Beim Schreiben der C-Sprache unter Windows ist die Standardeinstellung GB2312. Da Linux und MacOS standardmäßig UTF-8 verwenden, habe ich ein kleines Python-Skript geschrieben, um die Dateien im angegebenen Pfad zu konvertieren.
from sys import argv import os from chardet import detect from codecs import lookup CONFIG_FILE = '.any2any' DEFAULT_CONFIG = ''' .c .h .cpp .hpp .hxx .cc .cxx .C .c++ .m .cs .rs .java .kt .php .pm .pl .py .sh .go .xml .htm .html .css .js .jsx .vue .txt .csv ''' if os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE): with open(CONFIG_FILE, 'r') as config_file: file_extension = tuple( else: file_extension = tuple(DEFAULT_CONFIG.split()) print(f"将转换 {' '.join(list(file_extension))}") def bytes_encoding(b: bytes, length: int = 1024) -> str: ''' 返回探测到的编码格式 ''' return detect(b[:length])['encoding'] def any2any(b: bytes, encoding: str) -> bytes: ''' 任意编码字节转换为任意编码字节 探测输入的字节编码格式,转换为指定编码,并返回对应字节 ''' file_encoding = bytes_encoding(b) if file_encoding == encoding: return b return lookup(encoding).encode(lookup(file_encoding).decode(b)[0])[0] def allfileset(path: str = '.', filepathset: set = set()) -> set: ''' 递归路径下所有文件,返回绝对路径集合 ''' if os.path.isdir(path): for item in os.listdir(path): filepath = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isfile(filepath): filepathset.add(os.path.abspath(filepath)) else: allfileset(filepath, filepathset) else: filepathset.add(os.path.abspath(path)) return filepathset def is_valid_inputs() -> bool: ''' 检查参数是否输入正确 ''' return len(argv) > 1 and all(map(os.path.exists, argv[1:])) def is_valid_encoding(encoding: str) -> bool: ''' 检查是否存在指定编码 ''' try: lookup(encoding) return True except: return False def choice_encoding() -> str: choice = input('''!!!在转换前注意备份文件!!! 要转换到什么编码? 1. GB18030(Windows下常用,C语言不会乱码) 2. UTF-8(非Windows下通用,例如Linux和macOS) 3. 其他 > ''') if choice == '1': return 'GB18030' elif choice == '2': return 'UTF-8' elif choice == '3': choice = input('输入你想转换到的编码:') while not is_valid_encoding(choice): choice = input('不存在该编码,重新输入:') return choice else: print('不做任何操作') exit() def main(): if is_valid_inputs(): encoding = choice_encoding() filepathset = set() for path in argv[1:]: filepathset.union(filter(lambda s: s.endswith(file_extension), allfileset(path, filepathset))) if filepathset: for path in filepathset: with open(path, 'rb') as f: filebytes = any2any(, encoding) with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(filebytes) print(f'{path} 已转换到 {encoding}') print('转换已完成') else: print('没有任何可以转换的文件,请检查程序下是否有.any2any配置文件,用空格或换行间隔要转换的文件类型,例如 .c .cpp .cs') else: print("未收到任何要转换的文件或文件夹路径,或参数错误,请把要转换的文件或文件夹拖动到程序上。") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() finally: input('按任意键退出...')
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