Heim > php教程 > php手册 > PHP和MySQL生成的标签云实现代码


Freigeben: 2016-05-25 16:51:06
1107 Leute haben es durchsucht


为此,我们将创建一个HTML表格,将接受用户文本,也让用户可以看到从 MySQL数据库,其中包含在过去输入的文本生成的标签云,代码如下:

echo &#39;<form method="post" action="tag_cloud_gen.php" name="gen_tag_db">&#39;;
echo &#39;<p>Input your text here:<br /><textarea name="tag_input" rows="20" cols="80"></textarea></p>&#39;;
echo &#39;<input type="submit" name="submit">&#39;;
echo &#39;</form>&#39;;
<br /> 
<br /> 
<p>see the current tag cloud here</p> 
echo &#39;<form name="show_tag_cloud" method="post" action="show_tag_cloud.php">&#39;;
echo &#39;<input type="submit" value="show current tag cloud" >&#39;;
echo &#39;</form>&#39;;
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1) tag_id -- int,primary key,auto increament 1)tag_id - 整型,主键,自动increament

2) keyword - varchar(20),unique 2)关键字 - 数据类型为varchar(20),独特的

3) weight - int 3)重量 - 诠释

4) link - varchar(256). 4)链接 - 为varchar(256)。


 * this function will update the mysql database table to reflect the new count of the keyword
 * i.e. the sum of current count in the mysql database &amp;amp;amp;amp; current count in the input.
function update_database_entry($connection, $table, $keyword, $weight) {
    $string = $_POST[&#39;tag_input&#39;];
    $connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
     * now comes the main part of generating the tag cloud
     * we would use a css styling for deciding the size of the tag according to its weight,
     * both of which would be fetched from mysql database.
    $query = "select * from `tagcloud_db`.`tags` where keyword like &#39;%$keyword%&#39;";
    $resultset = mysql_query($query, $connection);
    if (!$resultset) {
        die(&#39;Invalid query: &#39; . mysql_error());
    } else {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultset)) {
            $query = "UPDATE `tagcloud_db`.`tags` SET weight=" . ($row[2] + $weight) . " where tag_id=" . $row[0] . ";";
            mysql_query($query, $connection);
 * get the input string from the post and then tokenize it to get each word, save the words in an array
 * in case the word is repeated add &#39;1&#39; to the existing words counter
$count = 0;
$tok = strtok($string, " t,;.&#39;\"!&-`nr"); //considering line-return,line-feed,white space,comma,ampersand,tab,etc... as word separator
if (strlen($tok) > 0) $tok = strtolower($tok);
$words = array();
$words[$tok] = 1;
while ($tok !== false) {
    echo "Word=$tok<br />";
    $tok = strtok(" t,;.&#39;\"!&-`nr");
    if (strlen($tok) > 0) {
        $tok = strtolower($tok);
        if ($words[$tok] >= 1) {
            $words[$tok] = $words[$tok] + 1;
        } else {
            $words[$tok] = 1;
echo &#39;<br /><br />&#39;;
 * now enter the above array of word and corresponding count values into the database table
 * in case the keyword already exist in the table then update the database table using the function &#39;update_database_entry(...)&#39;
$table = "tagcloud_db";
mysql_select_db($table, $connection);
foreach ($words as $keyword => $weight) {
    $query = "INSERT INTO `tagcloud_db`.`tags` (keyword,weight,link) values (&#39;" . $keyword . "&#39;," . $weight . ",&#39;NA&#39;)";
    if (!mysql_query($query, $connection)) {
        if (mysql_errno($connection) == 1062) {
            update_database_entry($connection, $table, $keyword, $weight);
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	padding: 0; 
	border: 0px none; 
	font-family: Verdana; 
	font-weight: none; 
	padding: 3px; 
	border: 1px solid #A8A8C3; 
	background-color: white; 
	width: 500px; 
	-moz-border-radius: 5px; 
	font-size: 16px; 
	font-weight: none; 
	color: #676F9D; 
	text-decoration: none; 
	text-decoration: none; 
	background-color: #4F5AA1; 
	color: white; 
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$connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
$table = "tagcloud_db";
$words = array();
$words_link = array();
mysql_select_db($table, $connection);
$query = "SELECT keyword,weight,link FROM `tagcloud_db`.`tags`;";
if ($resultset = mysql_query($query, $connection)) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($resultset)) {
        $words[$row[0]] = $row[1];
        $words_link[$row[0]] = $row[2];
// Incresing this number will make the words bigger; Decreasing will do reverse
$factor = 0.5;
// Smallest font size possible
$starting_font_size = 12;
// Tag Separator
$tag_separator = &#39;     &#39;;
$max_count = array_sum($words);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> 
  <TITLE> Tag Cloud Generator </TITLE> 
  <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="tag, cloud, php, mysql"> 
  <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A Tag Cloud using php and mysql"> 
  <LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="style.css" TYPE="text/css"> 
<center><h1>Tag Cloud using php and mysql </h1><div align=&#39;center&#39; class=&#39;tags_div&#39;> 
foreach ($words as $tag => $weight) {
    $x = round(($weight * 100) / $max_count) * $factor;
    $font_size = $starting_font_size + $x . &#39;px&#39;;
    if ($words_link[$tag] == &#39;NA&#39;) echo "<span style=&#39;font-size: " . $font_size . "; color: #676F9D;&#39;><a href=&#39;http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&q=" . $tag . "&meta=&#39;>" . $tag . "</a></span>" . $tag_separator;
    else echo "<span style=&#39;font-size: " . $font_size . "; color: #676F9D;&#39;><a href=&#39;http://" . $words_link[$tag] . "/&#39;>" . $tag . "</a></span>" . $tag_separator;
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现在把他们所有在您的Web服务器的根目录,并观看结果。 每个查询会给你新的结果,随着时间的推移,数据库的增长。



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