NetEase Cloud Music ist ein von NetEase entwickeltes Musikprodukt und ein Forschungsprojekt von NetEase Hangzhou Die Ergebnisse der Akademie basieren auf professionellen Musikern, DJs, Empfehlungen von Freunden und sozialen Funktionen. Der Online-Musikdienst konzentriert sich auf Wiedergabelisten, soziale Netzwerke, Empfehlungen großer Namen und Musik-Fingerabdrücke mit Wiedergabelisten, DJ-Programmen, sozialen Netzwerken und geografischen Standorten Die Kernelemente konzentrieren sich auf das Entdecken und Teilen. Crawlen Sie den Playlist-Teil der offiziellen Website von NetEase Cloud Music, rufen Sie Daten aus der NetEase Cloud Music-Playlist ab, rufen Sie alle Playlists eines bestimmten Songstils ab und rufen Sie den Namen, das Tag, die Einleitung, die Sammlungslautstärke, die Wiedergabelautstärke und die Songliste ab die Playlist. Die Anzahl der in der Single enthaltenen Songs sowie die Anzahl der Kommentare.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import time headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36' } for i in range(0, 1330, 35): print(i) time.sleep(2) url = '华语&order=hot&limit=35&offset=' + str(i)#修改这里即可 response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') # 获取包含歌单详情页网址的标签 ids ='.dec a') # 获取包含歌单索引页信息的标签 lis ='#m-pl-container li') print(len(lis)) for j in range(len(lis)): # 获取歌单详情页地址 url = ids[j]['href'] # 获取歌单标题 title = ids[j]['title'] # 获取歌单播放量 play = lis[j].select('.nb')[0].get_text() # 获取歌单贡献者名字 user = lis[j].select('p')[1].select('a')[0].get_text() # 输出歌单索引页信息 print(url, title, play, user) # 将信息写入CSV文件中 with open('playlist.csv', 'a+', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: f.write(url + ',' + title + ',' + play + ',' + user + '\n') from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd import requests import time df = pd.read_csv('playlist.csv', header=None, error_bad_lines=False, names=['url', 'title', 'play', 'user']) headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36' } for i in df['url']: time.sleep(2) url = '' + i response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') # 获取歌单标题 title ='h3')[0].get_text().replace(',', ',') # 获取标签 tags = [] tags_message ='.u-tag i') for p in tags_message: tags.append(p.get_text()) # 对标签进行格式化 if len(tags) > 1: tag = '-'.join(tags) else: tag = tags[0] # 获取歌单介绍 if'#album-desc-more'): text ='#album-desc-more')[0].get_text().replace('\n', '').replace(',', ',') else: text = '无' # 获取歌单收藏量 collection ='#content-operation i')[1].get_text().replace('(', '').replace(')', '') # 歌单播放量 play ='.s-fc6')[0].get_text() # 歌单内歌曲数 songs ='#playlist-track-count')[0].get_text() # 歌单评论数 comments ='#cnt_comment_count')[0].get_text() # 输出歌单详情页信息 print(title, tag, text, collection, play, songs, comments) # 将详情页信息写入CSV文件中 with open('music_message.csv', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f: # f.write(title + '/' + tag + '/' + text + '/' + collection + '/' + play + '/' + songs + '/' + comments + '\n') f.write(title + ',' + tag + ',' + text + ',' + collection + ',' + play + ',' + songs + ',' + comments + '\n')
3.1 Design
3.2 Realisierung
df['collection'] = df['collection'].astype('string').str.strip() df['collection'] = [int(str(i).replace('万','0000')) for i in df['collection']] df['text'] = [str(i)[3:] for i in df['text']] df['comments'] = [0 if '评论' in str(i).strip() else int(i) for i in df['comments']]
df_play = df[['title','play']].sort_values('play',ascending=False) df_play[:10] df_play = df_play[:10] _x = df_play['title'].tolist() _y = df_play['play'].tolist() df_play = get_matplot(x=_x,y=_y,chart='barh',title='网易云音乐华语歌单播放 TOP10',ha='left',size=8,color=color[0]) df_play
# 🎜🎜## 🎜🎜#
df_com = df[['title','comments']].sort_values('comments',ascending=False) df_com[:10] df_com = df_com[:10] _x = df_com['title'].tolist() _y = df_com['comments'].tolist() df_com = get_matplot(x=_x,y=_y,chart='barh',title='网易云音乐华语歌单评论数 TOP10',ha='left',size=8,color=color[2]) df_com
df_songs = np.log(df['songs']) df_songs df_songs = get_matplot(x=0,y=df_songs,chart='hist',title='华语歌单歌曲收录分布情况',ha='left',size=10,color=color[3]) df_songs
def get_tag(df): df = df['tag'].str.split('-') datalist = list(set(x for data in df for x in data)) return datalist df_tag = get_tag(df) # df_tag def get_lx(x,i): if i in str(x): return 1 else: return 0 for i in list(df_tag):#这里的df['all_category'].unique()也可以自己用列表构建,我这里是利用了前面获得的 df[i] = df['tag'].apply(get_lx,i=f'{i}') # df.head() Series = df.iloc[:,7:].sum().sort_values(0,ascending=False) df_tag = [tag for tag in zip(Series.index.tolist(),Series.values.tolist())] df_tag[:10] df_iex = [index for index in Series.index.tolist()][:20] df_tag = [tag for tag in Series.values.tolist()][:20] df_tagiex = get_matplot(x=df_iex,y=df_tag,chart='plot',title='网易云音乐华语歌单标签图',size=10,ha='center',color=color[3]) df_tagiex
可以通过此标签图看出歌单的风格,可以分析出目前的主流歌曲的情感,以及大众的需求,也网易云音乐用户的音乐偏好,据此可以看出,网易云音乐用户,在音乐偏好上比较多元化:国内流行、欧美流行、电子、 等各种风格均有涉及。
df_user = pd.read_csv('playlist.csv',encoding="unicode_escape",header=0,names=['url','title','play','user'],sep=',') df_user.shape df_user = df_user.iloc[:,1:] df_user['count'] = 0 df_user = df_user.groupby('user',as_index=False)['count'].count() df_user = df_user.sort_values('count',ascending=False)[:10] df_user df_user = df_user[:10] names = df_user['user'].tolist() nums = df_user['count'].tolist() df_u = get_matplot(x=names,y=nums,chart='barh',title='歌单贡献UP主 TOP10',ha='left',size=10,color=color[4]) df_u
import wordcloud import pandas as pd import numpy as np from PIL import Image data = pd.read_excel('music_message.xlsx') #根据播放量排序,只取前五十个 data = data.sort_values('play',ascending=False).head(50) #font_path指明用什么样的字体风格,这里用的是电脑上都有的微软雅黑 w1 = wordcloud.WordCloud(width=1000,height=700, background_color='black', font_path='msyh.ttc') txt = "\n".join(i for i in data['title']) w1.generate(txt) w1.to_file('F:\\词云.png')
def get_matplot(x,y,chart,title,ha,size,color): # 设置图片显示属性,字体及大小 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Microsoft YaHei'] plt.rcParams['font.size'] = size plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 设置图片显示属性 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8), dpi=80) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.patch.set_color('white') # 设置坐标轴属性 lines = plt.gca() # 设置显示数据 if x ==0: pass else: x.reverse() y.reverse() data = pd.Series(y, index=x) # 设置坐标轴颜色 lines.spines['right'].set_color('none') lines.spines['top'].set_color('none') lines.spines['left'].set_color((64/255, 64/255, 64/255)) lines.spines['bottom'].set_color((64/255, 64/255, 64/255)) # 设置坐标轴刻度 lines.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') lines.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') if chart == 'barh': # 绘制柱状图,设置柱状图颜色 data.plot.barh(ax=ax, width=0.7, alpha=0.7, color=color) # 添加标题,设置字体大小 ax.set_title(f'{title}', fontsize=18, fontweight='light') # 添加歌曲出现次数文本 for x, y in enumerate(data.values): plt.text(y+0.3, x-0.12, '%s' % y, ha=f'{ha}') elif chart == 'hist': # 绘制直方图,设置柱状图颜色 ax.hist(y, bins=30, alpha=0.7, color=(21/255, 47/255, 71/255)) # 添加标题,设置字体大小 ax.set_title(f'{title}', fontsize=18, fontweight='light') elif chart == 'plot': colors = ['#adb0ff', '#ffb3ff', '#90d595', '#e48381', '#aafbff', '#f7bb5f', '#eafb50', '#adb0ff', '#ffb3ff', '#90d595', '#e48381', '#aafbff', '#f7bb5f', '#eafb50', '#adb0ff', '#ffb3ff', '#90d595', '#e48381', '#aafbff', '#f7bb5f', '#eafb50', '#adb0ff', '#ffb3ff', '#90d595', '#e48381', '#aafbff', '#f7bb5f', '#eafb50', '#adb0ff', '#ffb3ff', '#90d595', '#e48381', '#aafbff', '#f7bb5f', '#eafb50', '#adb0ff', '#ffb3ff', '#90d595', '#e48381', '#aafbff', '#f7bb5f', '#eafb50', '#adb0ff', '#ffb3ff', '#90d595', '#e48381', '#aafbff'] plot = squarify.plot(sizes=y, label=x, color=colors, alpha=1, value=y, edgecolor='white', linewidth=1.5) # 设置标签大小为1 plt.rc('font', size=6) # 设置标题大小 plot.set_title(f'{title}', fontsize=13, fontweight='light') # 除坐标轴 plt.axis('off') # 除上边框和右边框刻度 plt.tick_params(top=False, right=False) # 显示图片 #构建color序列 color = [(153/255, 0/255, 102/255),(8/255, 88/255, 121/255),(160/255, 102/255, 50/255),(136/255, 43/255, 48/255),(16/255, 152/255, 168/255),(153/255, 0/255, 102/255)]
Das obige ist der detaillierte Inhalt vonSo verwenden Sie Python zum Analysieren und Visualisieren von NetEase Cloud-Playlist-Daten. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte anderen verwandten Artikeln auf der PHP chinesischen Website!