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Although most existing PHP 5 code should work without changes, you should pay attention to the following backward incompatible changes:
when passed
incompatible arguments as of PHP 5.2.1.
on success as of PHP 5.2.1.
on success as of PHP 5.2.1.
As of PHP 5.2.0, this operation will emit an E_WARNING
as is the case in all other instances where division by zero is performed.
print 10 % 0 ;
class foo {}
$foo = new foo ;
print $foo ;
class foo {
public function __toString () {
throw new Exception ;
try {
print new foo ;
} catch( Exception $e ) {}
abstract class foo {
abstract static function bar ();
include "data:;base64,PD9waHAgcGhwaW5mbygpOz8+" ;
Example #2 Object Oriented Code in PHP Core
interface foo {
class bar implements foo , foo {
class foo {
public $bar ;
function __get ( $var )
return $this -> bar ;
$foo = new foo ;
$bar =& $foo -> prop ;
class foo implements iterator {
public function current () {
public function next () {
public function key () {
public function valid () {
public function rewind () {
$foo = new foo ();
foreach( $foo as & $ref ) {}
class foo {
private function __construct () {
class bar extends foo {
public function __construct () {
parent :: __construct ();
new bar ;
stream_filter_register ( "" , "class" );
stream_filter_register ( "filter" , "" );
Example #3 In the bzip2 Extension
bzopen ( "" , "w" );
bzopen ( "foo" , "a" );
$fp = fopen ( "foo" , "w" );
bzopen ( $fp , "r" );
Example #4 In the datetime Extension
strtotime ( "today" , "now" );
new DateTime (new stdclass );
Example #5 In the dBase Extension
dbase_open ( "foo" , - 1 );
dbase_open ( "foo" , null );
Example #6 In the mcrypt Extension
$key = "this is a secret key" ;
$td = mcrypt_module_open ( 'tripledes' , '' , 'ecb' , '' );
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv ( mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ( $td ),
mcrypt_generic_init ( $td , $key , $iv );
$encrypted_data = mcrypt_generic ( $td , "" );
Example #7 In the oci8 Extension
oci_connect ( "user" , "pass" , "db" , "bogus_charset" );
$oci = oci_connect ( "user" , "pass" , "db" );
oci_password_change ( $oci , "" , "old" , "new" );
oci_password_change ( $oci , "user" , "" , "new" );
oci_password_change ( $oci , "user" , "old" , "" );
Example #8 In the SPL Extension
$obj = new SplFileObject ( __FILE__ );
$obj -> fgetcsv ( "foo" );
$obj -> fgetcsv ( "," , "foo" );
Example #9 In the Semaphore (sysvmsg) extension
Example #10 A 5.2.1+ Zip Example
$obj = new ZipArchive ();
$obj -> open ( 'archive.zip' );
$obj -> setCommentName ( '' , 'comment' );
$obj -> getCommentName ( '' );