Dieses Dokument verwendet PHP-Handbuch für chinesische Websites Freigeben
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
strpos — 查找字符串首次出现的位置
, mixed $needle
[, int $offset
= 0
] )
返回 needle
在 haystack
如果 needle
如果提供了此参数,搜索会从字符串该字符数的起始位置开始统计。和 strrpos() 、 strripos() 不一样,这个偏移量不能是负数。
返回 needle 存在于 haystack
字符串起始的位置(独立于 offset)。同时注意字符串位置是从0开始,而不是从1开始的。
如果没找到 needle,将返回 FALSE
,但也可能返回等同于 FALSE
的非布尔值。请阅读 布尔类型章节以获取更多信息。应使用
Example #1 使用 ===
$mystring = 'abc' ;
$findme = 'a' ;
$pos = strpos ( $mystring , $findme );
// 注意这里使用的是 ===。简单的 == 不能像我们期待的那样工作,
// 因为 'a' 是第 0 位置上的(第一个)字符。
if ( $pos === false ) {
echo "The string ' $findme ' was not found in the string ' $mystring '" ;
} else {
echo "The string ' $findme ' was found in the string ' $mystring '" ;
echo " and exists at position $pos " ;
Example #2 使用 !==
$mystring = 'abc' ;
$findme = 'a' ;
$pos = strpos ( $mystring , $findme );
// 使用 !== 操作符。使用 != 不能像我们期待的那样工作,
// 因为 'a' 的位置是 0。语句 (0 != false) 的结果是 false。
if ( $pos !== false ) {
echo "The string ' $findme ' was found in the string ' $mystring '" ;
echo " and exists at position $pos " ;
} else {
echo "The string ' $findme ' was not found in the string ' $mystring '" ;
Example #3 使用位置偏移量
// 忽视位置偏移量之前的字符进行查找
$newstring = 'abcdef abcdef' ;
$pos = strpos ( $newstring , 'a' , 1 ); // $pos = 7, 不是 0
Note: 此函数可安全用于二进制对象。
[#1] lairdshaw at yahoo dot com dot au [2015-04-03 18:02:45]
define('STRPOSM_CI' , 1); // CI => "case insensitive".
define('STRPOSM_NC' , 2); // NC => "needle case".
function strposm($haystack, $needles, $offset = 0, &$match = null, $flags = 0) {
// In the special case where $needles is not an array, simply wrap
// strpos and stripos for performance reasons.
if (!is_array($needles)) {
$func = $flags & STRPOSM_CI ? 'stripos' : 'strpos';
$pos = $func($haystack, $needles, $offset);
if ($pos !== false) {
$match = (($flags & STRPOSM_MATCH_AS_INDEX)
? 0
: (($flags & STRPOSM_NC)
? $needles
: substr($haystack, $pos, strlen($needles))
return $pos;
} else goto strposm_no_match;
// $needles is an array. Proceed appropriately, initially by...
// ...escaping regular expression meta characters in the needles.
$needles_esc = array_map('preg_quote', $needles);
// If either of the "needle case" or "match as index" flags are set,
// then create a sub-match for each escaped needle by enclosing it in
// parentheses. We use these later to find the index of the matching
// needle.
if (($flags & STRPOSM_NC) || ($flags & STRPOSM_MATCH_AS_INDEX)) {
$needles_esc = array_map(
function($needle) {return '('.$needle.')';},
// Create the regular expression pattern to search for all needles.
$pattern = '('.implode('|', $needles_esc).')';
// If the "case insensitive" flag is set, then modify the regular
// expression with "i", meaning that the match is "caseless".
if ($flags & STRPOSM_CI) $pattern .= 'i';
// Find the first match, including its offset.
if (preg_match($pattern, $haystack, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {
// Pull the first entry, the overall match, out of the matches array.
$found = array_shift($matches);
// If we need the index of the matching needle, then...
if (($flags & STRPOSM_NC) || ($flags & STRPOSM_MATCH_AS_INDEX)) {
// ...find the index of the sub-match that is identical
// to the overall match that we just pulled out.
// Because sub-matches are in the same order as needles,
// this is also the index into $needles of the matching
// needle.
$index = array_search($found, $matches);
// If the "match as index" flag is set, then return in $match
// the matching needle's index, otherwise...
$match = (($flags & STRPOSM_MATCH_AS_INDEX)
? $index
// ...if the "needle case" flag is set, then index into
// $needles using the previously-determined index to return
// in $match the matching needle in needle case, otherwise...
: (($flags & STRPOSM_NC)
? $needles[$index]
// ...by default, return in $match the matching needle in
// haystack case.
: $found[0]
// Return the captured offset.
return $found[1];
// Nothing matched. Set appropriate return values.
$match = ($flags & STRPOSM_MATCH_AS_INDEX) ? false : null;
return false;
[#2] newartix at mail dot ru [2015-03-31 11:30:35]
Extend (ohcc at 163 dot com)s comment:
Be careful when the $haystack or $needle parameter is an integer.
If you are not sure of its type, you should convert it into a string.
$a = 12345;
$b = 1;
// and wait for interesting... CentOS 6.5 PHP-FPM 5.4.35
var_dump(strpos('mrwagon',626));//1 tadaaam!
[#3] qrworld.net [2014-11-04 16:08:52]
I found a function in this post http://softontherocks.blogspot.com/2014/11/buscar-multiples-textos-en-un-texto-con.html
that implements the search in both ways, case sensitive or case insensitive, depending on an input parameter.
The function is:
function getMultiPos($haystack, $needles, $sensitive=true, $offset=0){
foreach($needles as $needle) {
$result[$needle] = ($sensitive) ? strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset) : stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
return $result;
It was very useful for me.
[#4] Andres [2014-07-18 20:30:58]
strpos: Want to find lines in text file, NOT beginning with a comment (// for example)?
That way it Works:
if($komm === FALSE || $komm == TRUE){}
Generally, it is a nonsense. Why 'strpos' cant ALWAYS output an integer?
[#5] ohcc at 163 dot com [2014-06-27 10:52:27]
Be careful when the $haystack or $needle parameter is an integer.
If you are not sure of its type, you should convert it into a string.
$a = 12345;
$b = 1;
[#6] andrew dot macrobert+php at gmail dot com [2014-06-09 20:30:11]
This function finds ALL occurrences of a substring, returning an array of indexes referring to the start of each occurrence. Overlapping subtrings are not included.
function strpos_all($haystack, $needle) {
$instances = array();
$offset = 0;
while(($offset = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset)) !== FALSE) {
$instances[] = $offset;
$offset += strlen($needle);
return $instances;
[#7] mail at nikha dot org [2014-06-02 09:20:16]
What the manual says about "if $needle is not a string" is confusing.
in fact, strpos() compares strings, and nothing else.
$haystack = "123456789";
$needle = 2;
strpos($haystack, $needle) returns boolean false
$needle = "2";
strpos($haystack, $needle) returns 1;
My real life problem were timestamps. I had a list of timestamps like this: "!<timestamp0>!<timestamp1>!<timestamp2>..." Then I tried to find out, wheter an actualy by "mktime()" generated timestamp is found in this list or not. But strpos() returned always boolean 0, because mktime() results are integers.
It worked only like this:
strpos($timestamp_list, strval($mktime_result))
may be helpfull for others...
[#8] binodluitel at hotmail dot com [2014-03-27 16:26:10]
This function will return 0 if the string that you are searching matches i.e. needle matches the haystack
echo strpos('bla', 'bla');
Output: 0
[#9] m at binh dot vn [2014-03-22 09:04:01]
Using strpos can be tricky sometimes. To reuse it for one search you can use this form:
$found = (strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false);
For example:
$url = "http://www.binh.vn";
$found = (strpos($url, 'http') !== false);
if ($found) echo "Found http";
Clearly we see that the position will be 0 but the $found will be true and so we can use more than one time of if ($found) which is much easier.
To further reuse it we could make a very short function:
function found($haystack, $needle) {
return (strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false);
Wonder why php didn't have such function for easier use?
[#10] harshitpatelrock25 at gmail dot com [2013-12-18 10:29:19]
TO find the position specific word in a para:-
$String = 'This is the php language And is Used to develop web programs';
$find = '1232';
$find_leg = strlen($find);
$start_pos = 00;
while($string_pos = strpos($String,$find,$start_pos)){
echo "<strong> \" $find \" </strong> was found on position : $string_pos <br>" ;
$start_pos = $string_pos + $find_leg;
[#11] Lurvik [2013-12-16 19:02:43]
Don't know if already posted this, but if I did this is an improvement.
This function will check if a string contains a needle. It _will_ work with arrays and multidimensional arrays (I've tried with a > 16 dimensional array and had no problem).
function str_contains($haystack, $needles)
//If needles is an array
//go trough all the elements
foreach($needles as $needle)
//if the needle is also an array (ie needles is a multidimensional array)
//call this function again
if(str_contains($haystack, $needle))
//Will break out of loop and function.
return true;
return false;
//when the needle is NOT an array:
//Check if haystack contains the needle, will ignore case and check for whole words only
elseif(preg_match("/\b$needle\b/i", $haystack) !== 0)
return true;
//if $needles is not an array...
if(preg_match("/\b$needles\b/i", $haystack) !== 0)
return true;
return false;
[#12] kiipa at live dot com [2013-12-15 14:22:30]
So I needed a function to check if a string contains a string. But that also works with arrays. And multidimensional arrays.
Well commented, because I'm sharing the source I use this in.
private static $found;
//Sees if a string contains another string, WORKS WITH 2D ARRAYS! Returns true or false.
public static function strcont($haystack, $needles)
//If needles is an array
//go trough all the elements
foreach($needles as $needle)
//if the needle is also an array (ie needles is a multidimensional array)
//call this function again
static::strcont($haystack, $needle);
//when the needle is NOT an array:
elseif(strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false)
//Set the bool to true (DO NOT CHANGE TO return true). IT WILL NOT WORK!
static::$found = true;
//Because we only set the bool if we found something we'll check if the bool is set.
//Then return true.
return true;
return false;
//If the needles is not an array (this function can be used as strpos...)
if(strpos($haystack, $needles) !== false)
return true;
return falsE;
[#13] Anonymous [2013-02-18 21:55:53]
The most straightforward way to prevent this function from returning 0 is:
strpos('x'.$haystack, $needle, 1)
The 'x' is simply a garbage character which is only there to move everything 1 position.
The number 1 is there to make sure that this 'x' is ignored in the search.
This way, if $haystack starts with $needle, then the function returns 1 (rather than 0).
[#14] mtroy dot student at gmail dot com [2012-04-25 16:46:52]
when you want to know how much of substring occurrences, you'll use "substr_count".
But, retrieve their positions, will be harder.
So, you can do it by starting with the last occurrence :
function strpos_r($haystack, $needle)
if(strlen($needle) > strlen($haystack))
trigger_error(sprintf("%s: length of argument 2 must be <= argument 1", __FUNCTION__), E_USER_WARNING);
$seeks = array();
while($seek = strrpos($haystack, $needle))
array_push($seeks, $seek);
$haystack = substr($haystack, 0, $seek);
return $seeks;
it will return an array of all occurrences a the substring in the string
Example :
$test = "this is a test for testing a test function... blah blah";
var_dump(strpos_r($test, "test"));
// output
array(3) {
[#15] martijn at martijnfrazer dot nl [2012-02-25 15:58:20]
This is a function I wrote to find all occurrences of a string, using strpos recursively.
function strpos_recursive($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0, &$results = array()) {
$offset = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
if($offset === false) {
return $results;
} else {
$results[] = $offset;
return strpos_recursive($haystack, $needle, ($offset + 1), $results);
This is how you use it:
$string = 'This is some string';
$search = 'a';
$found = strpos_recursive($string, $search);
if($found) {
foreach($found as $pos) {
echo 'Found "'.$search.'" in string "'.$string.'" at position <b>'.$pos.'</b><br />';
} else {
echo '"'.$search.'" not found in "'.$string.'"';
[#16] rjeggens at ijskoud dot org [2012-01-24 07:38:03]
I lost an hour before I noticed that strpos only returns FALSE as a boolean, never TRUE.. This means that
strpos() !== false
is a different beast then:
strpos() === true
since the latter will never be true. After I found out, The warning in the documentation made a lot more sense.
[#17] gjh42 - simonokewode at hotmail dot com [2011-11-07 19:59:18]
A pair of functions to replace every nth occurrence of a string with another string, starting at any position in the haystack. The first works on a string and the second works on a single-level array of strings, treating it as a single string for replacement purposes (any needles split over two array elements are ignored).
Can be used for formatting dynamically-generated HTML output without touching the original generator: e.g. add a newLine class tag to every third item in a floated list, starting with the fourth item.
//(basic locator by someone else - name unknown)
//strnposr() - Find the position of nth needle in haystack.
function strnposr($haystack, $needle, $occurrence, $pos = 0) {
return ($occurrence<2)?strpos($haystack, $needle, $pos):strnposr($haystack,$needle,$occurrence-1,strpos($haystack, $needle, $pos) + 1);
//replace every nth occurrence of $needle with $repl, starting from any position
function str_replace_int($needle, $repl, $haystack, $interval, $first=1, $pos=0) {
if ($pos >= strlen($haystack) or substr_count($haystack, $needle, $pos) < $first) return $haystack;
$firstpos = strnposr($haystack, $needle, $first, $pos);
$nl = strlen($needle);
$qty = floor(substr_count($haystack, $needle, $firstpos + 1)/$interval);
do { //in reverse order
$nextpos = strnposr($haystack, $needle, ($qty * $interval) + 1, $firstpos);
$haystack = substr_replace($haystack, $repl, $nextpos, $nl);
} while ($nextpos > $firstpos);
return $haystack;
//$needle = string to find
//$repl = string to replace needle
//$haystack = string to do replacing in
//$interval = number of needles in loop
//$first=1 = first occurrence of needle to replace (defaults to first)
//$pos=0 = position in haystack string to start from (defaults to first)
//replace every nth occurrence of $needle with $repl, starting from any position, in a single-level array
function arr_replace_int($needle, $repl, $arr, $interval, $first=1, $pos=0, $glue='|+|') {
if (!is_array($arr)) return $arr;
foreach($arr as $key=>$value){
if (is_array($arr[$key])) return $arr;
$haystack = implode($glue, $arr);
$haystack = str_replace_int($needle, $repl, $haystack, $interval, $first, $pos);
$tarr = explode($glue, $haystack);
$i = 0;
foreach($arr as $key=>$value){
$arr[$key] = $tarr[$i];
return $arr;
If $arr is not an array, or a multilevel array, it is returned unchanged.
[#18] jim at terrys dot net [2011-09-29 23:53:55]
strpos that accepts an array for $needle
// strpos that takes an array of values to match against a string
// note the stupid argument order (to match strpos)
function strpos_arr($haystack, $needle) {
if(!is_array($needle)) $needle = array($needle);
foreach($needle as $what) {
if(($pos = strpos($haystack, $what))!==false) return $pos;
return false;
[#19] akarmenia at gmail dot com [2011-03-05 04:44:26]
My version of strpos with needles as an array. Also allows for a string, or an array inside an array.
function strpos_array($haystack, $needles) {
if ( is_array($needles) ) {
foreach ($needles as $str) {
if ( is_array($str) ) {
$pos = strpos_array($haystack, $str);
} else {
$pos = strpos($haystack, $str);
if ($pos !== FALSE) {
return $pos;
} else {
return strpos($haystack, $needles);
// Test
echo strpos_array('This is a test', array('test', 'drive')); // Output is 10
[#20] Anonymous [2010-08-19 02:50:30]
Beware the mindless "if needle is not string":
# php -r 'var_dump(strpos("X1234567",5));'
# php -r 'var_dump(strpos("X1234567","5"));'
[#21] gambajaja at yahoo dot com [2010-08-17 15:25:25]
$my_array = array ('100,101', '200,201', '300,301');
$check_me_in = array ('100','200','300','400');
foreach ($check_me_in as $value_cmi){
$is_in=FALSE; #asume that $check_me_in isn't in $my_array
foreach ($my_array as $value_my){
$pos = strpos($value_my, $value_cmi);
if ($pos===0)
if ($pos==TRUE){
if ($is_in) echo "ID $value_cmi in \$check_me_in I found in value '$value_my2' \n";
The above example will output
ID 100 in $check_me_in I found in value '100,101'
ID 200 in $check_me_in I found in value '200,201'
ID 300 in $check_me_in I found in value '300,301'
[#22] usulaco at gmail dot com [2010-08-11 05:04:21]
Parse strings between two others in to array.
function g($string,$start,$end){
preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($start, '/') . '(.*?)'. preg_quote($end, '/').'/i', $string, $m);
$out = array();
foreach($m[1] as $key => $value){
$type = explode('::',$value);
$out[$type[0]] = array();
$out[$type[0]][] = $type[1];
} else {
$out[] = $value;
return $out;
print_r(g('Sample text, [/text to extract/] Rest of sample text [/WEB::http://google.com/] bla bla bla. ','[/','/]'));
[0] => text to extract
[WEB] => Array
[0] => http://google.com
Can be helpfull to custom parsing :)
[#23] olmstead31 at yahoo dot com [2010-03-23 07:48:28]
I found that whatever I was using as a test with strpos it came out false exept if $pos was == 1
I figured it gives me a numeric value if found else it is null or false
here is what i did to make my code work:
$quiamime = ',64,68,70,';
$me = '64'
$posi = strpos($quiaime, ",$me,"); //posi is equal to 0
if (!is_numeric($posi)){
//code here
//else code here
$quiamime = ',68,70,64,';
$me = '64'
$posi = strpos($quiaime, ",$me,"); //posi is equal to 6
if (!is_numeric($posi)){
//code here
//else code here
$quiamime = ',68,70,';
$me = '64'
$posi = strpos($quiaime, ",$me,"); //posi is equal to NULL or FALSE
if (!is_numeric($posi)){
//code here
//else code here
[#24] daevid at daevid dot com [2010-01-26 14:46:13]
Dan Brown and I had a discussion on the PHP list about the speed difference between the popular three string searching techniques. He wrote a simple timing test, and I adapted it further. The end result is that all three are very close and not even noticeable for sets < 1M. Although, technically strpos() is about twice as fast (as the docs allude to above). Here it is for your own amusement and testing purposes.
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++ )
$o[] =
echo "array of ".number_format($i)."\n";
$now = microtime(true);
for($i=0;$i<count($o);$i++) {
if(preg_match('/^[0]{4,}\-/U',$o[$i])) {
//echo "Offset #".$i." matches: ".$o[$i].PHP_EOL;
$rank['preg_match'] = (microtime(true) - $now);
$later = microtime(true);
for($i=0;$i<count($o);$i++) {
if(substr($o[$i],0,4) == "0000") {
//echo "Offset #".$i." matches: ".$o[$i].PHP_EOL;
$rank['substr'] = (microtime(true) - $later);
$after = microtime(true);
for($i=0;$i<count($o);$i++) {
if(strpos($o[$i], '0000') === 0) {
//echo "Offset #".$i." matches: ".$o[$i].PHP_EOL;
$rank['strpos'] = (microtime(true) - $after);
array of 10,000
[strpos] => 0.00766682624817
[substr] => 0.0116670131683
[preg_match] => 0.0124950408936
array of 100,000
[strpos] => 0.0817799568176
[substr] => 0.120522975922
[preg_match] => 0.125612974167
array of 1,000,000
[strpos] => 0.805890083313
[substr] => 1.19799995422
[preg_match] => 1.25615906715
I ran out of memory with more than 1M array elements.
[#25] Achintya [2009-11-06 14:03:34]
A function I made to find the first occurrence of a particular needle not enclosed in quotes(single or double). Works for simple nesting (no backslashed nesting allowed).
function strposq($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0){
$len = strlen($haystack);
$charlen = strlen($needle);
$flag1 = false;
$flag2 = false;
for($i = $offset; $i < $len; $i++){
if(substr($haystack, $i, 1) == "'"){
$flag1 = !$flag1 && !$flag2 ? true : false;
if(substr($haystack, $i, 1) == '"'){
$flag2 = !$flag1 && !$flag2 ? true : false;
if(substr($haystack, $i, $charlen) == $needle && !$flag1 && !$flag2){
return $i;
return false;
echo strposq("he'llo'character;\"'som\"e;crap", ";"); //16
[#26] yasindagli at gmail dot com [2009-10-05 09:05:46]
This function finds postion of nth occurence of a letter starting from offset.
function nth_position($str, $letter, $n, $offset = 0){
$str_arr = str_split($str);
$letter_size = array_count_values(str_split(substr($str, $offset)));
if( !isset($letter_size[$letter])){
trigger_error('letter "' . $letter . '" does not exist in ' . $str . ' after ' . $offset . '. position', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
} else if($letter_size[$letter] < $n) {
trigger_error('letter "' . $letter . '" does not exist ' . $n .' times in ' . $str . ' after ' . $offset . '. position', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
for($i = $offset, $x = 0, $count = (count($str_arr) - $offset); $i < $count, $x != $n; $i++){
if($str_arr[$i] == $letter){
return $i - 1;
echo nth_position('foobarbaz', 'a', 2); //7
echo nth_position('foobarbaz', 'b', 1, 4); //6
[#27] digitalpbk [at] gmail.com [2009-09-30 20:37:54]
This function raises a warning if the offset is not between 0 and the length of string:
Warning: strpos(): Offset not contained in string in %s on line %d
[#28] ah dot d at hotmail dot com [2009-08-11 13:29:19]
A strpos modification to return an array of all the positions of a needle in the haystack
function strallpos($haystack,$needle,$offset = 0){
$result = array();
for($i = $offset; $i<strlen($haystack); $i++){
$pos = strpos($haystack,$needle,$i);
if($pos !== FALSE){
$offset = $pos;
if($offset >= $i){
$i = $offset;
$result[] = $offset;
return $result;
$haystack = "ASD is trying to get out of the ASDs cube but the other ASDs told him that his behavior will destroy the ASDs world";
$needle = "ASD";
//getting all the positions starting from a specified position
[#29] teddanzig at yahoo dot com [2009-03-23 09:48:06]
routine to return -1 if there is no match for strpos
//instr function to mimic vb instr fucntion
function InStr($haystack, $needle)
$pos=strpos($haystack, $needle);
if ($pos !== false)
return $pos;
return -1;
[#30] jburns131 at jbwebware dot com [2008-12-27 16:48:04]
The Situation:
I wanted to return TRUE if strpos returned position 0, and only position 0, without the added overhead of preg_match.
The Solution:
As PHP treats 0 (zero) as NULL, and strpos returns the int 0 (but not NULL), I used type casting and the "===" comparison operator (as it compares types) to resolve my issue.
$hayStack = "dbHost";
$needle = "db"
$needlePos = strpos($hayStack, $needle);
if((string)$needlePos === (string)0) {
echo "db is in position zero";
} else {
echo "db is NOT in position zero";
db is in position zero
$hayStack = "another_db_host";
$needle = "db"
$needlePos = strpos($hayStack, $needle);
if((string)$needlePos === (string)0) {
echo "db is in position zero";
} else {
echo "db is NOT in position zero";
This returns:
db is in NOT position zero
[#31] Tim [2008-11-17 17:52:32]
If you would like to find all occurences of a needle inside a haystack you could use this function strposall($haystack,$needle);. It will return an array with all the strpos's.
function strposall($haystack,$needle){
while (is_integer($i)){
$i = strpos($haystack,$needle,$s);
if (is_integer($i)) {
$aStrPos[] = $i;
$s = $i+strlen($needle);
if (isset($aStrPos)) {
return $aStrPos;
else {
return false;
[#32] mickRacky [2008-09-19 11:17:45]
here's a php implementation of stdc++ string class find_first_of using strpos.
function find_first_of($haystack, $needlesAsString, $offset=0)
$max = strlen($needlesAsString);
$index = strlen($haystack)+1;
for($ii=0; $ii<$max;$ii++){
$result = strpos($haystack,$needlesAsString[$ii], $offset);
if( $result !== FALSE && $result < $index)
$index = $result;
return ( $index > strlen($haystack)? FALSE: $index);
$test="Ralph: One of these days, Alice!!";
$look_for=":!,"; // punctuation marks
$ss = 0;
while( $answer=find_first_of($test,$look_for,$ss) ) {
echo $answer . "\n";
$ss = $answer+1;
This prints out:
[#33] paul at thiswayupdesign dot co dot uk [2008-06-18 03:48:51]
I wasn't aware of the !== operator, only the === for false. I was using this code on strpos:
while( ! ($start=@strpos($source,$startTag,$end)) === false) {
// ...
This gave a false if the string was found at position 0, which is weird.
However using
while(($start=@strpos($source,$startTag,$end)) !== false) {
// ...
Gives no such error and seems to work correctly
[#34] ilaymyhat-rem0ve at yahoo dot com [2008-04-01 16:17:34]
This might be useful.
class String{
//Look for a $needle in $haystack in any position
public static function contains(&$haystack, &$needle, &$offset)
$result = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
return $result !== FALSE;
//intuitive implementation .. if not found returns -1.
public static function strpos(&$haystack, &$needle, &$offset)
$result = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
if ($result === FALSE )
return -1;
return $result;
[#35] Suggested re-write for pink WARNING box [2008-01-11 15:45:32]
As strpos may return either FALSE (substring absent) or 0 (substring at start of string), strict versus loose equivalency operators must be used very carefully.
To know that a substring is absent, you must use:
To know that a substring is present (in any position including 0), you can use either of:
!== FALSE (recommended)
> -1 (note: or greater than any negative number)
To know that a substring is at the start of the string, you must use:
=== 0
To know that a substring is in any position other than the start, you can use any of:
> 0 (recommended)
!= 0 (note: but not !== 0 which also equates to FALSE)
!= FALSE (disrecommended as highly confusing)
Also note that you cannot compare a value of "" to the returned value of strpos. With a loose equivalence operator (== or !=) it will return results which don't distinguish between the substring's presence versus position. With a strict equivalence operator (=== or !==) it will always return false.
[#36] user at nomail dot com [2007-05-15 02:21:48]
This is a bit more useful when scanning a large string for all occurances between 'tags'.
function getStrsBetween($s,$s1,$s2=false,$offset=0) {
if( $s2 === false ) { $s2 = $s1; }
$result = array();
$L1 = strlen($s1);
$L2 = strlen($s2);
if( $L1==0 || $L2==0 ) {
return false;
do {
$pos1 = strpos($s,$s1,$offset);
if( $pos1 !== false ) {
$pos1 += $L1;
$pos2 = strpos($s,$s2,$pos1);
if( $pos2 !== false ) {
$key_len = $pos2 - $pos1;
$this_key = substr($s,$pos1,$key_len);
if( !array_key_exists($this_key,$result) ) {
$result[$this_key] = array();
$result[$this_key][] = $pos1;
$offset = $pos2 + $L2;
} else {
$pos1 = false;
} while($pos1 !== false );
return $result;
[#37] gal_chen123 at hotmail dot co dot il [2007-04-03 09:57:59]
this function returns the text between 2 strings:
function get_between ($text, $s1, $s2) {
$mid_url = "";
$pos_s = strpos($text,$s1);
$pos_e = strpos($text,$s2);
for ( $i=$pos_s+strlen($s1) ; ( ( $i < ($pos_e)) && $i < strlen($text) ) ; $i++ ) {
$mid_url .= $text[$i];
return $mid_url;
if $s1 or $s2 are not found, $mid_url will be empty
to add an offset, simply compare $pos_s to the offset, and only let it continue if the offset is smaller then $pos_s.
[#38] spinicrus at gmail dot com [2006-10-14 10:58:24]
if you want to get the position of a substring relative to a substring of your string, BUT in REVERSE way:
function strpos_reverse_way($string,$charToFind,$relativeChar) {
$relativePos = strpos($string,$relativeChar);
$searchPos = $relativePos;
$searchChar = '';
while ($searchChar != $charToFind) {
$newPos = $searchPos-1;
$searchChar = substr($string,$newPos,strlen($charToFind));
$searchPos = $newPos;
if (!empty($searchChar)) {
return $searchPos;
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
[#39] dale at ucsc dot edu [2005-11-11 14:28:46]
if you want need a fast function to find the first occurrence of any ch element of an needle array this function might be of use:
$eurl = strpos_needle_array($text, array('"'=>0,'\''=>0,'>'=>0, ' '=>0, "\n"=>0), $surl);
function strpos_needle_array(& $text, $needle_ary, $offset=0){
return $ch_pos;
return false;
[#40] arias at elleondeoro dot com [2005-02-07 06:33:45]
If you want to get all positions in an array, you can use this function. If the optional parameter count is especified, the function will put there the number of matches.
function strallpos($pajar, $aguja, $offset=0, &$count=null) {
if ($offset > strlen($pajar)) trigger_error("strallpos(): Offset not contained in string.", E_USER_WARNING);
$match = array();
for ($count=0; (($pos = strpos($pajar, $aguja, $offset)) !== false); $count++) {
$match[] = $pos;
$offset = $pos + strlen($aguja);
return $match;
[#41] philip [2004-08-25 15:52:25]
Many people look for in_string which does not exist in PHP, so, here's the most efficient form of in_string() (that works in both PHP 4/5) that I can think of:
function in_string($needle, $haystack, $insensitive = false) {
if ($insensitive) {
return false !== stristr($haystack, $needle);
} else {
return false !== strpos($haystack, $needle);
[#42] bishop [2004-04-21 15:38:36]
Code like this:
if (strpos('this is a test', 'is') !== false) {
echo "found it";
gets repetitive, is not very self-explanatory, and most people handle it incorrectly anyway. Make your life easier:
function str_contains($haystack, $needle, $ignoreCase = false) {
if ($ignoreCase) {
$haystack = strtolower($haystack);
$needle = strtolower($needle);
$needlePos = strpos($haystack, $needle);
return ($needlePos === false ? false : ($needlePos+1));
Then, you may do:
// simplest use
if (str_contains('this is a test', 'is')) {
echo "Found it";
// when you need the position, as well whether it's present
$needlePos = str_contains('this is a test', 'is');
if ($needlePos) {
echo 'Found it at position ' . ($needlePos-1);
// you may also ignore case
$needlePos = str_contains('this is a test', 'IS', true);
if ($needlePos) {
echo 'Found it at position ' . ($needlePos-1);