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(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
is_object — 检测变量是否是一个对象
如果 var
是一个 object 则返回 TRUE
,否则返回 FALSE
参见 is_bool() 、 is_int() 、 is_integer() 、 is_float() 、 is_string() 和 is_array() 。
[#1] shadow_games at abv dot bg [2014-06-11 15:42:04]
here i created one function that i wanted to find but i had never found :X
function compare_two_object_recursive($object_1, $object_2, $object_1_Identifier = false, $object_2_Identifier = false){
$object1 = (array)$object_1;
$object2 = (array)$object_2;
$object3 = array();
$o1i = $object_1_Identifier ? $object_1_Identifier : 1;
$o2i = $object_2_Identifier ? $object_2_Identifier : 2;
foreach($object1 as $key => $value){
$object1[$key] = (array)$object1[$key];
$object2[$key] = (array)$object2[$key];
$object3[$key] = (object)compare_two_object_recursive($object1[$key], $object2[$key], $o1i, $o2i);
$object3[$key] = compare_two_object_recursive($object1[$key], $object2[$key], $o1i, $o2i);
if($object1[$key] == $object2[$key]){
$object3[$key]['comparison_status'] = "SAME";
$object3[$key]['comparison_status'] = "NOT THE SAME";
$object3[$key][$o1i] = $object1[$key];
$object3[$key][$o2i] = $object2[$key];
return $object3;
[#2] mark at not4you dot com [2011-09-21 12:23:15]
Unserializes data as returned by the standard PHP serialize() function. If the unserialized object is not an array, it will be converted to one, particularily useful if it returns a __PHP_Incomplete_Class.
function unserialize2array($data) {
$obj = unserialize($data);
if(is_array($obj)) return $obj;
$arr = array();
foreach($obj as $k=>$v) {
$arr[$k] = $v;
return $arr;
[#3] peter dot nagel at portavita dot nl [2011-03-22 01:46:48]
Note: is_object(null) returns false
This should actually be part of the input/output specification at the top of this page.
[#4] will [2010-03-20 14:36:22]
Just discovered:
is_a ( object $object , string $class_name )
Which checks if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents
Which seems to do what a lot here are trying to replicate
[#5] ldean at saleamp dot com [2009-09-01 07:16:07]
Use instanceof() to check for a specific type.
[#6] Senthryl [2009-03-17 06:03:03]
Cleaning it up even more:
function is_obj(&$object, $className = null, $caseSensitive = true) {
return is_object($object) && (!is_string($className) || preg_match('/^'.$className.'$/D'.($caseSensitive ? '' : 'i'), get_class($object)));
[#7] gregdangelo at gmail dot com [2008-04-14 12:03:43]
cleaned up peter's code... use only one return statement
function is_obj( &$object, $check=null, $strict=true )
$result = false;
if (is_object($object)) {
if ($check == null) {
$result = true;
} else {
$object_name = get_class($object);
$result = ($strict === true)?
( $object_name == $check ):
( strtolower($object_name) == strtolower($check) );
return $result;
[#8] corychristison[aT-]lavacube(.dot)com [2005-02-02 17:06:59]
Thank you victor AT fourstones DOT net.
I have written a function to do what victor has suggested, with the ease of use of is_object. It can be used to replace is_object(), but has an extra field [$check], to compare to a certain name. If $check is left empty, it will just check if &$object is an object.
function is_obj( &$object, $check=null, $strict=true )
if( $check == null && is_object($object) )
return true;
if( is_object($object) )
$object_name = get_class($object);
if( $strict === true )
if( $object_name == $check )
return true;
if( strtolower($object_name) == strtolower($check) )
return true;
This could probably be cleaned up, but it's spaced out to be easy to read.
[#9] victor AT fourstones DOT net [2005-01-01 15:49:38]
er, I don't think that's right, especially if calling from another object instance:
function test_this()
$c2 = new C2();
$c1 = new C1();
class C2
function func()
class C1
function func()
if( isset($this) )
if( strtolower(get_class($this)) != 'c1' )
print("this is ok\n" );
print("static call\n");
---------- run-php ----------
this is ok
static call
[#10] corychristison[aT-]lavacube(.dot)com [2005-01-01 07:47:56]
You can use is_object($this) to detect if the function is being called via instance or procedure.
class mrClass {
function test( )
if( is_object($this) )
// do something for instance method
echo 'this is an instance call <br />' . "\n";
// do something different for procedural method
echo 'this is a procedure call <br />' . "\n";
$inst = new mrClass();
This would output:
this is an instance call <br />
this is a procedure call <br />
:-) Happy coding!
[#11] lbjay can be emailed at reallywow dot com [2003-05-02 12:18:49]
I'm not even sure how to articulate this, so I'm going to just include test code. Maybe someone else will someday wonder the same thing.
class testParent
var $child;
function testParent()
$this->child = new testChild();
class testChild
function testChild()
$parent = new testParent();
$parent2 = 'foobar';
print join(',', Array(
is_object($parent) ? 'yes' : 'no',
is_object($parent->child) ? 'yes' : 'no',
is_object($parent2) ? 'yes' : 'no',
is_object($parent2->child) ? 'yes' : 'no'
This prints "yes,yes,no,no". Basically this shows that you can use is_object to test if the child object is an object without worrying about an error if the parent object isn't an object either.