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Example of CRUD with Node.js & MySQL_MySQL

Freigeben: 2016-06-01 13:16:30
1427 Leute haben es durchsucht


This time I'd like to share a basic and simple example of CRUD Operation in Node.js and MySQL. Its a lil bit hard to find tutorial Node.js n MySQL as poeple tend to use Mongoose instead of MySQL. 

Before we start, Please mind the environment of this Application.

  • I'm using Ubuntu
  • NPM, Express 
  • MySQL for Node

I haven't tested it yet on Windows. but i bet this will work too.

Installing all those things above

Install Node.js, NPM and Express in Ubuntu 

After you installation's completed, lets start creating your project folder:

ubuntu@AcerXtimeline:~$ express hello_world
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once your hello_world folder is ready, Install MySQL. Go inside hello_world

ubuntu@AcerXtimeline:~/hello_world$ npm install mysql<br>
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We need a connection manager in Express. install it 

ubuntu@AcerXtimeline:~/hello_world$ npm install express-myconnection
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Now take a look at this Folder structure

Example of CRUD with Node.js & MySQL_MySQL

See you folder structure, compare it to the picture above.make new folder/files that you dont have yet in folder just like on the pic.

Are we ready yet ? 

1. Careate a MySQL Database :nodejs and create a tablecustomer (id,name,address,email,phone).  or you can import the SQL in source code (see the end of this tuts)

2. Open app.js . by default some codes are already given for you. we'll just need to add a lil more codes.

/**<br> * Module dependencies.<br> */<br>var express = require('express');<br>var routes = require('./routes');<br>var http = require('http');<br>var path = require('path');<br>//load customers route<br>var customers = require('./routes/customers'); <br>var app = express();<br>var connection= require('express-myconnection'); <br>var mysql = require('mysql');<br>// all environments<br>app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 4300);<br>app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));<br>app.set('view engine', 'ejs');<br>//app.use(express.favicon());<br>app.use(express.logger('dev'));<br>app.use(express.json());<br>app.use(express.urlencoded());<br>app.use(express.methodOverride());<br>app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));<br>// development only<br>if ('development' == app.get('env')) {<br>app.use(express.errorHandler());<br>}<br>/*------------------------------------------<br>connection peer, register as middleware<br>type koneksi : single,pool and request <br>-------------------------------------------*/<br>app.use(<br><br>connection(mysql,{<br><br>host: 'localhost',<br>user: 'root',<br>password : '',<br>port : 3306, //port mysql<br>database:'nodejs'<br>},'request')<br>);//route index, hello world<br>app.get('/', routes.index);//route customer list<br>app.get('/customers', customers.list);//route add customer, get n post<br>app.get('/customers/add', customers.add);<br>app.post('/customers/add', customers.save);//route delete customer<br>app.get('/customers/delete/:id', customers.delete_customer);//edit customer route , get n post<br>app.get('/customers/edit/:id', customers.edit); <br>app.post('/customers/edit/:id',customers.save_edit);<br>app.use(app.router);<br>http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){<br>console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));<br>});
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remember to make new files/folder like shown on the above pic. 
Now, wee need codes to DO THE CRUD. the file's locatedroutes/customers.js

/*<br> * GET customers listing.<br> */<br>exports.list = function(req, res){<br>req.getConnection(function(err,connection){<br> <br> connection.query('SELECT * FROM customer',function(err,rows) {<br><br>if(err)<br> console.log("Error Selecting : %s ",err );<br> <br>res.render('customers',{page_title:"Customers - Node.js",data:rows});<br> <br> });<br> <br>});<br><br>};<br>exports.add = function(req, res){<br>res.render('add_customer',{page_title:"Add Customers-Node.js"});<br>};<br>exports.edit = function(req, res){<br><br>var id = req.params.id;<br><br>req.getConnection(function(err,connection){<br> <br> connection.query('SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id = ?',[id],function(err,rows)<br>{<br><br>if(err)<br>console.log("Error Selecting : %s ",err );<br> <br>res.render('edit_customer',{page_title:"Edit Customers - Node.js",data:rows});<br> <br> });<br> <br>}); <br>};<br>/*Save the customer*/<br>exports.save = function(req,res){<br><br>var input = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(req.body));<br><br>req.getConnection(function (err, connection) {<br><br>var data = {<br><br>name: input.name,<br>address : input.address,<br>email : input.email,<br>phone : input.phone <br><br>};<br><br>var query = connection.query("INSERT INTO customer set ? ",data, function(err, rows)<br>{<br><br>if (err)<br>console.log("Error inserting : %s ",err );<br> <br>res.redirect('/customers');<br><br>});<br><br> // console.log(query.sql); get raw query<br><br>});<br>};<br>exports.save_edit = function(req,res){<br><br>var input = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(req.body));<br>var id = req.params.id;<br><br>req.getConnection(function (err, connection) {<br><br>var data = {<br><br>name: input.name,<br>address : input.address,<br>email : input.email,<br>phone : input.phone <br><br>};<br><br>connection.query("UPDATE customer set ? WHERE id = ? ",[data,id], function(err, rows)<br>{<br><br>if (err)<br>console.log("Error Updating : %s ",err );<br> <br>res.redirect('/customers');<br><br>});<br><br>});<br>};<br><br>exports.delete_customer = function(req,res){<br><br> var id = req.params.id;<br><br> req.getConnection(function (err, connection) {<br><br>connection.query("DELETE FROM customerWHERE id = ? ",[id], function(err, rows)<br>{<br><br> if(err)<br> console.log("Error deleting : %s ",err );<br><br> res.redirect('/customers');<br> <br>});<br><br> });<br>};
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here's html code (ejs template) for listing the customer
<br><div class="page-data">
<br> <div class="data-btn">
<br> <button onclick="addUser();">+ Add</button><br> </div>
<br> <div class="data-table">
<br><table border="1" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="7">
<br><th width="50px">No</th>
<br><th width="120px">Action</th>
</tr> <br><br> for(var i = 0;i  <br><tr>
<br><a class="a-inside edit" href="../customers/edit/<%=data%5Bi%5D.id%>">Edit</a> <br><a class="a-inside delete" href="../customers/delete/<%=data%5Bi%5D.id%>">Delete</a> <br>
<br><br> }else{ %><br> <tr>
<br><td colspan="3">No user</td>
<br> </tr>
<br><br> <br>
<br> </div>
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Well, actually 'm too lazy to put it all here...its gonna be a long scroll :(. pardon me for that. I think you can just download the Source herenodecrud and put a questions or issue on the Comment bellow. 

run the the source code :

ubuntu@AcerXtimeline:~/hello_world$ node app.js
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The source will produce things like these:

Example of CRUD with Node.js & MySQL_MySQLExample of CRUD with Node.js & MySQL_MySQLExample of CRUD with Node.js & MySQL_MySQLHappy coding
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