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So implementieren Sie Web-Paging-Komponenten in Vue

Freigeben: 2018-06-23 17:44:00
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Dieser Artikel stellt hauptsächlich die Implementierungsmethode von Vue zur Implementierung von Web-Paging-Komponenten vor. Er hat einen gewissen Referenzwert.

Das Beispiel in diesem Artikel teilt die Vue-Implementierung mit allen. Der spezifische Code der Web-Paging-Komponente dient als Referenz. Der spezifische Inhalt lautet wie folgt:



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <title>测试分页 - www.maoyupeng.com</title>
 <style type="text/css">
  body{padding:0; margin: 0; broder:none; } #app {width: 500px; height: 200px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; background-color: #cccccc; } #mylink {color: #efefef; } .pagination{list-style: none; text-align: center; height: 50px; padding-top: 50px; } .pagination > li {float: left; margin: 0 5px; } [v-cloak] {display: none; } </style>
 <p id="app" v-cloak>
  <ul class="pagination">
    <a v-if="currentPage == 1" >首页</a>
    <a v-else href="javascript:;" @click="next(1)">首页</a>
   <li v-if="currentPage<=1"><a>上一页</a></li>
   <li v-else><a href="javascript:;" @click="next(currentPage-1)">上一页</a></li>

   <li v-for="item in pagingList">
    <a v-if="currentPage==item.key || sign ==item.key" >{{item.key}}</a>
    <a v-else href="javascript:;" @click="next(item.value)">{{item.key}}</a>

   <li v-if="currentPage>=totalPageCount"><a>下一页</a></li>
   <li v-else><a href="javascript:;" @click="next(currentPage+1)">下一页</a></li>
    <a v-if="totalPageCount == currentPage">尾页</a>
    <a v-else href="javascript:;" @click="next(totalPageCount)">尾页</a>
  <p>共:{{totalPageCount||0}}页,当前页为第{{currentPage||0}}页   设置总页数:<input style="width:20px;" v-model="totalPageCount"></p>
  <a href="http://www.maoyupeng.com/web-pagination-component-for-vue.html" target="_blank" id="mylink">http://www.maoyupeng.com 带注解版本</a>

 <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript">
  var app = new Vue({
   el: &#39;#app&#39;,
   data: {
   // 省略的符号
   // 省略号位置
   // 总页数
   totalPageCount: 4,
   // 当前页
   // 显示在页面的数组列表
   watch: {
   totalPageCount (val) {
    var that = this
    if (!val || val == &#39;&#39;) return;
    that.currentPage = 1;
   currentPage (val) {
    var that = this
   methods: {
   // 跳转到某页码
   next (num) {
    var that = this
    if (num <= 1) that.currentPage = 1;
    else if (num >= that.totalPageCount) that.currentPage = that.totalPageCount;
    else that.currentPage = num;
   // 初始化数据
   fetchData () {
    var that = this

    that.pagingList = [];
    var tmp = null;

    if ((that.totalPageCount) > 6) {
     if (((that.totalPageCount-1) == (that.totalPageCount - that.currentPage)) && (that.totalPageCount - that.currentPage) > 5) {
      for (var i=1;i<7;i++) {
       if (i < that.signIndex) {
        tmp = {key:i, value:i }
       } else if (i== that.signIndex) {
        tmp = {key:that.sign, value:0 }
       } else if (i == (that.signIndex + 1) ) {
        tmp = {key:that.totalPageCount - 1, value:that.totalPageCount - 1 }
       } else {
        tmp = {key:that.totalPageCount, value:that.totalPageCount }
     } else if (((that.totalPageCount - that.currentPage) <= that.signIndex)){
      var starNum = that.totalPageCount - 5;
      for (var i=starNum;i<starNum+6;i++) {
       tmp = {key:i, value:i }
     } else {
      var starNum = that.currentPage - 1;
      for (var i=1;i<7;i++) {
       if (i < that.signIndex) {
        tmp = {key:(starNum - 1) + i, value:(starNum - 1) + i }
       } else if (i== that.signIndex) {
        tmp = {key:that.sign, value:0 }
       } else if (i == (that.signIndex + 1) ) {
        tmp = {key:that.totalPageCount - 1, value:that.totalPageCount - 1 }
       } else {
        tmp = {key:that.totalPageCount, value:that.totalPageCount }
    } else {
     for (var i =0; i <that.totalPageCount; i++) {
      tmp = {key:i+1, value:i+1 }
   init () {
    var that = this

   mounted () {
   var that = this

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