1. Download Apache for windows MSIfile, and run it Bydefault, port is 80, root dir is %apache_dir%/htdocs. You can update thesettings in conf/httpd.conf file 2. If Apache Service can't be installed in Control Panel Admin Tools Services, Ex
1. Download Apache for windows MSIfile, and run it
Bydefault, port is 80, root dir is %apache_dir%/htdocs. You can update thesettings in conf/httpd.conf file
2. If Apache Service can't be installed in "Control Panel > Admin Tools > Services",
Execute following command in %apache_dir%/bin
httpd.exe -k install -n Apache2.2
remove apache service: httpd.exe -k uninstall -n Apache2.2
start apache service from : httpd.exe -k start
stop apache service: httpd.exe -k stop or
httpd.exe -k shutdown
restart apache service: <span>httpd.exe -k restart</span>
如果不通过windows Apache service,你可以直接使用下列命令:
start apache server: httpd
stop apache server: <span>httpd.exe -k shutdown</span>
restart apache server: <span>httpd.exe -k restart</span>
2. Test if apache server works
1) Start server: start “Apacheservice” from “Control Panel > select “Start > Programs > Apache httpserver 2 > control apache server > start” or start server from apacheserver icon in the right bottom corner of desktop
For Win 7,上述方法都无法启动apache server,你需要rightclick右下角的apache icon,然后select “open services”,然后start“apache server” service
2) Try to accesshttp://localhost
3. Download and extract php5.3 zipfile
Note: download php 5.3 VC9 thread safe version
4. 进入 php的安装目录,将php.ini-production或php.ini-development复制一份,命名为 php.ini。
Assume php install dir is “d:/php5”
5. Configure PHP in php.ini file
1) Find
extension_dir = "./"
Change it to following
extension_dir = "d:/php5/ext"
IF there is "#" before above code, MUST REMOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
php can’tfind extension module without it
2) To support mysql, remove “;”fromfollowing line
if php load mysql module successfully, you can see "mysql" module (NOT "mysqlnd" module) in phpinfo()
To Support openssl, remove ";" from following line (phplist with gmail setting must use openssl)
if php load mysql module successfully, you can see "openssl" module in phpinfo()
3) (Optional)To enable short open tags(for example ...?>), find “short_open_tag”setting and change it tofollowing:
short_open_tag = On
4) (Optional)To display errormessages in your browser window for development, find “display_errors”settingand change it to following:
display_errors = On
6. Configure Apache for PHP 5
Open%apache_dir%/conf/httpd.conf file,
1) Add php module
If usingApache 2.0.x, add following line after all the LoadModule statements:
LoadModulephp5_module "d:/php5/php5apache2.dll"
If usingApache 2.2.x, add the following line instead:
LoadModulephp5_module "d:/php5/php5apache2_2.dll"
2) Add php type
Searchfor "AddType" in the file, and add the following line after the last"AddType" statement
AddTypeapplication/x-httpd-php .php
AddTypeapplication/x-httpd-php .phtml
3) Indicate the location folder ofyour PHP ini file
Add the following line to the end of your httpd.conf file.
4) Find “DirectoryIndex” setting,and change it to
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
5) Save httpd.conf file and restartapache server
7. Create a test.php file in rootpath, the content is following:
Tryit fromhttp://localhost/test.php