Der Skelettanimationscode in cocos2dx befindet sich im Ordner cocos -> editor-support ->. Er übergibt den Filter unter win und die Dateistruktur ist wie folgt. (Auf dem Mac gibt es keine Punkte, es ist nur ein ganzer Klumpen)
armature(目录): animation(目录):动画控制相关。 CCProcessBase(文件): ProcessBase(类):CCTween和ArmatureAnimation的基类。 CCTWeen(文件): Tween(类):控制flash里一个layer的动画。 CCArmatureAnimation(文件): ArmatureAnimation(类):控制整个动画,内有多个Tween。 datas(目录):xml或json转成c++中直接用的数据结构。 CCDatas(文件): BaseData(类):BoneData、FrameData的基类,包含大小位置颜色等信息。 DisplayData(类): SpriteDisplayData、ArmatureDisplayData、ParticleDisplayData的基类。 SpriteDisplayData(类):骨骼中的显示数据。 ArmatureDisplayData(类): ParticleDisplayData(类): BoneData(类):单个骨骼数据,flash中一个layer是一个骨骼。 ArmatureData(类):骨骼数据,整个骨骼结构数据。 FrameData(类):关键帧数据。 MovementBoneData(类):带有关键帧的骨骼数据。 MovementData(类):一个完整动画数据。 AnimationData(类):组动画数据,包含多个MovementData。 ContourData(类): TextureData(类):显示图片数据。 utils(目录): CCArmatureDataManager(文件): RelativeData(类): ArmatureDataManager(类):管理ArmatureData、AnimationData、TextureData。 CCArmatureDefine(文件): CCDataReaderHelper(文件): _AsyncStruct(类): _DataInfo(类): DataReaderHelper(类):这正解析xml或json的类。 CCSpriteFrameCacheHelper(文件): SpriteFrameCacheHelper(类): CCTransformHelp(文件): TransformHelp(类):矩阵运算。 CCUtilMath(文件): CCArmature(文件): Armature(类):控制整个骨骼动画,内有ArmatureAnimation和ArmatureData。 CCBone(文件): Bone(类):骨骼控制类 display(目录):显示的图片管理。 CCBatchNode(文件): BatchNode(类): CCDecorativeDisplay(文件): DecorativeDisplay(类): CCDisplayFactory(文件): DisplayFactory(类): CCDisplayManager(文件): DisplayManager(类): CCSkin(文件): Skin(类): physics(目录):物理引擎相关,不分析。 ColliderFilter(文件): ColliderFilter(类): ColliderBody(类): ColliderDetecotor(类)
Datenbezogener Quellcode
Analysieren Sie Klasse für Klasse von unten nach oben
Werfen wir einen Blick auf die datenbezogene UML. Im Allgemeinen verwendet ArmatureDataManager die von Flash exportierte XML-Datei für die direkte Verwendung durch das Programm. FrameData entspricht
Basisdaten: werden zur Darstellung der Position, Drehung, Farbe und Skalierung von Knochen oder Frames verwendet.
BaseData.h class BaseData : public cocosd::Ref { public: //Calculate two BaseData's between value(to - from) and set to self virtual void subtract(BaseData *from, BaseData *to, bool limit); public: //位置,xml的x,y float x; float y; //xml中z int zOrder; //旋转,xml的kX,kY float skewX; float skewY; //缩放,xml的cX,cY float scaleX; float scaleY; //啥?? float tweenRotate; //颜色的变化属性 bool isUseColorInfo; int a, r, g, b; };
Als Basisklasse von FrameData und BoneData stellt sie Informationen zum Knochenstatus bereit. Wie aus dem Folgenden hervorgeht, entspricht BoneData dem b-Knoten in
BoneData entspricht dem b-Knoten in
class BoneData : public BaseData { public: void addDisplayData(DisplayData *displayData); DisplayData *getDisplayData(int index); public: std::string name; //! the bone's name std::string parentName; //! the bone parent's name //! save DisplayData informations for the Bone cocosd::Vector<DisplayData*> displayDataList; //仿射变换,程序里好像没用这个属性 cocosd::AffineTransform boneDataTransform; };
In BoneData gibt es eine displayDataList, die zum Speichern der Skin auf diesem Bone verwendet wird (d. h. DisplayData entspricht dem >-Knoten). Skins, Verkleidungen und andere Funktionen sind erforderlich.
FrameData entspricht dem
class FrameData : public BaseData { public: int frameID; //xml中dr,这一帧长度 int duration; //不知要他干啥 bool isTween; //xml中dI,显示哪个图 int displayIndex; };
DisplayData ist die übergeordnete Klasse von SpriteDisplayData, ArmatureDisplayData und ParticleDisplayData und wird zur Darstellung von Anzeigeknoteninformationen verwendet.
ArmatureData ist der entsprechende
class ArmatureData : public cocosd::Ref { public: //添加骨骼信息 void addBoneData(BoneData *boneData); BoneData *getBoneData(const std::string& boneName); public: std::string name; //多个骨头信息 cocosd::Map<std::string, BoneData*> boneDataDic; float dataVersion; };
AnimationData entspricht dem
class AnimationData : public cocosd::Ref { public: void addMovement(MovementData *movData); MovementData *getMovement(const std::string& movementName); ssize_t getMovementCount(); public: //<animation name="Dragon">中的name std::string name; //所有带帧标签的动画map cocosd::Map<std::string, MovementData*> movementDataDic; //所有带帧标签的动画名 std::vector<std::string> movementNames; };
MovementData entspricht
class MovementData : public cocosd::Ref { public: void addMovementBoneData(MovementBoneData *movBoneData); MovementBoneData *getMovementBoneData(const std::string& boneName); public: std::string name; //xml 中 dr int duration; //这怎么有个scale?? float scale; //xml中to int durationTo; //xml中drTW int durationTween; //xml中lp bool loop; //带帧信息的骨骼 cocosd::Map<std::string, MovementBoneData*> movBoneDataDic; };
MovementBoneData entspricht dem b von
class MovementBoneData : public cocosd::Ref { void addFrameData(FrameData *frameData); FrameData *getFrameData(int index); public: //xml中的dl float delay; //xml中的sc float scale; //这个和MovementData中的duration是不是一个?? float duration; std::string name; //关键帧信息 cocosd::Vector<FrameData*> frameList; };
Kleine Zusammenfassung
Die entsprechende Beziehung zwischen jedem Knoten in XML und XXData ist wie folgt. Die Bedeutung jedes Felds in XML finden Sie im vorherigen Artikel
Sehen wir uns den Code zum Generieren von Animationen an
ArmatureDataManager verwendet DataReaderHelper, um armarureDatas, animationDatas und _textureDatas zu analysieren.
ArmatureDataManager ist eine einzelne Instanz. Wenn eine Animation verwendet wird, wird ArmatureDataManager verwendet, um die Daten zum Generieren einer Animation abzurufen.
class ArmatureDataManager : public cocosd::Ref { public: //单例 static ArmatureDataManager *getInstance(); static void destroyInstance(); public: void addArmatureData(const std::string& id, ArmatureData *armatureData, const std::string& configFilePath = ""); ArmatureData *getArmatureData(const std::string& id); void removeArmatureData(const std::string& id); void addAnimationData(const std::string& id, AnimationData *animationData, const std::string& configFilePath = ""); AnimationData *getAnimationData(const std::string& id); void removeAnimationData(const std::string& id); void addTextureData(const std::string& id, TextureData *textureData, const std::string& configFilePath = ""); TextureData *getTextureData(const std::string& id); void removeTextureData(const std::string& id); void addArmatureFileInfo(const std::string& configFilePath); const cocosd::Map<std::string, ArmatureData*>& getArmatureDatas() const; const cocosd::Map<std::string, AnimationData*>& getAnimationDatas() const; const cocosd::Map<std::string, TextureData*>& getTextureDatas() const; protected: void addRelativeData(const std::string& configFilePath); RelativeData *getRelativeData(const std::string& configFilePath); private: cocosd::Map<std::string, ArmatureData*> _armarureDatas; cocosd::Map<std::string, AnimationData*> _animationDatas; cocosd::Map<std::string, TextureData*> _textureDatas; std::unordered_map<std::string, RelativeData> _relativeDatas; };
Es gibt hauptsächlich drei Karten: armarureDatas, animationDatas und _textureDatas. Wie werden diese drei Karten generiert? Beim Ausführen von
Danach werden die drei Karten generiert. Der addArmatureFileInfo-Code lautet wie folgt
void ArmatureDataManager::addArmatureFileInfo(const std::string& configFilePath) { addRelativeData(configFilePath); _autoLoadSpriteFile = true; DataReaderHelper::getInstance()->addDataFromFile(configFilePath); }
DataReaderHelper::getInstance()->addDataFromFile() wurde erneut aufgerufen. Es ist ersichtlich, dass DataReaderHelper die Datenanalyse tatsächlich abgeschlossen hat.
In der DataReaderHelper-Klasse gibt es eine Reihe von decodeXXX() (z. B. decodeArmature, decodeBone), um einen bestimmten XML-Knoten zu analysieren. Schauen Sie mal vorbei
void DataReaderHelper::addDataFromFile(const std::string& filePath) { //省略一些代码 DataInfo dataInfo; dataInfo.filename = filePathStr; dataInfo.asyncStruct = nullptr; dataInfo.baseFilePath = basefilePath; if (str == ".xml") { DataReaderHelper::addDataFromCache(contentStr, &dataInfo); } else if(str == ".json" || str == ".ExportJson") { DataReaderHelper::addDataFromJsonCache(contentStr, &dataInfo); } else if(isbinaryfilesrc) { DataReaderHelper::addDataFromBinaryCache(contentStr.c_str(),&dataInfo); } CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pBytes); }
entspricht verschiedenen Analysemethoden für Dateien (XML, JSON, Binär). XML verwendet addDataFromCache
void DataReaderHelper::addDataFromCache(const std::string& pFileContent, DataInfo *dataInfo) { tinyxml::XMLDocument document; document.Parse(pFileContent.c_str()); tinyxml::XMLElement *root = document.RootElement(); CCASSERT(root, "XML error or XML is empty."); root->QueryFloatAttribute(VERSION, &dataInfo->flashToolVersion); /* * Begin decode armature data from xml */ tinyxml::XMLElement *armaturesXML = root->FirstChildElement(ARMATURES); tinyxml::XMLElement *armatureXML = armaturesXML->FirstChildElement(ARMATURE); while(armatureXML) { ArmatureData *armatureData = DataReaderHelper::decodeArmature(armatureXML, dataInfo); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.lock(); } ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addArmatureData(armatureData->name.c_str(), armatureData, dataInfo->filename.c_str()); armatureData->release(); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.unlock(); } armatureXML = armatureXML->NextSiblingElement(ARMATURE); } /* * Begin decode animation data from xml */ tinyxml::XMLElement *animationsXML = root->FirstChildElement(ANIMATIONS); tinyxml::XMLElement *animationXML = animationsXML->FirstChildElement(ANIMATION); while(animationXML) { AnimationData *animationData = DataReaderHelper::decodeAnimation(animationXML, dataInfo); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.lock(); } ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addAnimationData(animationData->name.c_str(), animationData, dataInfo->filename.c_str()); animationData->release(); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.unlock(); } animationXML = animationXML->NextSiblingElement(ANIMATION); } /* * Begin decode texture data from xml */ tinyxml::XMLElement *texturesXML = root->FirstChildElement(TEXTURE_ATLAS); tinyxml::XMLElement *textureXML = texturesXML->FirstChildElement(SUB_TEXTURE); while(textureXML) { TextureData *textureData = DataReaderHelper::decodeTexture(textureXML, dataInfo); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.lock(); } ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addTextureData(textureData->name.c_str(), textureData, dataInfo->filename.c_str()); textureData->release(); if (dataInfo->asyncStruct) { _dataReaderHelper->_addDataMutex.unlock(); } textureXML = textureXML->NextSiblingElement(SUB_TEXTURE); } }
Es gibt drei Whiles, nämlich decodeArmature, decodeAnimation und decodeTexture. Nach dem Generieren von ArmatureData, AnimationData und TextureData werden ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addArmatureData, addAnimationData und addTextureData zur entsprechenden Karte von ArmatureDataManager hinzugefügt . In decodeXXX werden verschiedene decodeXX aufgerufen, um die entsprechenden XXXData zu generieren.
Nach dem Laden der XML-Daten rufen Sie
aufarmature = Armature::create("Dragon"); armature->getAnimation()->play("walk"); armature->getAnimation()->setSpeedScale(); armature->setPosition(VisibleRect::center().x, VisibleRect::center().y * .f); armature->setScale(.f); addChild(armature);
class Armature: public cocosd::Node, public cocosd::BlendProtocol { protected: //要展示动画的ArmatureData ArmatureData *_armatureData; BatchNode *_batchNode; Bone *_parentBone; float _version; mutable bool _armatureTransformDirty; //所有Bone cocosd::Map<std::string, Bone*> _boneDic; cocosd::Vector<Bone*> _topBoneList; cocosd::BlendFunc _blendFunc; cocosd::Vec _offsetPoint; cocosd::Vec _realAnchorPointInPoints; //动画控制器 ArmatureAnimation *_animation; };
class Bone: public cocosd::Node { protected: BoneData *_boneData; //! A weak reference to the Armature Armature *_armature; //! A weak reference to the child Armature Armature *_childArmature; DisplayManager *_displayManager; /* * When Armature play an animation, if there is not a MovementBoneData of this bone in this MovementData, this bone will be hidden. * Set IgnoreMovementBoneData to true, then this bone will also be shown. */ bool _ignoreMovementBoneData; cocosd::BlendFunc _blendFunc; bool _blendDirty; Tween *_tween; //! Calculate tween effect //! Used for making tween effect in every frame FrameData *_tweenData; Bone *_parentBone; //! A weak reference to its parent bool _boneTransformDirty; //! Whether or not transform dirty //! self Transform, use this to change display's state cocosd::Mat _worldTransform; BaseData *_worldInfo; //! Armature's parent bone Bone *_armatureParentBone; };
class Tween : public ProcessBase{ protected: //! A weak reference to the current MovementBoneData. The data is in the data pool MovementBoneData *_movementBoneData; FrameData *_tweenData; //! The computational tween frame data, //! A weak reference to the Bone's tweenData FrameData *_from; //! From frame data, used for calculate between value FrameData *_to; //! To frame data, used for calculate between value // total diff guan FrameData *_between; //! Between frame data, used for calculate current FrameData(m_pNode) value Bone *_bone; //! A weak reference to the Bone TweenType _frameTweenEasing; //! Dedermine which tween effect current frame use int _betweenDuration; //! Current key frame will last _betweenDuration frames // 总共运行了多少帧 guan int _totalDuration; int _fromIndex; //! The current frame index in FrameList of MovementBoneData, it's different from m_iFrameIndex int _toIndex; //! The next frame index in FrameList of MovementBoneData, it's different from m_iFrameIndex ArmatureAnimation *_animation; bool _passLastFrame; //! If current frame index is more than the last frame's index };
class ArmatureAnimation : public ProcessBase { protected: //! AnimationData save all MovementDatas this animation used. AnimationData *_animationData; MovementData *_movementData; //! MovementData save all MovementFrameDatas this animation used. Armature *_armature; //! A weak reference of armature std::string _movementID; //! Current movment's name int _toIndex; //! The frame index in MovementData->m_pMovFrameDataArr, it's different from m_iFrameIndex. cocos2d::Vector<Tween*> _tweenList; }
void Armature::update(float dt) { _animation->update(dt); for(const auto &bone : _topBoneList) { bone->update(dt); } _armatureTransformDirty = false; }
void ArmatureAnimation::update(float dt) { ProcessBase::update(dt); for (const auto &tween : _tweenList) { tween->update(dt); } //省略一堆代码 }
又调用了tween->update(dt); 每一个update都会调用updateHandler(ProcessBase中update调用了update里调用updateHandler)
void Tween::updateHandler() { //省略一堆代码 if (_loopType > ANIMATION_TO_LOOP_BACK) { percent = updateFrameData(percent); } if(_frameTweenEasing != ::cocosd::tweenfunc::TWEEN_EASING_MAX) { tweenNodeTo(percent); } }
FrameData *Tween::tweenNodeTo(float percent, FrameData *node) { node = node == nullptr ? _tweenData : node; if (!_from->isTween) { percent = ; } node->x = _from->x + percent * _between->x; node->y = _from->y + percent * _between->y; node->scaleX = _from->scaleX + percent * _between->scaleX; node->scaleY = _from->scaleY + percent * _between->scaleY; node->skewX = _from->skewX + percent * _between->skewX; node->skewY = _from->skewY + percent * _between->skewY; _bone->setTransformDirty(true); if (node && _between->isUseColorInfo) { tweenColorTo(percent, node); } return node; }
void Bone::update(float delta) { if (_parentBone) _boneTransformDirty = _boneTransformDirty || _parentBone->isTransformDirty(); if (_armatureParentBone && !_boneTransformDirty) { _boneTransformDirty = _armatureParentBone->isTransformDirty(); } if (_boneTransformDirty) { if (_dataVersion >= VERSION_COMBINED) { TransformHelp::nodeConcat(*_tweenData, *_boneData); _tweenData->scaleX -= ; _tweenData->scaleY -= ; } _worldInfo->copy(_tweenData); _worldInfo->x = _tweenData->x + _position.x; _worldInfo->y = _tweenData->y + _position.y; _worldInfo->scaleX = _tweenData->scaleX * _scaleX; _worldInfo->scaleY = _tweenData->scaleY * _scaleY; _worldInfo->skewX = _tweenData->skewX + _skewX + _rotationZ_X; _worldInfo->skewY = _tweenData->skewY + _skewY - _rotationZ_Y; if(_parentBone) { applyParentTransform(_parentBone); } else { if (_armatureParentBone) { applyParentTransform(_armatureParentBone); } } TransformHelp::nodeToMatrix(*_worldInfo, _worldTransform); if (_armatureParentBone) { _worldTransform = TransformConcat(_worldTransform, _armature->getNodeToParentTransform()); } } DisplayFactory::updateDisplay(this, delta, _boneTransformDirty || _armature->getArmatureTransformDirty()); for(const auto &obj: _children) { Bone *childBone = static_cast<Bone*>(obj); childBone->update(delta); } _boneTransformDirty = false;
void Armature::draw(cocosd::Renderer *renderer, const Mat &transform, uint_t flags) { if (_parentBone == nullptr && _batchNode == nullptr) { // CC_NODE_DRAW_SETUP(); } for (auto& object : _children) { if (Bone *bone = dynamic_cast<Bone *>(object)) { Node *node = bone->getDisplayRenderNode(); if (nullptr == node) continue; switch (bone->getDisplayRenderNodeType()) { case CS_DISPLAY_SPRITE: { Skin *skin = static_cast<Skin *>(node); skin->updateTransform(); BlendFunc func = bone->getBlendFunc(); if (func.src != _blendFunc.src || func.dst != _blendFunc.dst) { skin->setBlendFunc(bone->getBlendFunc()); } else { skin->setBlendFunc(_blendFunc); } skin->draw(renderer, transform, flags); } break; case CS_DISPLAY_ARMATURE: { node->draw(renderer, transform, flags); } break; default: { node->visit(renderer, transform, flags); // CC_NODE_DRAW_SETUP(); } break; } } else if(Node *node = dynamic_cast<Node *>(object)) { node->visit(renderer, transform, flags); // CC_NODE_DRAW_SETUP(); } } }
再skin->draw(renderer, transform, flags);会用到刚刚更新的_quad,显示出最新的图片信息。
{ Mat mv = Director::getInstance()->getMatrix(MATRIX_STACK_TYPE::MATRIX_STACK_MODELVIEW); //TODO implement z order _quadCommand.init(_globalZOrder, _texture->getName(), getGLProgramState(), _blendFunc, &_quad, , mv); renderer->addCommand(&_quadCommand); }