Das Gameplay von Fruit Ninja ist sehr einfach: Schneiden Sie einfach die geworfenen Früchte so weit wie möglich ab.
Heute wird Xiaowu Python verwenden, um dieses Spiel einfach zu simulieren. In diesem einfachen Projekt wählen wir mit der Maus die zu schneidende Frucht aus und die Bombe wird in der Frucht versteckt. Wenn die Bombe dreimal geschnitten wird, wird der Spieler scheitern.
import pygame, sys import os import random
# 游戏窗口 WIDTH = 800 HEIGHT = 500 FPS = 15 # gameDisplay的帧率,1/12秒刷新一次 pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption('水果忍者') # 标题 gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) # 固定窗口大小 clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 用到的颜色 WHITE = (255,255,255) BLACK = (0,0,0) RED = (255,0,0) GREEN = (0,255,0) BLUE = (0,0,255) background = pygame.image.load('背景.jpg') # 背景 font = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'comic.ttf'), 42) # 字体 score_text = font.render('Score : ' + str(score), True, (255, 255, 255)) # 得分字体样式
def generate_random_fruits(fruit): fruit_path = "images/" + fruit + ".png" data[fruit] = { 'img': pygame.image.load(fruit_path), 'x' : random.randint(100,500), 'y' : 800, 'speed_x': random.randint(-10,10), 'speed_y': random.randint(-80, -60), 'throw': False, 't': 0, 'hit': False, } if random.random() >= 0.75: data[fruit]['throw'] = True else: data[fruit]['throw'] = False data = {} for fruit in fruits: generate_random_fruits(fruit)
font_name = pygame.font.match_font('comic.ttf') def draw_text(display, text, size, x, y): font = pygame.font.Font(font_name, size) text_surface = font.render(text, True, WHITE) text_rect = text_surface.get_rect() text_rect.midtop = (x, y) gameDisplay.blit(text_surface, text_rect)
# 绘制玩家的生命 def draw_lives(display, x, y, lives, image) : for i in range(lives) : img = pygame.image.load(image) img_rect = img.get_rect() img_rect.x = int(x + 35 * i) img_rect.y = y display.blit(img, img_rect) def hide_cross_lives(x, y): gameDisplay.blit(pygame.image.load("images/red_lives.png"), (x, y))
def show_gameover_screen(): gameDisplay.blit(background, (0,0)) draw_text(gameDisplay, "FRUIT NINJA!", 90, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 4) if not game_over : draw_text(gameDisplay,"Score : " + str(score), 50, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT /2) draw_text(gameDisplay, "Press a key to begin!", 64, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT * 3 / 4) pygame.display.flip() waiting = True while waiting: clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: waiting = False
first_round = True game_over = True game_running = True while game_running : if game_over : if first_round : show_gameover_screen() first_round = False game_over = False player_lives = 3 draw_lives(gameDisplay, 690, 5, player_lives, 'images/red_lives.png') score = 0 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: game_running = False gameDisplay.blit(background, (0, 0)) gameDisplay.blit(score_text, (0, 0)) draw_lives(gameDisplay, 690, 5, player_lives, 'images/red_lives.png') for key, value in data.items(): if value['throw']: value['x'] += value['speed_x'] value['y'] += value['speed_y'] value['speed_y'] += (1 * value['t']) value['t'] += 1 if value['y'] <= 800: gameDisplay.blit(value['img'], (value['x'], value['y'])) else: generate_random_fruits(key) current_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if not value['hit'] and current_position[0] > value['x'] and current_position[0] < value['x']+60 and current_position[1] > value['y'] and current_position[1] < value['y']+60: if key == 'bomb': player_lives -= 1 if player_lives == 0: hide_cross_lives(690, 15) elif player_lives == 1 : hide_cross_lives(725, 15) elif player_lives == 2 : hide_cross_lives(760, 15) if player_lives < 0 : show_gameover_screen() game_over = True half_fruit_path = "images/explosion.png" else: half_fruit_path = "images/" + "half_" + key + ".png" value['img'] = pygame.image.load(half_fruit_path) value['speed_x'] += 10 if key != 'bomb' : score += 1 score_text = font.render('Score : ' + str(score), True, (255, 255, 255)) value['hit'] = True else: generate_random_fruits(key) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS) pygame.quit()
Das obige ist der detaillierte Inhalt vonObstschneidesteinspiel, implementiert in Python. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte anderen verwandten Artikeln auf der PHP chinesischen Website!