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(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.1)
cubrid_connect_with_url — Establish the environment for connecting to CUBRID server
[, string $userid
[, string $passwd
[, bool $new_link
= false
]]] )The cubrid_connect_with_url() function is used to establish the environment for connecting to your server by using connection information passed with an url string argument. If the HA feature is enabled in CUBRID, you must specify the connection information of the standby server, which is used for failover when failure occurs, in the url string argument of this function. If the user name and password is not given, then the "PUBLIC" connection will be made by default.
<url> ::= CUBRID:<host>:<db_name>:<db_user>:<db_password>:[?<properties>]
<properties> ::= <property> [&<property>]
<properties> ::= alhosts=<alternative_hosts>[ &rctime=<time>]
<properties> ::= login_timeout=<milli_sec>
<properties> ::= query_timeout=<milli_sec>
<properties> ::= disconnect_on_query_timeout=true|false
<alternative_hosts> ::= <standby_broker1_host>:<port> [,<standby_broker2_host>:<port>]
<host> := HOSTNAME | IP_ADDR
<time> := SECOND
<milli_sec> := MILLI SECOND
? and : that are used as identifiers in PHP connection URL can't be included in the password. The following is an example of a password that is invalid to use as connection URL because it contains "?:".
$url = "CUBRID:localhost:33000:tdb:dba:12?:?login_timeout=100";
Passwords that contain ? or : may be passed as a separate parameter.
$url = "CUBRID:localhost:33000:tbd:::?login_timeout=100";
$conn = cubrid_connect_with_url($url, "dba", "12?");
If user or password is empty,you can't delete ":",the following is an example.
$url = "CUBRID:localhost:33000:demodb:::";
A character string that contains server connection information.
User name for the database.
User password.
If a second call is made to
cubrid_connect_with_url() with the same arguments,
no new connection will be established, but instead, the connection
identifier of the already opened connection will be returned. The
parameter modifies this behavior and
makes cubrid_connect_with_url() always open a new
connection, even if cubrid_connect_with_url() was
called before with the same parameters.
Connection identifier, when process is successful.
, when process is unsuccessful.
Example #1 cubrid_connect_with_url() url without properties example
$conn_url = "CUBRID:localhost:33000:demodb:dba::" ;
$con = cubrid_connect_with_url ( $conn_url );
if ( $con ) {
echo "connected successfully" ;
cubrid_execute ( $con , "create table person(id int,name char(16))" );
$req = cubrid_execute ( $con , "insert into person values(1,'James')" );
if ( $req ) {
cubrid_close_request ( $req );
cubrid_commit ( $con );
} else {
cubrid_rollback ( $con );
cubrid_disconnect ( $con );
Example #2 cubrid_connect_with_url() url with properties example
$conn_url = "CUBRID:"
$con = cubrid_connect_with_url ( $conn_url );
if ( $con ) {
echo "connected successfully" ;
cubrid_execute ( $con , "create table person(id int,name char(16))" );
$req = cubrid_execute ( $con , "insert into person values(1,'James')" );
if ( $req ) {
cubrid_close_request ( $req );
cubrid_commit ( $con );
} else {
cubrid_rollback ( $con );
cubrid_disconnect ( $con );