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(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
ReflectionClass::getStaticPropertyValue — 获取静态(static)属性的值
[, mixed &$def_value
] )获取这个类里静态(static)属性的值。
假如类没有定义 name
的 static 属性,将返回一个默认值。
ReflectionException 。
Example #1 ReflectionClass::getStaticPropertyValue() 的基本用法
class Apple {
public static $color = 'Red' ;
$class = new ReflectionClass ( 'Apple' );
var_dump ( $class -> getStaticPropertyValue ( 'color' ));
string(3) "Red"
[#1] Antares [2011-08-16 07:11:57]
It seems this method has a security level different from the getStaticProperties method.
If you make two classes A and B looking like
class A{
protected static $static_var='foo';
public function getStatic(){
$class=new ReflectionClass($this);
return $class->getStaticPropertyValue('static_var');
public function getStatic2(){
$class=new ReflectionClass($this);
return $staticProps['static_var'];
public function __construct(){
echo $this->getStatic2();
echo $this->getStatic();
class B extends A{
protected static $static_var='foo2';
Then the output will be an exception for the getStatic() call, when the getStatic2() will correctly return 'foo2';
[#2] Mauro Gabriel Titimoli [2010-01-21 12:05:40]
If you want to change a static property of a variable class...
PHP 5.2
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($className);
$staticPropertyReference = & $reflection->getStaticPropertyValue($staticPropertyName);
$staticPropertyReference = 'new value';
PHP 5.3