Ich bin auf ein Problem gestoßen, als ich versuchte, einen Bildschirmmanager mit Kivy zu implementieren. Wie Sie sehen können, ist die „Chat“-ID in main.kv definiert, sodass ich nicht verstehen kann, warum der Fehler auftritt. Ich bin neu bei Kivy und habe noch nie zuvor einen Bildschirmmanager verwendet. Bitte helfen Sie!
from kivy.app import app from kivy.lang import builder from kivy.uix.label import label from kivy.core.window import window from kivy.uix.screenmanager import screen, screenmanager from kivy.clock import mainthread from range_key_dict import rangekeydict from math import inf from threading import thread from powerbot import chatbot #remove from kivy.clock import clock window.size = (500, 500) class signupscreen(screen): pass class mainscreen(screen): pass class message(label): pass class user: def __init__(self, years_lifting, weight, height, unavailable_equipment, unavailable_muscle_groups, aim): # lifting experience classification expclassdict = rangekeydict({ (0.0, 1.9): 1, # beginner (2.0, 3.9): 2, # intermediate (4, inf): 3 # advanced }) expclass = expclassdict[years_lifting] # bmi classification bmiclassdict = rangekeydict({ (0.0, 9.9): 1, # severely underweight (10.0, 18.5): 2, # underweight (18.6, 24.9): 3, # healthy weight (25.0, 34.9): 2, # overweight (35.0, inf): 1, # severely overweight }) bmi = weight/(height/100)**2 # calculate bmi bmiclass = bmiclassdict[bmi] self.experience_level = expclass self.bmi_level = bmiclass self.unavailable_equipment = unavailable_equipment self.unavailable_muscle_groups = unavailable_muscle_groups self.aim = aim class exampleapp(app): def build(self): sm = screenmanager() # load the signup.kv file and add its content to the signupscreen builder.load_file('signup.kv') # create the signupscreen instance and add it to the screenmanager signup_screen = signupscreen(name='signup') sm.add_widget(signup_screen) # load the main application screen from main.kv builder.load_file('main.kv') main_screen = mainscreen(name='main') sm.add_widget(main_screen) return sm def switch_to_main_screen(self): self.root.current = 'main' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ai = chatbot("powerbot") def on_start(self): print("root ids:", self.root.ids) # assuming you expect 'chat' to be available here, you can print its contents as well if 'chat' in self.root.ids: print("chat widget:", self.root.ids.chat) self.root.current = 'signup' initial_messages = ["powerbot is initializing, please wait (this could take a minute)"] for message in initial_messages: self.system_message(message) message = "000000" thread = thread(target=self.background_message_receiver,args=(message,)) thread.start() self.root.ids.sv.scroll_y = 0 def sign_up(self, years_lifting, weight, height): # convert input values to appropriate data types (e.g., int, float) years_lifting = float(years_lifting) weight = float(weight) height = float(height) # create a user object with the provided sign-up details user = user(years_lifting, weight, height) # pass other sign-up details as needed self.root.ids.years_lifting_input.text = '' self.root.ids.weight_input.text = '' self.root.ids.height_input.text = '' def background_message_receiver(self, message): response = self.ai.message_to_bot(message) self.incoming_message(response) def send_message(self, message): self.root.ids.ti.text = "" if message: m = message(text=f"[color=dd2020]you[/color] > {message}") self.root.ids.chat.add_widget(m) self.root.ids.ti.focus = true thread = thread(target=self.background_message_receiver,args=(message,)) thread.start() @mainthread def incoming_message(self, message): m = message(text=f"[color=20dd20]powerbot[/color] > {message}") self.root.ids.chat.add_widget(m) self.root.ids.ti.focus = true def system_message(self, message): m = message(text=f"[color=ffffff]system[/color] > {message}") self.root.ids.chat.add_widget(m) self.root.ids.ti.focus = true # execute if __name__ == '__main__': exampleapp().run()
<message>: size_hint: 1, none text_size: self.width, none size: self.texture_size markup: true <mainscreen>: boxlayout: orientation: 'vertical' padding: 10 scrollview: id: sv boxlayout: id: chat # add the id for the chat messages spacing: 5 padding: 10 orientation: 'vertical' size_hint_y: none height: self.minimum_height widget: # used as a spacer, push message to bottom size_hint_y: none height: sv.height boxlayout: size_hint_y: none height: 40 spacing: 10 textinput: id: ti multiline: false on_text_validate: app.send_message(self.text) button: text: 'submit' size_hint_x: none width: 75 on_release: app.send_message(ti.text)
<SignupScreen>: BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' padding: 10 Button: text: 'Continue' size_hint_y: None height: '48dp' on_release: app.switch_to_main_screen()
Ich habe hier weitere Fragen zu ähnlichen Problemen gesehen, aber leider beherrsche ich Kivy nicht ausreichend, um die Lösung auf mein spezielles Szenario anzuwenden.
In Ihrer chat
id 是在 mainscreen
类中定义的,但您尝试在 exampleapp
的 self.root.ids
中访问它。由于该 id 是在 <mainscreen>
规则中定义的,因此您必须通过 mainscreen
实例访问它。一种方法是仅保存对 mainscreen
实例的引用。在 build()
-Methode können Sie Folgendes ändern:
# load the main application screen from main.kv builder.load_file('main.kv') main_screen = mainscreen(name='main') sm.add_widget(main_screen)
# load the main application screen from main.kv builder.load_file('main.kv') self.main_screen = mainscreen(name='main') sm.add_widget(self.main_screen)
Dann, in jeder nicht statischen exampleapp
方法内的任何位置,您都可以访问 chat
ID, so:
Das obige ist der detaillierte Inhalt vonKivy-Bildschirmmanager kivy\properties.pyx KeyError und AttributeError: Das Objekt „super' hat kein Attribut „__getattr__'. Meinten Sie: „__setattr__'?. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte anderen verwandten Artikeln auf der PHP chinesischen Website!