;
    } else if (wRatio < 1 || hRatio < 1) {
        ratio = (wRatio <= hRatio ? wRatio : hRatio);
    } else {
        ratio = (wRatio <= hRatio ? wRatio : hRatio) - Math.floor(wRatio <= hRatio ? wRatio : hRatio);
    if (ratio < 1) {
        if (ratio < 0.5 && w < maxWidth && h < maxHeight) {
            ratio = 1 - ratio;
        w = w * ratio;
        h = h * ratio;
    objImg.height = h;
    objImg.width = w;
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Verwandte Empfehlungen:

HTML5 Canvas progressive Füllung und Transparenz, um einen Bildmaskeneffekt zu erzielen

So verwenden Sie Canvas, um dies zu erreichen Bildmosaik

Das obige ist der detaillierte Inhalt vonVerwenden Sie JavaScript und Canvas, um Bilder zuzuschneiden. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte anderen verwandten Artikeln auf der PHP chinesischen Website!

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