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[#1] mattcsl at gmail dot com [2013-10-26 23:58:16]
this function had a missing comma between test1 and test2 and is fixed below
function get_cache_id($name) {
// maintain list of caches here
$id=array( 'test1' => 1,
'test2' => 2
return $id[$name];
[#2] makr at makrit dot net [2013-03-09 23:05:38]
shmop made simple:
save_cache($test, 'test1', 600);
To save/get cache that easily just save this as cache.php or whatever you see fit:
function save_cache($data, $name, $timeout) {
// delete cache
$id=shmop_open(get_cache_id($name), "a", 0, 0);
// get id for name of cache
$id=shmop_open(get_cache_id($name), "c", 0644, strlen(serialize($data)));
// return int for data size or boolean false for fail
if ($id) {
set_timeout($name, $timeout);
return shmop_write($id, serialize($data), 0);
else return false;
function get_cache($name) {
if (!check_timeout($name)) {
$id=shmop_open(get_cache_id($name), "a", 0, 0);
if ($id) $data=unserialize(shmop_read($id, 0, shmop_size($id)));
else return false; // failed to load data
if ($data) { // array retrieved
return $data;
else return false; // failed to load data
else return false; // data was expired
function get_cache_id($name) {
// maintain list of caches here
$id=array( 'test1' => 1
'test2' => 2
return $id[$name];
function set_timeout($name, $int) {
$timeout=new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
date_add($timeout, date_interval_create_from_date_string("$int seconds"));
$timeout=date_format($timeout, 'YmdHis');
$id=shmop_open(100, "a", 0, 0);
if ($id) $tl=unserialize(shmop_read($id, 0, shmop_size($id)));
else $tl=array();
$id=shmop_open(100, "c", 0644, strlen(serialize($tl)));
shmop_write($id, serialize($tl), 0);
function check_timeout($name) {
$now=new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$now=date_format($now, 'YmdHis');
$id=shmop_open(100, "a", 0, 0);
if ($id) $tl=unserialize(shmop_read($id, 0, shmop_size($id)));
else return true;
return (intval($now)>intval($timeout));