Dieses Dokument verwendet PHP-Handbuch für chinesische Websites Freigeben
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
urlencode — 编码 URL 字符串
)此函数便于将字符串编码并将其用于 URL 的请求部分,同时它还便于将变量传递给下一页。
返回字符串,此字符串中除了 -_. 之外的所有非字母数字字符都将被替换成百分号(%)后跟两位十六进制数,空格则编码为加号(+)。此编码与 WWW 表单 POST 数据的编码方式是一样的,同时与 application/x-www-form-urlencoded 的媒体类型编码方式一样。由于历史原因,此编码在将空格编码为加号(+)方面与 » RFC3896 编码(参见 rawurlencode() )不同。
Example #1 urlencode() 例子
echo '<a href="mycgi?foo=' , urlencode ( $userinput ), '">' ;
Example #2 urlencode() 与 htmlentities() 例子
$query_string = 'foo=' . urlencode ( $foo ) . '&bar=' . urlencode ( $bar );
echo '<a href="mycgi?' . htmlentities ( $query_string ) . '">' ;
注意:小心与 HTML 实体相匹配的变量。像 &、© 和 £ 都将被浏览器解析,并使用实际实体替代所期待的变量名。这是明显的混乱,W3C 已经告诫人们好几年了。参考地址:» http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/appendix/notes.html#h-B.2.2。
PHP 通过 arg_separator.ini 指令,支持将参数分割符变成 W3C 所建议的分号。不幸的是大多数用户代理并不发送分号分隔符格式的表单数据。较为简单的解决办法是使用 & 代替 & 作为分隔符。你不需要为此修改 PHP 的 arg_separator。让它仍为 &,而仅使用 htmlentities() 或 htmlspecialchars() 对你的 URL 进行编码。
[#1] david winiecki gmail [2014-12-10 18:52:00]
Since PHP 5.3.0, urlencode and rawurlencode also differ in that rawurlencode does not encode ~ (tilde), while urlencode does.
[#2] nehuensd at gmail dot com [2014-06-03 02:31:30]
if you have a url like this: test-blablabla-4>3-y-3<6 or with any excluded US-ASCII Characters (see chapter 2.4.3 on http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) you can use urlencode two times for fix the 403 error.
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^test-(.*)$ index.php?token=$1
$foo = 'test-bla-bla-4>2-y-3<6';
$foo_encoded = urlencode(urlencode($foo));
<a href="
look on index.php
array (size=0)
look on test-bla-bla-4%253E2-y-3%253C6
array (size=1)
'token' => string 'bla-bla-4>2-y-3<6' (length=17)
the problem is that the characters are decoded 2 times, 1 single, the first time mod_rewrite, the second is to create the php $ _GET array.
also, you can use this technique to the same as the complex functions of other notes.
[#3] izhankhalib at gmail dot com [2013-11-06 07:33:04]
Below is our jsonform source code in mongo db which consists a lot of double quotes. we are able to pass this source code to the ajax form submit function by using php urlencode :
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
// Generate a form using jquery.dfrom
"html":"Patient Record"
"caption":"first name",
"caption":"last name",
"type" : "submit",
<form id="myform">
//get the json source code from the mongodb
$jsonform= urlencode($this->data['Post']['jsonform']);
<script type="text/javascript">
// passing the variable fro PHP to javascript
var thejsonform="
<?php echo $jsonform ?>
//var fname = $('input#fname').val();
var dataString = "jsonform=" + thejsonform ;
type: "POST",
// url: "test1.php",
data: dataString,
success: function() {
return false;
[#4] homebot at yandex dot ru [2013-07-31 15:44:24]
Simple static class for array URL encoding
class urlencode_array
private static function encode_part($perfix, $array, &$ret, $fe = false)
foreach ( $array as $k => $v )
switch ( gettype($v))
case 'float' :
case 'integer' :
case 'string' : $ret [ $fe ? $k : $perfix.'['.$k.']' ] = $v; break;
case 'boolean' : $ret [ $fe ? $k : $perfix.'['.$k.']' ] = ( $v ? '1' : '0' ); break;
case 'null' : $ret [ $fe ? $k : $perfix.'['.$k.']' ] = 'NULL'; break;
case 'object' : $v = (array) $v;
case 'array' : self::encode_part( $fe?$perfix.$k:$perfix.'['.$k.']' , $v, $ret, false); break;
public static function go($array)
$buff = array();
if ( gettype($array) == 'object') $array = (array) $array;
self::encode_part('', $array, $buff, true);
$retn = '';
foreach ( $buff as $k => $v )
$retn .= urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v) . '&';
return $retn;
#-------------------------------- TEST AREA ------------------------------------
$buffer = array(
'master' =>'master.zenith.lv',
'join' =>array('slave'=>'slave1.zenith.lv','slave2'=>array('node1.slave2.zenith.lv','slave2.zenith.lv')),
'config' => new stdClass()
$buffer['config']->MaxServerLoad = 200;
$buffer['config']->MaxSlaveLoad = 100;
$buffer['config']->DropUserNoWait = true;
$buffer = urlencode_array::go($buffer);
parse_str( $buffer , $data_decoded);
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
echo 'Encoded String :' . str_repeat('-', 80) . "\n";
echo $buffer;
echo str_repeat("\n", 3) . 'Decoded String byPhp :' . str_repeat('-', 80) . "\n";
[#5] leaksin [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com [2013-02-17 21:05:46]
"cleaning the URL",Totally and in a nut shell:
1.You must use rawurlencode() for parts that come before "?"
2.Use urlencode for all GET parameters (values that come after each "=")(POST parameters are automatically encoded).
3.Use htmlspecialchars for HTML tag parameters and HTML text content
$url_page = 'example/page/url.php';
//page the link will request
$text = 'this is a simple string';
$id = '4334%3434';
$linktext = "<Clickit> & you will see it";
//text of the link, with HTML unfriendly characters
// this gives you a clean link to use
$url = "http://localhost/";
$url .= rawurlencode($url_page);
$url .= "?text=" . urlencode($text);
$url .= "&id=" . urlencode($id);
// htmlspecialchars escapes any html that
// might do bad things to your html page
<a href="
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($url); ?>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($linktext); ?>
[#6] sroolig at gmail dot com [2011-06-09 13:40:26]
I write this code, to full protect from XSS:
$url = "";
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($value); $i++)
$url .= strpos("/:@&%=?.#", $value[$i]) === False ? urlencode($value[$i]) : $value[$i];
$value = $url;
[#7] tk at example dot com [2010-05-20 12:43:48]
To easily encode an array to an url :
$y= ("I"=>"like","she"=>"likes");
array_walk($y , create_function('&$v,$k', '$v = $k."=".$v ;'));
"index.php?".htmlentities(urlencode(implode("&",$y)), ENT_QUOTES);
returns :
[#8] davis dot peixoto at gmail dot com [2010-05-18 18:53:57]
urlencode function and rawurlencode are mostly based on RFC 1738.
However, since 2005 the current RFC in use for URIs standard is RFC 3986.
Here is a function to encode URLs according to RFC 3986.
function myUrlEncode($string) {
$entities = array('%21', '%2A', '%27', '%28', '%29', '%3B', '%3A', '%40', '%26', '%3D', '%2B', '%24', '%2C', '%2F', '%3F', '%25', '%23', '%5B', '%5D');
$replacements = array('!', '*', "'", "(", ")", ";", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", ",", "/", "?", "%", "#", "[", "]");
return str_replace($entities, $replacements, urlencode($string));
[#9] frx dot apps at gmail dot com [2010-04-07 08:48:38]
I wrote this simple function that creates a GET query (for URLS) from an array:
function encode_array($args)
if(!is_array($args)) return false;
$c = 0;
$out = '';
foreach($args as $name => $value)
if($c++ != 0) $out .= '&';
$out .= urlencode("$name").'=';
$out .= urlencode(serialize($value));
$out .= urlencode("$value");
return $out . "\n";
If there are arrays within the $args array, they will be serialized before being urlencoded.
Some examples:
echo encode_array(array('foo' => 'bar')); // foo=bar
echo encode_array(array('foo&bar' => 'some=weird/value')); // foo%26bar=some%3Dweird%2Fvalue
echo encode_array(array('foo' => 1, 'bar' => 'two')); // foo=1&bar=two
echo encode_array(array('args' => array('key' => 'value'))); // args=a%3A1%3A%7Bs%3A3%3A%22key%22%3Bs%3A5%3A%22value%22%3B%7D
[#10] omid at omidsakhi dot com [2010-02-24 11:17:50]
I needed a function in PHP to do the same job as the complete escape function in Javascript. It took me some time not to find it. But findaly I decided to write my own code. So just to save time:
function fullescape($in)
$out = '';
for ($i=0;$i<strlen($in);$i++)
$hex = dechex(ord($in[$i]));
if ($hex=='')
$out = $out.urlencode($in[$i]);
$out = $out .'%'.((strlen($hex)==1) ? ('0'.strtoupper($hex)):(strtoupper($hex)));
$out = str_replace('+','%20',$out);
$out = str_replace('_','%5F',$out);
$out = str_replace('.','%2E',$out);
$out = str_replace('-','%2D',$out);
return $out;
It can be fully decoded using the unscape function in Javascript.
[#11] temu92 at gmail dot com [2009-07-23 10:44:44]
I needed encoding and decoding for UTF8 urls, I came up with these very simple fuctions. Hope this helps!
function url_encode($string){
return urlencode(utf8_encode($string));
function url_decode($string){
return utf8_decode(urldecode($string));
[#12] daniel+php at danielnorton dot com [2009-06-29 07:24:10]
Don't use urlencode() or urldecode() if the text includes an email address, as it destroys the "+" character, a perfectly valid email address character.
Unless you're certain that you won't be encoding email addresses AND you need the readability provided by the non-standard "+" usage, instead always use use rawurlencode() or rawurldecode().
[#13] Anonymous [2009-02-19 05:32:42]
What about this one? A bit more complex but very practically,...
static function urlencode($url)
// safely cast back already encoded "&" within the query
$url = str_replace( "&","&",$url );
$phpsep = (strlen(ini_get('arg_separator.input')>0))
// cut optionally anchor
$ancpos = strrpos($url,"#");
$lasteq = strrpos($url,"=");
$lastsep = strrpos($url,"&");
$lastqsep = strrpos($url,"?");
$firstsep = strpos($url, "?");
// recognize wrong positioned anchor example.php#anchor?asdasd
if ($ancpos !== false
|| ($ancpos > 0
&& ($lasteq > 0 && $lasteq < $ancpos )
&& ($lastsep > 0 && $lastsep < $ancpos )
&& ($lastqsep > 0 && $lastqsep < $ancpos )
$anc = "#" . urlencode( substr( $url,$ancpos+1 ) );
$url = substr( $url,0,$ancpos );
$anc = "";
// separate uri and query string
if ($firstsep == false)
$qry = ""; // no query
$urlenc = $url.$anc; // anchor
$qry = substr( $url, $firstsep + 1 ) ;
$vals = explode( "&", $qry );
$valsenc = array();
foreach( $vals as $v )
$buf = explode( "=", $v );
$valsenc[] = implode("=",$buf);
$urlenc = substr( $url, 0 , $firstsep ); // encoded origin uri
$urlenc.= "?" . implode($phpsep, $valsenc ) // encoded query string
. $anc; // anchor
$urlenc = htmlentities( $urlenc, ENT_QUOTES );
return $urlenc;
[#14] Mark Seecof [2008-09-23 16:34:46]
When using XMLHttpRequest or another AJAX technique to submit data to a PHP script using GET (or POST with content-type header set to 'x-www-form-urlencoded') you must urlencode your data before you upload it. (In fact, if you don't urlencode POST data MS Internet Explorer may pop a "syntax error" dialog when you call XMLHttpRequest.send().) But, you can't call PHP's urlencode() function in Javascript! In fact, NO native Javascript function will urlencode data correctly for form submission. So here is a function to do the job fairly efficiently:
<?php ?>
[#15] root at jusme dot org [2008-08-12 17:12:16]
I'm running PHP version 5.0.5 and urlencode() doesn't seem to encode the "#" character, although the function's description says it encodes "all non-alphanumeric" characters. This was a particular problem for me when trying to open local files with a "#" in the filename as Firefox will interpret this as an anchor target (for better or worse). It seems a manual str_replace is required unless this was fixed in a future PHP version.
$str = str_replace("#", "%23", $str);
[#16] php dot net at unixen dot dk [2008-06-15 12:53:57]
>> Hi muthuishere , i saw your excellent contribution, but couldnt make it work, so i corrected some bits and pieces and had the following done:
function SmartUrlEncode($url){
if (strpos($url, '=') === false):
return $url;
$startpos = strpos($url, "?");
$tmpurl=substr($url, 0 , $startpos+1) ;
$qryStr=substr($url, $startpos+1 ) ;
$qryvalues=explode("&", $qryStr);
foreach($qryvalues as $value):
$buffer=explode("=", $value);
$finalqrystr=implode("&", &$qryvalues);
$finalURL=$tmpurl . $finalqrystr;
return $finalURL;
As you see its very much yours, modfied primarily using '&' instead of '&', and ofcourse an if test to see if anything in input is to be cursed... Thanks for great function !
[#17] kerdster at gmail dot com [2008-02-28 04:02:50]
> php dot net at samokhvalov dot com
> 12-Dec-2006 09:49
Thanx for idea!
I have wrote more simple function based on your function to simulate JS function escape (); It uses mb_string functions unstead of iconv.
function utf16urlencode($str)
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8');
$out = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-16'); $i++)
$out .= '%u'.bin2hex(mb_substr($str, $i, 1, 'UTF-16'));
return $out;
[#18] Thomas [2007-09-05 02:30:40]
Reply to 'peter at mailinator dot com'
If you are having problems using urldecode in PHP following the escape() function in Javascript, try to do a decodeURI() before the escape(). This fixed it for me at least.
[#19] ahrensberg at gmail dot com [2007-08-04 17:04:51]
Like "Benjamin dot Bruno at web dot de" earlier has writen, you can have problems with encode strings with special characters to flash. Benjamin write that:
function flash_encode ($input)
return rawurlencode(utf8_encode($input));
... could do the problem. Unfortunately flash still have problems with read some quotations, but with this one:
function flash_encode($string)
$string = rawurlencode(utf8_encode($string));
$string = str_replace("%C2%96", "-", $string);
$string = str_replace("%C2%91", "%27", $string);
$string = str_replace("%C2%92", "%27", $string);
$string = str_replace("%C2%82", "%27", $string);
$string = str_replace("%C2%93", "%22", $string);
$string = str_replace("%C2%94", "%22", $string);
$string = str_replace("%C2%84", "%22", $string);
$string = str_replace("%C2%8B", "%C2%AB", $string);
$string = str_replace("%C2%9B", "%C2%BB", $string);
return $string;
... should solve this problem.
[#20] in reply to "kL" [2007-02-20 01:23:03]
kL's example is very bugged since it loops itself and the encode function is two-way.
Why do you replace all %27 through ' in the same string in that you replace all ' through %27?
Lets say I have a string: Hello %27World%27. It's a nice day.
I get: Hello Hello 'World'. It%27s a nice day.
With other words that solution is pretty useless.
Just replace ' through %27 when encoding
Just replace %27 through ' when decoding. Or just use url_decode.
[#21] kL [2006-09-06 17:13:50]
Apache's mod_rewrite and mod_proxy are unable to handle urlencoded URLs properly - http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34602
If you need to use any of these modules and handle paths that contain %2F or %3A (and few other encoded special url characters), you'll have use a different encoding scheme.
My solution is to replace "%" with "'".
function urlencode($u)
return str_replace(array("'",'%'),array('%27',"'"),urlencode($u));
function urldecode($u)
return urldecode(strtr($u,"'",'%'));
[#22] peter at runempire dot com [2006-08-06 02:09:56]
I think this was mentioned earlier but it was confusing.. But I had some problems with the urlencode eating my '/' so I did a simple str_replace like the following:
$url = urlencode($img);
$img2 = "$url";
$img2 = str_replace('%2F54', '/', $img2);
$img2 = str_replace('+' , '%20' , $img2);
You don't need to replace the '+' but I just feel comfortable with my %20, although it may present a problem if whatever you're using the str_replace for has a '+' in it where it shouldn't be.
But that fixed my problem.. all the other encodes like htmlentities and rawurlencode just ate my /'s
[#23] Roamy: info AT roamy DOT de [2006-01-28 23:58:58]
<?php// urlencode + urldecode 4 Linux/Unix-Servers:=============
//=====This small script matches all encoded String for ========
//=====Linux/Unix-Servers For IIS it got to be The Other Way ==
//===== around...and remember in a propper Url =============
//===== there shoudn't be the 'dirty Letter': %C3==============
function int2hex($intega){
$Ziffer = "0123456789ABCDEF";
return $Ziffer[($intega%256)/16].$Ziffer[$intega%16];
function url_decode($text){
$in = "%".int2hex($i);
$out = "%C3%".int2hex($i-64);
$text = str_replace($in,$out,$text);
return urldecode($text);
function url_encode($text){
$text = urlencode($text);
$in = "%".int2hex($i);
$out = "%C3%".int2hex($i-64);
$text = str_replace($in,$out,$text);
return $text;
[#24] torecs at sfe dot uio dot no [2006-01-10 15:30:27]
This very simple function makes an valid parameters part of an URL, to me it looks like several of the other versions here are decoding wrongly as they do not convert & seperating the variables into &.
$vars=array('name' => 'tore','action' => 'sell&buy');
echo MakeRequestUrl($vars);
function MakeRequestUrl($params)
foreach ($params as $name => $value)
// Cut the last '&'
return htmlentities($querystring);
Will output: action=sell%26buy&name=tore
[#25] roberlamerma at gmail dot com [2005-11-22 07:00:50]
I rewrote inus at flowingcreativity dot net function to generate an encoded url string from the POST, or GET array. It handles properly POST/GET array vars.
function _HTTPRequestToString($arr_request, $var_name, $separator='&') {
$ret = "";
if (is_array($arr_request)) {
foreach ($arr_request as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
if ($var_name) {
$ret .= $this->_HTTPRequestToString($value, "{$var_name}[{$key}]", $separator);
} else {
$ret .= $this->_HTTPRequestToString($value, "{$key}", $separator);
} else {
if ($var_name) {
$ret .= "{$var_name}[{$key}]=".urlencode($value)."&";
} else {
$ret .= "{$key}=".urlencode($value)."&";
if (!$var_name) {
$ret = substr($ret,0,-1);
return $ret;
[#26] bisqwit at iki dot fi [2005-09-02 01:27:46]
Constructing hyperlinks safely HOW-TO:
$path_component = 'machine/generated/part';
$url_parameter1 = 'this is a string';
$url_parameter2 = 'special/weird "$characters"';
$url = 'http://example.com/lab/cgi/test/'. rawurlencode($path_component) . '?param1=' . urlencode($url_parameter1) . '¶m2=' . urlencode($url_parameter2);
$link_label = "Click here & you'll be <happy>";
echo '<a href="', htmlspecialchars($url), '">', htmlspecialchars($link_label), '</a>';
This example covers all the encodings you need to apply in order to create URLs safely without problems with any special characters. It is stunning how many people make mistakes with this.
- Use urlencode for all GET parameters (things that come after each "=").
- Use rawurlencode for parts that come before "?".
- Use htmlspecialchars for HTML tag parameters and HTML text content.
[#27] R Mortimer [2005-08-26 01:14:53]
Do not let the browser auto encode an invalid URL. Not all browsers perform the same encodeing. Keep it cross browser do it server side.
[#28] Bachsau [2005-08-12 10:24:13]
Diferrent from the above example you do not have to encode URLs in hrefs with this. The browser does it automaticaly, so you just have to encode it with htmlentities() ;)
[#29] linus at flowingcreativity dot net [2005-07-04 09:14:47]
I just came across the need for a function that exports an array into a query string. Being able to use urlencode($theArray) would be nice, but here's what I came up with:
function urlencode_array(
$var, // the array value
$varName, // variable name to be used in the query string
$separator = '&' // what separating character to use in the query string
) {
$toImplode = array();
foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$toImplode[] = urlencode_array($value, "{$varName}[{$key}]", $separator);
} else {
$toImplode[] = "{$varName}[{$key}]=".urlencode($value);
return implode($separator, $toImplode);
This function supports n-dimensional arrays (it encodes recursively).
[#30] edwardzyang at thewritingpot dot com [2005-04-15 13:48:24]
[#31] neugey at cox dot net [2004-09-17 13:51:37]
Be careful when encoding strings that came from simplexml in PHP 5. If you try to urlencode a simplexml object, the script tanks.
I got around the problem by using a cast.
$newValue = urlencode( (string) $oldValue );
[#32] monty3 at hotmail dot com [2004-09-09 01:00:34]
If you want to pass a url with parameters as a value IN a url AND through a javascript function, such as...
<a href="javascript:openWin('page.php?url=index.php?id=4&pg=2');">
...pass the url value through the PHP urlencode() function twice, like this...
$url = "index.php?id=4&pg=2";
$url = urlencode(urlencode($url));
echo "<a href=\"javascript:openWin('page.php?url=$url');\">";
On the page being opened by the javascript function (page.php), you only need to urldecode() once, because when javascript 'touches' the url that passes through it, it decodes the url once itself. So, just decode it once more in your PHP script to fully undo the double-encoding...
$url = urldecode($_GET['url']);
If you don't do this, you'll find that the result url value in the target script is missing all the var=values following the ? question mark...