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// The name space here is ordinary identifiers. int a; // file scope of name a begins here void f(void){ int a = 1; // the block scope of the name a begins here; hides file-scope a { int a = 2; // the scope of the inner a begins here, outer a is hidden printf("%d\n", a); // inner a is in scope, prints 2 } // the block scope of the inner a ends here printf("%d\n", a); // the outer a is in scope, prints 1} // the scope of the outer a ends here void g(int a); // name a has function prototype scope; hides file-scope a
void f(int n) // scope of the function parameter 'n' begins{ // the body of the function begins ++n; // 'n' is in scope and refers to the function parameter// int n = 2; // error: cannot redeclare identifier in the same scope for(int n = 0; n<10; ++n) { // scope of loop-local 'n' begins printf("%d\n", n); // prints 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 } // scope of the loop-local 'n' ends // the function parameter 'n' is back in scope printf("%d\n", n); // prints the value of the parameter} // scope of function parameter 'n' endsint a = n; // Error: name 'n' is not in scope
在C99之前,选择和迭代语句没有建立它们自己的块范围(尽管如果在语句中使用复合语句,它具有通常的块范围):enum {a,b}; int不同(void){if(sizeof(enum {b,a})!= sizeof(int))返回a; // a == 1 return b; // C89中的b == 0,C99中的b == 1} | (自C99以来) |
int i; // scope of i beginsstatic int g(int a) { return a; } // scope of g begins (note, "a" has block scope)int main(void){ i = g(2); // i and g are in scope}
void f(){ { goto label; // label in scope even though declared laterlabel:; } goto label; // label ignores block scope} void g(){ goto label; // error: label not in scope in g()}
int f(int n, int a[n]); // n is in scope and refers to the first parameter
void f ( // function name 'f' is at file scope long double f, // the identifier 'f' is now in scope, file-scope 'f' is hidden char (**a)[10 * sizeof f] // 'f' refers to the first parameter, which is in scope); enum{ n = 3 };int (*(*g)(int n))[n]; // the scope of the function parameter 'n' // ends at the end of its function declarator // in the array declarator, global n is in scope// (this declares a pointer to function returning a pointer to an array of 3 int)
struct Node { struct Node* next; // Node is in scope and refers to this struct};
enum { x = 12 };{ enum { x = x + 1, // new x is not in scope until the comma, x is initialized to 13 y = x + 1 // the new enumerator x is now in scope, y is initialized to 14 };}
int x = 2; // scope of the first 'x' begins{ int x[x]; // scope of the newly declared x begins after the declarator (x[x]). // Within the declarator, the outer 'x' is still in scope. // This declares a VLA array of 2 int.} unsigned char x = 32; // scope of the outer 'x' begins{ unsigned char x = x; // scope of the inner 'x' begins before the initializer (= x) // this does not initialize the inner 'x' with the value 32, // this initializes the inner 'x' with its own, indeterminate, value} unsigned long factorial(unsigned long n)// declarator ends, 'factorial' is in scope from this point{ return n<2 ? 1 : n*factorial(n-1); // recursive call}
在C89之前,即使在块内引入外部链接的标识符也具有文件范围,因此,C89编译器不需要诊断使用超出范围的外部标识符(这种用法是未定义的行为) 。
循环体内的局部变量可以隐藏在C语言的for循环的init子句中声明的变量(它们的作用域是嵌套的),但在C ++中不能这样做。
与C ++不同,C没有结构范围:在struct / union / enum声明中声明的名称与结构声明在同一个范围内(除了数据成员在它们自己的成员名称空间中):
struct foo { struct baz {}; enum color {RED, BLUE};};struct baz b; // baz is in scopeenum color x = RED; // color and RED are in scope