Dieses Dokument verwendet PHP-Handbuch für chinesische Websites Freigeben
(PHP 5 >= 5.0.1)
The SoapClient class provides a client for » SOAP 1.1, » SOAP 1.2 servers. It can be used in WSDL or non-WSDL mode.
, string $arguments
[, array $options
] )$request
, string $location
, string $action
, int $version
[, int $one_way
= 0
] )$name
[, string $value
] )$new_location
] )$soapheaders
] )$function_name
, array $arguments
[, array $options
[, mixed $input_headers
[, array &$output_headers
]]] )$wsdl
[, array $options
] )[#1] deepesh [2015-11-26 08:12:08]
$client = new SoapClient('xxxxxx');
$result =$client->GetProductTypeForPromotionCodeMaster(array("CompanyID" =>37));
$res= json_encode($result);
How to further print it in table??
[#2] info at nospam x valiton x com [2015-04-13 08:06:28]
I had quite a bit of trouble trying to make a request with fopen through a proxy to a secure url. I kept getting a 400 Bad Request back from the remote host. It was receiving the proxy url as the SNI host. In order to get around this I had to explicity set the SNI host to the domain I was trying to reach. It's apparently the issue outlined in this bug:
$domain = parse_url($file, PHP_URL_HOST);
$proxy_string = "tcp://" . WP_PROXY_HOST . ":" . WP_PROXY_PORT;
$opts = array(
'http' => array( 'proxy' => $proxy_string ),
'ssl' => array( 'SNI_enabled' => true, 'SNI_server_name' => $domain));
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$handle = fopen( $file, 'r', false, $context );
[#3] acopantepuy at gmail dot com [2015-04-11 02:45:46]
when they want to pass variables into the http header that is how it is done:
$aHTTP['http']['header'] = "User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.5.11\r\n";
$aHTTP['http']['header'].= "username: XXXXXXXXXXX\r\n"."password: XXXXX\r\n";
$context = stream_context_create($aHTTP);
$client=new SoapClient("https://ocppws-cert.extra.bcv.org.ve:443/AltoValor/BancoUniversal?WSDL",array('trace' => 1,"stream_context" => $context));
$result = $client->jornadaActiva();
[#4] acopantepuy at gmail dot com [2015-04-11 02:42:21]
when they want to pass variables into the http header that is how it is done:
$aHTTP['http']['header'] = "User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.5.11\r\n";
$aHTTP['http']['header'].= "username: C1040001760102\r\n"."password: bcv2020\r\n";
$context = stream_context_create($aHTTP);
$client=new SoapClient("https://ocppws-cert.extra.bcv.org.ve:443/AltoValor/BancoUniversal?WSDL",array('trace' => 1,"stream_context" => $context));
$result = $client->jornadaActiva();
[#5] romuloum at hotmail dot com [2015-02-19 16:22:26]
After migrating to PHP 5.6.5, the soap 1.2 did not work anymore. So I solved the problem by adding optional parameters SSL.
My error: failed to load external entity
How to solve:
// options for ssl in php 5.6.5
$opts = array(
'ssl' => array('ciphers'=>'RC4-SHA', 'verify_peer'=>false, 'verify_peer_name'=>false)
// SOAP 1.2 client
$params = array ('encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'verifypeer' => false, 'verifyhost' => false, 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 'trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1, "connection_timeout" => 180, 'stream_context' => stream_context_create($opts) );
$oSoapClient = new SoapClient ( $url . "?WSDL", $params );
[#6] wira dot sanjaya dot saputro at gmail dot com [2015-01-05 11:59:29]
can you more specified how to solve this?
i also stuck in here.
[#7] softontherocks at gmail dot com [2014-11-22 08:32:11]
I posted in this URL http://softontherocks.blogspot.com/2014/02/web-service-soap-con-php.html a full example of a nusoap web service.
There is defined the server and the cliente who calls the web service.
I hope it would be useful for you.
[#8] martin dot schenck at plugsurfing dot com [2014-09-15 15:34:26]
If you want to connect to a server that only supports SSLv2/3 and/or TLS 1.0 (no TLS 2 or 3), tell the SOAP client if you get a connection error by setting the appropriate stream context:
$opts = array(
'ssl' => array('ciphers'=>'RC4-SHA')
$objSoapClient = new SoapClient(
array ( "encoding"=>"ISO-8859-1",
'stream_context' => stream_context_create($opts)
// your options
You might need to disable the SOAP caching of WSDLs in order for the SOAP client to use the new context.
[#9] Stefan [2014-06-03 11:04:00]
There is a known bug with some versions of Xdebug which can cause SoapClient to not throw an exception but instead cause a fatal error.
Surround the SoapClient call with xdebug_disable(); and xdebug_enable(); to work around this problem.
For reference:
[#10] Anonymous [2013-09-12 21:25:01]
I got the following error when trying to load the WSDL file:
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: <message> 'MessageName' already defined
In my case there was no double definitions but it was including other files - I think one of them contained a duplicate message with a different namespace (which SoapClient doesn't like).
I resolved it by loading the WSDL in SoapUI, right-clicking and selecting "Export definition". The WSDL that then got created worked fine. Hope this helps somebody.
[#11] Guillermo Prandi [2012-02-20 14:10:37]
To make an HTTPS call with a client certificate, you can do it this way:
1) Create a file containing both the key and the signed certificate. I did this by concatenating my (.pem) key and the certificate I've got signed from my CA (also .pem format). The file looked like this:
2) Reference your certificate in the creation of the SOAP client, like this:
$protected_url = "https://my-server/?wsdl";
$my_cert_file = "/my/path/to/mycert.pem";
$client = new SoapClient($protected_url, array('local_cert', $my_cert_file) );
[#12] egiardina at badatmath dot com [2011-08-03 18:05:31]
This one drove me nuts... if you are connecting to a web service run on Cassini, (Visual Studio's web server) from php, you may not be able to call web service functions or load a WSDL out-of-the-box.
My set up is that I am using xampp on my windows development machine, and also using Visual Studio's built in web-server. I built a web service in visual studio. I wrote a simple PHP script, running under xampp, to access this service, so the two projects can 'talk' to each other. What I found was the WSDL was never loaded.
So I moved the WSDL local to the PHP file and accessed it directly. Still no calls. Turns out, PHP's SoapClient seems to have a problem with 'localhost' as a web service endpoint. So I hand-edited the web service endpoint URL to read instead of localhost, and Voila! Web Service calls work:
Here is my PHP, now working:
$client = new SoapClient("http://localhost/code/soap.wsdl");
$something = $client->HelloWorld(array());
echo $something->HelloWorldResult;
Here is my modified WSDL:
<wsdl:service name="MyService">
<wsdl:port name="MyServiceSoap" binding="tns:MyServiceSoap">
<soap:address location="" />
[#13] stepan dot zarubin at gmail dot com [2011-06-30 11:51:23]
Well, this example works fine:
try {
$x = @new SoapClient("non-existent.wsdl");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Just make sure use NEW with @.
[#14] jjlopez [2011-03-09 11:36:12]
If you are making soap calls in WSDL mode , and the address of your web service includes a port different from 80 (like http://my_ip_address:8080//service.asmx?wsdl), the WSDL file is fetched correctly, but all subsequent requests are made without any port in the host field. This causes a SoapFault exception when trying to call any of the service??s methods.
You need to redefine the soapClient class and force the port in each call.
See this example:
[#15] hugues at zonereseau dot com [2011-02-17 21:17:31]
When you need to connect to services requiring to send extra header use this method.
Here how we can to it with PHP and SoapClient
class exampleChannelAdvisorAuth
public $DeveloperKey;
public $Password;
public function __construct($key, $pass)
$this->DeveloperKey = $key;
$this->Password = $pass;
$devKey = "";
$password = "";
$accountId = "";
// Create the SoapClient instance
$url = "";
$client = new SoapClient($url, array("trace" => 1, "exception" => 0));
// Create the header
$auth = new ChannelAdvisorAuth($devKey, $password);
$header = new SoapHeader("http://www.example.com/webservices/", "APICredentials", $auth, false);
// Call wsdl function
$result = $client->__soapCall("DeleteMarketplaceAd", array(
"DeleteMarketplaceAd" => array(
"accountID" => $accountId,
"marketplaceAdID" => "9938745" // The ads ID
), NULL, $header);
// Echo the result
echo "<pre>".print_r($result, true)."</pre>";
if($result->DeleteMarketplaceAdResult->Status == "Success")
echo "Item deleted!";
[#16] fourat dot zouari at tritux dot com [2009-06-20 08:08:55]
In addition to the KeepAlive trick which is a "server-side" modification, on the "client side" default_socket_timeout should be increased from its default value (60) when you deal with ~slow SOAP servers.
As for the KeepAlive, if creating a new separate vhost for the soap api is not possible, you can add this to your existing vhost: BrowserMatch "^PHP-SOAP" nokeepalive
where PHP-SOAP is the agent name of your soap client, if you dont know what agent name your client use, just checkout the access.log of your apache.
[#17] peter dot hansen at fastit dot net [2009-05-01 06:57:14]
When you get errors like:
"Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Error Fetching http headers in"
after a few (time intensive) SOAP-Calls, check your webserver-config.
Sometimes the webservers "KeepAlive"-Setting tends to result in this error. For SOAP-Environments I recommend you to disable KeepAlive.
Hint: It might be tricky to create a dedicated vhost for your SOAP-Gateways and disable keepalive just for this vhost because for normal webpages Keepalive is a nice speed-boost.