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(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
array_walk — 使用用户自定义函数对数组中的每个元素做回调处理
, callable $funcname
[, mixed $userdata
] )
将用户自定义函数 funcname
array_walk() 不会受到 array
内部数组指针的影响。 array_walk()
Many internal functions (for example strtolower() ) will throw a warning if more than the expected number of argument are passed in and are not usable directly as
只有 array
单元等等。如果 array_walk()
callback funcname
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
如果 funcname
array_walk() 调用 funcname
时都会产生一个 E_WARNING
级的错误。这些警告可以通过在 array_walk() 调用前加上
PHP 的错误操作符 @
来抑制,或者用 error_reporting() 。
Example #1 array_walk() 例子
$fruits = array( "d" => "lemon" , "a" => "orange" , "b" => "banana" , "c" => "apple" );
function test_alter (& $item1 , $key , $prefix )
$item1 = " $prefix : $item1 " ;
function test_print ( $item2 , $key )
echo " $key . $item2 <br />\n" ;
echo "Before ...:\n" ;
array_walk ( $fruits , 'test_print' );
array_walk ( $fruits , 'test_alter' , 'fruit' );
echo "... and after:\n" ;
array_walk ( $fruits , 'test_print' );
Before ...: d. lemon a. orange b. banana c. apple ... and after: d. fruit: lemon a. fruit: orange b. fruit: banana c. fruit: apple
[#1] P-Body Germany [2014-10-24 11:52:54]
array_walk($_POST, 'secureInput');
array_walk($_GET, 'secureInput');
array_walk($_REQUEST, 'secureInput');
array_walk($_FILES, 'secureInput);
function secureInput(&$value, $key)
$value = trim($value);
// removes blank space at beginning an end
$value = strip_tags($value);
// removes all HTML- an PHP-commands
If you want to allow some HTML- or PHP-commands, use this:
$value = strip_tags($value, '<p><br>');
// removes all HTML- an PHP-commands, excepted <p></p> and <br /> Tags.
NOTE: it is important to add the "&" infront of $value in the function! Otherwhise the function won't remove the HTML- and PHP-code.
[#2] ezhacher at gmail dot com [2014-08-27 12:45:05]
Calling an array Walk inside a class
If the class is static:
array_walk($array, array('self', 'walkFunction'));
array_walk($array, array('className', 'walkFunction'));
array_walk($array, array($this, 'walkFunction'));
[#3] chaley at brtransport dot com [2014-06-16 12:46:50]
There is a note about 3 years ago regarding using this for trimming. array_map() may be cleaner for this. I haven't checked the time/resource impact:
$result = array_map("trim", $array);
[#4] Arseny Nikonian [2014-03-19 12:38:54]
If the project often change the datatype of the array.
?????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ???????? ?? ????????.
function convertTypeValueArray(&$item, $key, $type)
$arValidType = array("boolean", "bool", "integer", "int", "float", "string", "array", "object", "null");
$type = strtolower($type);
if(in_array($type, $arValidType))
settype($item, $type);
$arTest = array("", 1, " 2", 3.1, "4.2", " 5 ");
array_walk($arTest, "convertTypeValueArray", "int");
var_dump($arTest); // array(6) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(1) [2]=> int(2) [3]=> int(3) [4]=> int(4) [5]=> int(5) }
[#5] zlobnygrif at gmail dot com [2013-07-17 05:41:02]
Some speed tests
// Test results
$array1 = test('array_walk');
$array2 = test('array_walk_list_each');
$array3 = test('array_walk_foreach1');
$array4 = test('array_walk_foreach2');
// Check arrays for equal
var_dump($array1 == $array2, $array1 == $array3, $array1 == $array4);
// Test function 1
function array_walk_list_each(&$array, $function, $userData = null) {
while ( list($key, $value) = each($array) )
$function($array[$key], $key, $userData);
// Test function 2
function array_walk_foreach1(&$array, $function, $userData = null) {
foreach ($array as $key => &$value )
$function($value, $key, $userData);
// Test function 3
function array_walk_foreach2(&$array, $function, $userData = null) {
foreach ($array as $key => $value )
$function($array[$key], $key, $userData);
function some_function(&$value, $key, $userData) {
$value = "$key => $userData";
function test($function, $count = 10000, $arrayElements = 1000) {
echo $function, ' ... ';
$array = array_fill(0, $arrayElements, "some text value");
$timer = microtime(true);
for( $i = 0; ++$i < $count; )
$function($array, 'some_function', 'some user data');
printf("%.3f sec\n", microtime(true) - $timer);
return $array;
Output (PHP 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.2 (cli) (built: Jul 15 2013 18:24:39))
array_walk ... 13.572 sec
array_walk_list_each ... 0.027 sec
array_walk_foreach1 ... 15.356 sec
array_walk_foreach2 ... 17.416 sec
Output (PHP 5.5.0 (cli) (built: Jul 16 2013 17:59:42) - same server)
array_walk ... 4.776 sec
array_walk_list_each ... 0.006 sec
array_walk_foreach1 ... 4.482 sec
array_walk_foreach2 ... 5.166 sec
PHP 5.5 array_walk looks pretty good but list each is more and more quickly...
[#6] brian at access9 dot net [2013-05-24 22:03:00]
array_walk does not work on SplFixedArray objects:
$array = new SplFixedArray(2);
$array[0] = 'test_1';
$array[1] = 'test_2';
array_walk($array, function(&$val){
$val .= '__';
return $val;
foreach ($array as $a) {
echo "$a\n";
result is:
[#7] gold[at]evolved.net.nz [2013-03-27 22:08:54]
For all those people trying to shoe-horn trim() into array_walk() and have found all these tricks to work around the issue with array_walk() passing 2 parameters to the callback...
Check out array_map().
It's all sorts of win.
For the record. I'm one of these people and after 15 years of php development I'm pleased to say that there's still things I'm learning. :) I just found out about array_map() myself...
[#8] espertalhao04 at hotmail dot com [2012-12-26 11:35:04]
here is a simple and yet easy to use implementation of this function.
the 'original' function has the problem that you can't unset a value.
with my function, YOU CAN!
function array_walk_protected(&$a,$s,$p=null)
return false;
foreach($a as $k=>$v)
function get_name(&$e,$i,$p)
echo "$i: $e<br>";
return false;
var_dump($m); //returns array(0) { }
i called it array_walk_protected because it is protected against the unexpected behavior of unsetting the value with the original function.
to delete an element, simply return false!!!
nothing else is needed!
unsetting $e, under your created function, will keep the same array as-is, with no changes!
by the way, the function returns false if $a is not array or $s is not a string!
limitations: it only can run user defined functions.
i hope you like it!
[#9] selimacar at hotmail dot com [2012-06-11 13:34:49]
####### I intuitively tried to use array_walk function with PHP built-in function "abs($var)" but it did not work and got some warning message
$values = array(-5,2,3,-8,4,-1,0);
array_walk($values, "abs");
=> Warning: abs() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in ...
###### Then I wrote this function :
function myAbs(&$val){
$val = abs($val);
array_walk($values, "myAbs");
##### It works!
[#10] manuscle at gmail dot com [2011-12-06 07:16:53]
example with closures, checking and deleting value in array:
$array = array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat');
array_walk($array, function($val,$key) use(&$array){
if ($val == 'bar') {
[#11] alex_stanhope at hotmail dot com [2011-10-26 01:16:35]
I wanted to walk an array and reverse map it into a second array. I decided to use array_walk because it should be faster than a reset,next loop or foreach(x as &$y) loop.
$output = array();
array_walk($input, 'gmapmark_reverse', $output);
function gmapmark_reverse(&$item, $index, &$target) {
$target[$item['form_key']] = $index;
In my debugger I can see that $target is progressively updated, but when array_walk returns, $output is empty. If however I use a (deprecated) call-by-reference:
array_walk($input, 'gmapmark_reverse', &$output);
$output is returned correctly. Unfortunately there's not an easy way to suppress the warnings:
@array_walk($input, 'gmapmark_reverse', &$output);
doesn't silence them. I've designed a workaround using a static array:
$reverse = array();
array_walk($input, 'gmapmark_reverse');
// call function one last time to get target array out, because parameters don't work
$reverse = gmapmark_reverse($reverse);
function gmapmark_reverse(&$item, $index = 0) {
static $target;
if (!$target) {
$target = array();
if (isset($item['form_key'])) {
$target[$item['form_key']] = $index;
[#12] tufanbarisyildirim at gmail dot com [2011-10-05 06:15:51]
Filter an array by using key.
$product_1 = 'test';
$product_2 = 'test 2';
function array_key_filter($array,$callback = 'trim')
$filtered = array();
array_walk($array,function ($degeri,$degisken_adi) use (&$filtered,$callback)
$filtered[$degisken_adi] = $degeri;
return $filtered;
$degiskenler = array_key_filter(get_defined_vars(),function($key)
return strpos($key,'product_') === 0;
[product_1] => test
[product_2] => test 2
[#13] Maxim [2011-07-11 12:23:00]
Note that using array_walk with intval is inappropriate.
There are many examples on internet that suggest to use following code to safely escape $_POST arrays of integers:
array_walk($_POST['something'],'intval'); // does nothing in PHP 5.3.3
It works in _some_ older PHP versions (5.2), but is against specifications. Since intval() does not modify it's arguments, but returns modified result, the code above has no effect on the array and will leave security hole in your website.
You can use following instead:
$_POST['something'] = array_map(intval,$_POST['something']);
[#14] @jfredys [2011-03-22 17:07:12]
I was looking for trimming all the elements in an array, I found this as the simplest solution:
array_walk($ids, create_function('&$val', '$val = trim($val);'));
[#15] http://alex.moutonking.com/wordpress [2011-02-15 22:49:54]
For completeness one has to mention the possibility of using this function with PHP 5.3 closures:
$names = array("D\'Artagnan", "Aramis", "Portos");
array_walk($names, function(&$n) {
$n = stripslashes($n);
The trap with array_walk being it doesn't return the array, instead it's modified by reference.
[#16] op_adept at yahoo dot co dot uk [2010-12-02 03:20:37]
Prefix array values with keys and retrieve as a glued string, the original array remains unchanged. I used this to create some SQL queries from arrays.
function array_implode_prefix($outer_glue, $arr, $inner_glue, $prefix=false){
array_walk( $arr , "prefix", array($inner_glue, $prefix) );
return implode($outer_glue, $arr);
function prefix(&$value, $key, array $additional){
$inner_glue = $additional[0];
$prefix = isset($additional[1])? $additional[1] : false;
if($prefix === false) $prefix = $key;
$value = $prefix.$inner_glue.$value;
//Example 1:
$order_by = array("3"=>"ASC", "2"=>"DESC", "7"=>"ASC");
echo array_implode_prefix(",", $order_by, " ");
//Output: 3 ASC,2 DESC,7 ASC
//Example 2:
$columns = array("product_id", "category_id", "name", "description");
$table = "product";
echo array_implode_prefix(", ", $columns, ".", $table);
//Output:product.product_id, product.category_id, product.name, product.description
//Example 3 (function prefix) won't really be used on its own
$pre= "vacation";
$value = "lalaland";
prefix($value, $pre, array("."));
echo $value;
//Output: vacation.lalaland
[#17] matthew at codenaked dot org [2010-09-02 11:24:53]
Using lambdas you can create a handy zip function to zip together the keys and values of an array. I extended it to allow you to pass in the "glue" string as the optional userdata parameter. The following example is used to zip an array of email headers:
function zip(&$data, $glue=': ')
if(!is_array($data)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('First parameter must be an array');
array_walk($data, function(&$value, $key, $joinUsing) {
$value = $key . $joinUsing . $value;
}, $glue);
$myName = 'Matthew Purdon';
$myEmail = 'matthew@example.com';
$from = "$myName <$myEmail>";
$headers['From'] = $from;
$headers['Reply-To'] = $from;
$headers['Return-path'] = "<$myEmail>";
$headers['X-Mailer'] = "PHP" . phpversion() . "";
$headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset="UTF-8"';
$headers = implode("\n", $headers);
$headers .= "\n";
echo $headers;
[#18] arekandrei at yandex dot ru [2010-01-03 07:30:38]
You can use lambda function as a second parameter:
array_walk($myArray, function(&$value, $key){
// if you want to change array values then "&" before the $value is mandatory.
Example (multiply positive values by two):
$myArray = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
array_walk($myArray, function(&$value, $index){
if ($value > 0) $value *= 2;
[#19] rustamabd at gmail dot com [2009-12-13 06:32:35]
Don't forget about the array_map() function, it may be easier to use!
Here's how to lower-case all elements in an array:
$arr = array_map('strtolower', $arr);
[#20] erelsgl at gmail dot com [2009-03-04 03:40:10]
If you want to unset elements from the callback function, maybe what you really need is array_filter.
[#21] jab_creations_-at_-yahoo_-dot-_com [2008-11-26 16:08:22]
Unfortunately I spent a lot of time trying to permanently apply the effects of a function to an array using the array_walk function when instead array_map was what I wanted. Here is a very simple though effective example for those who may be getting overly frustrated with this function...
$fruits = array("Lemony & Fresh","Orange Twist","Apple Juice");
echo '<br />';
function name_base($key)
$name2 = str_replace(" ", "_", $key);
$name3 = str_replace("&", "and", $name2);
$name4 = strtolower($name3);
echo $name4.'<br />';
return $name4;
echo '<br />';
$test = array_map('name_base', $fruits);
$fruits_fixed = $test;
echo '<br />';
[#22] peterzuzek AT gmail DOT com [2008-11-16 09:04:08]
I had some problems using this function - it didn't want to apply PHP-defined functions. So I decided to write my own - here it is. I had to use some generic-programming skills, didn't really checked the speed (I think it could be slow)... I believe it could be much better, but I don't know, how - well, I guess multiple array support and recursion would be nice. So?
bool arrayWalk(array &$arry, callback $callback, mixed $params=false)
function arrayWalk(&$arry, $callback, $params=false) {
$P=array(""); // parameters
$a=""; // arguement string :)
if($params !== false) { // add parameters
if(is_array($params)) { // multiple additional parameters
foreach($params as $par)
{ $P[]=$par; }
else // just one additional
{ $P[]=$params; }
for( // create the arguement string
$i=0; isset($P[$i]); ++$i
{ $a.='$'.chr($i + 97).', '; } // random argument names
$a=substr($a, 0, -2); // to get rid of the last comma and two spaces
$func=create_function($a, 'return '.$callback.'('.$a.');'); // the generic function
if(is_callable($func)) {
for( // cycle through array
$i=0; isset($arry[$i]); ++$i
) {
$P[0]=$arry[$i]; // first element must be the first argument - array value
$arry[$i] = call_user_func_array($func, $P); // assign the new value obtained by the generic function
{ return false; } // failure - function not callable
return true; // success!
} // arrayWalk()
One big problem I've noticed so far - for example, if you wanted to use str_replace on the array, you'd fail - simply because of the arguement order of str_replace, where the string modified is the third arguement, not the first as arrayWalk requires.
So, still some work left...
[#23] diyism [2008-10-30 23:18:27]
When i pass the third parameter by reference in php5.2.5,
happened this: Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value...
And to set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in php.ini won't work, according to http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=19699 thus to work around:
array_walk($arrChnOut, create_function('&$v, $k, $arr_rtn', 'if ($k{0}!="_") {$arr_rtn[0]["_".$v[\'ID\']]=$v; unset($arr_rtn[0][$k]);}'), array(&$arrChnOut));
[#24] mike >> mike AT debitage.com [2008-03-06 12:01:55]
class ArrayTool {
var $mydata = array();
var $flag = 0;
var $results;
function ArrayTool(){
function tellAll(){
function setArray($data){
$this->mydata = $data;
function getKey($input){
foreach($this->mydata as $key => $value){
if(($this->flag == 0)&&($input == $value)){
$this->results = $key;
$this->flag = 1;
$this->flag = 0;
return $this->results;
function getValue($input){
foreach($this->mydata as $key => $value){
if(($this->flag == 0)&&($input == $key)){
$this->results = $value;
$this->flag = 1;
$this->flag = 0;
return $this->results;
[#25] jerk at yoosic dot de [2006-12-21 08:05:25]
if you want to modify every value of an multidimensional array use this function used here:
$array = array (1=>1, 2=> 2, 3 => array(1=>11, 2=>12, 3=>13));
$text = "test";
function modarr(&$array, $text) {
foreach ($array as $key => $arr) {
if(is_array($arr)) $res[$key] = modarr(&$arr,$text);
// modification function here
else $res[$key] = $arr.$text;
return $res;
$erg = modarr($array, $text);
result will be_
Array ( [1] => 1test [2] => 2test [3] => Array ( [1] => 11test [2] => 12test [3] => 13test ) )
[#26] nihaopaul at nihaopaul dot com [2006-05-06 03:59:15]
no sure if this should go under array-walk but it does what i need, it searches a multidimensionial array by using an array to walk it, it either returns a value or an array.
function walker($walk, $array) {
if (count($walk) >0) {
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
if ($key == $walk[0]) {
if (is_array($value)) {
return walker(array_values($walk), $value);
} else {
if (isset($value)) {
if (count($walk) == 1) {
return $value;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
return 0;
} else {
return $array;
[#27] ludvig dot ericson at gmail dot com [2005-11-21 06:09:10]
In response to 'ibolmo', this is an extended version of string_walk, allowing to pass userdata (like array_walk) and to have the function edit the string in the same manner as array_walk allows, note now though that you have to pass a variable, since PHP cannot pass string literals by reference (logically).
function string_walk(&$string, $funcname, $userdata = null) {
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
# NOTE: PHP's dereference sucks, we have to do this.
$hack = $string{$i};
call_user_func($funcname, &$hack, $i, $userdata);
$string{$i} = $hack;
function yourFunc($value, $position) {
echo $value . ' ';
function yourOtherFunc(&$value, $position) {
$value = str_rot13($value);
# NOTE: We now need this ugly $x = hack.
string_walk($x = 'interesting', 'yourFunc');
// Ouput: i n t e r e s t i n g
string_walk($x = 'interesting', 'yourOtherFunc');
echo $x;
// Output: vagrerfgvat
Also note that calling str_rot13() directly on $x would be much faster ;-) just a sample.
[#28] ibolmo [2005-11-17 19:53:34]
If anyone is interested to implement the array_walk functionality to a string. I've made this handy function. Note that this can be easily extended for any type of purpose. I've used this to convert from a string of bytes to a hex string then back from hex to a byte string.
function string_walk($string,$funcname)
for($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) {
function yourFunc($val)
echo $val.' ';
//ouput: i n t e r e s t i n g
[#29] Andrzej Martynowicz at gmail dot com [2005-09-18 18:03:11]
It can be very useful to pass the third (optional) parameter by reference while modifying it permanently in callback function. This will cause passing modified parameter to next iteration of array_walk(). The exaple below enumerates items in the array:
function enumerate( &$item1, $key, &$startNum ) {
$item1 = $startNum++ ." $item1";
$num = 1;
$fruits = array( "lemon", "orange", "banana", "apple");
array_walk($fruits, 'enumerate', $num );
print_r( $fruits );
echo '$num is: '. $num ."\n";
This outputs:
[0] => 1 lemon
[1] => 2 orange
[2] => 3 banana
[3] => 4 apple
$num is: 1
Notice at the last line of output that outside of array_walk() the $num parameter has initial value of 1. This is because array_walk() does not take the third parameter by reference.. so what if we pass the reference as the optional parameter..
$num = 1;
$fruits = array( "lemon", "orange", "banana", "apple");
array_walk($fruits, 'enumerate', &$num ); // reference here
print_r( $fruits );
echo '$num is: '. $num ."\n";
echo "we've got ". ($num - 1) ." fruits in the basket!";
This outputs:
[0] => 1 lemon
[1] => 2 orange
[2] => 3 banana
[3] => 4 apple
$num is: 5
we've got 4 fruits in the basket!
Now $num has changed so we are able to count the items (without calling count() unnecessarily).
As a conclusion, using references with array_walk() can be powerful toy but this should be done carefully since modifying third parameter outside the array_walk() is not always what we want.
[#30] el_porno at web dot de [2005-05-27 03:03:55]
You want to get rid of the whitespaces users add in your form fields...?
Simply use...:
class SomeVeryImportantClass
public function mungeFormData(&$data)
array_walk($data, array($this, 'munge'));
private function munge(&$value, &$key)
$value = trim($value);
$obj = new SomeVeryImportantClass;
[#31] Enlightened One [2005-04-07 23:17:43]
Beware that "array ($this, method)" construct. If you're wanting to alter members of the "$this" object inside "method" you should construct the callback like this:
$callback[] = &$this;
$callback[] = method;
array_walk ($input, $callback);
Creating your callback using the array() method as suggested by "appletalk" results in a copy of $this being passed to method, not the original object, therefor any changes made to the object by method will be lost when array_walk() returns. While you could construct the callback with "array(&$this, method)", I believe this relies on the deprecated runtime pass-by-reference mechanism which may be removed in future releases of PHP. Better to not create a dependence on that feature now than having to track it down and fix it in the future.
[#32] [2004-11-04 23:22:16]
If array_walk_recursive() is not present and you want to apply htmlentities() on each array element you can use this:
function array_htmlentities(&$elem)
if (!is_array($elem))
foreach ($elem as $key=>$value)
return $elem;
} // array_htmlentities()
If you want to output an array with print_r() and you have html in it this function is very helpful.
[#33] bisqwit at iki dot fi [2004-09-03 16:54:52]
It's worth nothing that array_walk can not be used to change keys in the array.
The function may be defined as (&$value, $key) but not (&$value, &$key).
Even though PHP does not complain/warn, it does not modify the key.