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Freigeben: 2016-06-06 19:32:31
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有点标题党,不过确实是一个不错的多文件上传类。简洁实用。 这个类可以用来处理表单上传多个文件。 这个类可以检查文件是否不为空,也没有超过给定的大小限制。 它也可以检查文件类型对允许和拒绝的文件类型列表。 该类还可以通过用下划线代替空格使最终的文






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仿开源中国,分享代码时候的多文件上传 仿开源中国,分享代码时候的多文件上传
$action = isset($_GET['action'])?$_GET['action']:"";

$auc = new auc();

if ($action == 'uploadfile') {
	$auc = new auc();
	//Comment: $auc->upload_dir("directory name", "create dir if it does not exist, false by default or true");
	//$auc->upload_dir("/path/to/uploads/folder/with/trailing/slash/", false);
	//Comment: $auc->make_safe = true || false (default); make the file name safe
	//$auc->make_safe = true;
	//Comment: $auc->max_file_size = size in bytes (1MB default) || false; set max file size in bytes or false not to check size
	//$auc->max_file_size = 1048576;
	//Comment: $auc->overwrite = true || false (default); overwrite if file exists
	//$auc->overwrite = true;
	//Comment: $auc->check_file_type = false (default) || allowed || denied; 
	//$auc->check_file_type = 'allowed';	
	$result = $auc->upload("file");
	if (is_array($result)) {
		echo 'Something Went Wrong';
		echo '<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">';
		echo '
Nach dem Login kopieren
'; } else { echo 'All OK'; } } else { ?> Upload Class - Demo

class auc {
	public $errors = array(); //array used to store any errors that occur.
	public $upload_dir = ''; //the upload_dir being used by the script
	public $make_safe = false; //default don't modify the file name to safe version
	public $max_file_size = 1048576; //Max File Size in Bytes, 1MB
	public $overwrite = false; //default don't overwrite files that already exsist
	public $check_file_type = false; //don't check for file type by default but can check for allowed and denied files.
	public $allowed_mime_types = array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/tiff'); //array of allowed mime types used when check_file_type is set to allowed
	public $denied_mime_types = array('application/x-php', 'text/html'); //array of denied mime types used when check_file_type is set to denied
	 * Check if the upload dir is valid, if it is not valid attempt to make the dir, if dir is succesfully created chmod it to 0777. 
	 * If any elments fail return false else set upload_dir and return true.
	 * @param string $dir
	 * @param boolean $mkdir
	 * @return true or false
	public function upload_dir($dir, $mkdir = false) {
		$errors =& $this->errors;
		$status = true;
		if (!is_dir($dir)) {
			if ($mkdir) {
				if (!mkdir($dir)) {
					$status = false;
				} else {
					if (!chmod($dir, 0777)) $status = false;
			} else {
				$status = false;
		if ($status) {
			$this->upload_dir = $dir;
			return true;
		} else {
			$errors['general'][] = 'Upload Dir is Not Valid and/or a dir could not be created/chmod.';
			return false;
	 * check that the upload dir is valid and that it is writeable
	 * @param string $dir
	 * @return true or false
	public function check_dir($dir) {
		if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir)) return false;
		return true;

	 * make the uploaded file name safe
	 * @param string $file_name
	 * @return safe file name
	public function make_safe($file_name) {
		return str_replace(' ', '_', $file_name);
	 * Check the Attemted Uploads for errors etc if everything goes good move the file, to the upload_dir.
	 * @param array $object
	 * @return unknown
	public function upload($object) {
		$errors =& $this->errors;
		if (empty($errors['general'])) {
			if (empty($this->upload_dir)) $this->upload_dir = dirname(__FILE__).'/'; //if no default upload_dir has been specified used the current dir.
			if ($this->check_dir($this->upload_dir)) {
				$files = $_FILES[$object];
				$count = count($files['name']) - 1;
				echo '<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">';
				echo '
Nach dem Login kopieren
'; for ($current = 0; $current <= $count; $current++) { $error = ''; try { //check for $_FILES Errors switch ($files['error'][$current]) { case 0 : break; case 1 : $error = $files['name'][$current].' exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; break; case 2 : $error = $files['name'][$current].' exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; break; case 3 : $error = $files['name'][$current].' was only partially uploaded'; break; case 4 : $error = 'No file was uploaded'; break; case 6 : $error = 'Missing a temporary folder'; break; case 7 : $error = 'Failed to write '.$files['name'][$current].' to disk'; break; case 8 : $error = $files['name'][$current].' stopped by extension'; break; default : $error = 'Unidentified Error, caused by '.$files['name'][$current]; break; } if ($error) throw new TrigerErrorException($error, $files['name'][$current]); //check that the file is not empty if ($files['size'][$current] <= 0) throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' is empty', $files['name'][$current]); //check that the file does not exceed the defined max_file_size if ($this->max_file_size) { if ($files['size'][$current] >= $this->max_file_size) throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' exceeds defined max_file_size', $files['name'][$current]); } if ($this->check_file_type == 'allowed' && !in_array($files['type'][$current], $this->allowed_mime_types)) { throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' is not an allowed type', $files['name'][$current]); } elseif ($this->check_file_type == 'denied' && in_array($files['type'][$current], $this->denied_mime_types)) { throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' is a denied type', $files['name'][$current]); } //if make_safe is true call make safe function if ($this->make_safe) $files['name'][$current] = $this->make_safe($files['name'][$current]); //if overwrite is false and the file exists error if (!$this->overwrite && file_exists($this->upload_dir.$files['name'][$current])) throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' already exsists', $files['name'][$current]); //move the uploaded file, error if anything goes wrong. if (!move_uploaded_file($files['tmp_name'][$current], $this->upload_dir.$files['name'][$current])) throw new TrigerErrorException($files['name'][$current].' could not be moved', $files['name'][$current]); } catch (TrigerErrorException $e) { $errors[$files['name'][$current]][] = $e->Message(); } } if (empty($errors)) { //return true if there where no errors return true; } else { //return the errors array if there where any errros return $errors; } } else { //return false as dir is not valid $errors['general'][] = "The Specified Dir is Not Valid or is Not Writeable"; return false; } } } } /** * Handle the Exceptions trigered by errors within upload code. * */ class TrigerErrorException extends Exception { protected $file = ""; public function __construct($message, $file = "", $code = 0) { $this->file = $file; parent::__construct($message, $code); } public function Message() { return "{$this->message}"; } } ?>
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