Im SchemDraw-Modul werden also sechs Elemente verwendet, um die Hauptknoten des Flussdiagramms darzustellen. Die Ovale stellen den Anfang und das Ende der Entscheidung dar. Der Code lautet wie folgt:
import schemdraw from schemdraw.flow import * with schemdraw.Drawing() as d: d += Start().label("Start")
with schemdraw.Drawing() as d: d += Arrow(w = 5).right().label("Connector")
with schemdraw.Drawing() as d: d += Data(w = 5).label("What's the problem")
with schemdraw.Drawing() as d: d += Process(w = 5).label("Processing")
with schemdraw.Drawing() as d: d += Decision(w = 5).label("Decisions")
import schemdraw from schemdraw.flow import * with schemdraw.Drawing() as d: d+= Start().label("Start") d+= Arrow().down(d.unit/2) # 具体是啥问题嘞 d+= Data(w = 4).label("Go camping or not") d+= Arrow().down(d.unit/2) # 第一步 查看天气 d+= Box(w = 4).label("Check weather first") d+= Arrow().down(d.unit/2) # 是否是晴天 d+= (decision := Decision(w = 5, h= 5, S = "True", E = "False").label("See if it's sunny")) # 如果是真的话 d+= Arrow().length(d.unit/2) d+= (true := Box(w = 5).label("Sunny, go camping")) d+= Arrow().length(d.unit/2) # 结束 d+= (end := Ellipse().label("End")) # 如果不是晴天的话 d+= Arrow().right(d.unit).at(decision.E) # 那如果是下雨天的话,就不能去露营咯 d+= (false := Box(w = 5).label("Rainy, stay at home")) # 决策的走向 d+= Arrow().down(d.unit*2.5).at(false.S) # 决策的走向 d+= Arrow().left(d.unit*2.15)"palindrome flowchart.jpeg", dpi = 300)
import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np G = nx.DiGraph() nodes = np.arange(0, 8).tolist() G.add_nodes_from(nodes) # 节点连接的信息,哪些节点的是相连接的 G.add_edges_from([(0,1), (0,2), (1,3), (1, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (2,7)]) # 节点的位置 pos = {0:(10, 10), 1:(7.5, 7.5), 2:(12.5, 7.5), 3:(6, 6), 4:(9, 6), 5:(11, 6), 6:(14, 6), 7:(17, 6)} # 节点的标记 labels = {0:"CEO", 1: "Team A Lead", 2: "Team B Lead", 3: "Staff A", 4: "Staff B", 5: "Staff C", 6: "Staff D", 7: "Staff E"} nx.draw_networkx(G, pos = pos, labels = labels, arrows = True, node_shape = "s", node_color = "white") plt.title("Company Structure")
Wenn Sie dies sehen, werden Sie möglicherweise das Gefühl haben, dass die Ergebnisse erzielt werden Hervorheben ist etwas einfacher. Wenn Sie etwas Farbe hinzufügen möchten, lautet der Code wie folgt:
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos = pos, labels = labels, bbox = dict(facecolor = "skyblue", boxstyle = "round", ec = "silver", pad = 0.3), edge_color = "gray" ) plt.title("Company Structure")
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