So fügen Sie STRG+/ als Tastenkombination in VIM hinzu
高洛峰2017-05-16 16:40:45
Ich möchte Strg+/ als Tastenkombination zum Kommentieren der aktuellen Zeile verwenden
Das Hinzufügen von nmap <C-/> ,cc hat keine Auswirkung, aber ein Backslash ist in Ordnung
Ich hoffe, jeder kann mir helfen, einen Blick darauf zu werfen
You can't map Ctrl-/ in Vim because the only "Ctrl+printable key" characters which can be reliably mapped in Vim are those defined by the (already rather old) ASCII standard, which means the only printable keys which have a Ctrl counterpart are 0x3F to 0x5F plus the lowercase letters, as follows:
Ctrl+? (0x3F) = DEL (0x7F)
Ctrl+(key 0x40-0x5F) = subtract 0x40 from the printable character
Ctrl+lowercase = Ctrl+ the corresponding uppercase.
Nothing else. No Ctrl+digit and no Ctrl+slash (where / = 0x2F).
BTW, the above also explains why Vim cannot discriminate between
Ctrl-I and Tab (both 0x09, HT)
Ctrl-M and Enter (both 0x0D, CR)
Ctrl-[ and Esc (both 0x1B, ESC)
vim中不能使用 ctrl+/ 作为快捷键.