Die Reihenfolge der in der Datatables
Tabelle im Projekt angezeigten Daten ist inkonsistent. Wie kann ich die beiden Anzeigen konsistent machen?
Das Folgende sind die von Ajax zurückgegebenen Daten
"data": [{
"item": 1,
"sn": "1",
"bus": "1",
"id": "1",
"alise": "Device_Alias",
"opcode": "3",
"addr_start": "1",
"addr_len": "1",
"addr_mapping_head": "0",
"MBstatus": 0
}, {
"item": 1,
"sn": "3",
"bus": "1",
"id": "1",
"alise": "Device_Alias",
"opcode": "3",
"addr_start": "1",
"addr_len": "1",
"addr_mapping_head": "2",
"MBstatus": 0
}, {
"item": 1,
"sn": "2",
"bus": "1",
"id": "1",
"alise": "Device_Alias2",
"opcode": "3",
"addr_start": "1",
"addr_len": "1",
"addr_mapping_head": "3",
"MBstatus": 0
Das Folgende sind die Daten in der Tabelle
Laut ajax
müsste es ganz unten sein, aber in der Tabelle ist es in der Mitte.
Die Konfiguration der Datentabellen im Code ist wie folgt:
var columns_en = [
{title: "SN", data: "sn", name: "sn", orderable: false, searchable: false, visible: false},
{title: "Item", data: "item", name: "item", orderable: true, width: "8%"},
{title: "Serial Port", data: "bus", name: "port", orderable: true, width: "12%"},
{title: "Slave ID", data: "id", name: "id", orderable: true, width: "10%"},
{title: "Alias", data: "alise", name: "alias", orderable: true, width: "12%"},
{title: "Function", data: "opcode", name: "function", orderable: true, width: "8%"},
{title: "Data Address", data: "addr_start", name: "address", orderable: true, width: "15%"},
{title: "Data Length", data: "addr_len", name: "length", orderable: true, width: "15%"},
{title: "Mapping Address Head", data: "addr_mapping_head", name: "mapping", orderable: true, width: "20%"},
table = $(TableId).DataTable({
dom: 'lBfrtip',
buttons: [
extend: 'collection',
text: i18ns['export'][lang],
buttons: [
autoWith: false, //自适应宽度
searching: true, //过滤功能
destroy: true, //允许重新实例化Datatables
processing: true, //显示加载信息
info: true, //页脚信息
paging: true, //翻页功能
pagingType: "full_numbers", //显示数字的翻页样式
lengthChange: true, //允许改变每页显示的数据条数
pageLength: 50, //默认每页数据条数
lengthMenu: [[10, 20, 50, 100, -1], [10, 20, 50, 100, "All"]],//自定义每页显示的行数
language: {
processing: "<img src='/images/loading.gif'/><span style='color:blue; font-size:36px;'><b>Data Updating...</b></span>",
lengthMenu: i18ns['lengthmenu'][lang],
zeroRecords: i18ns['norecord'][lang],
emptyTable: i18ns['norecord'][lang],
info: "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
infoFiltered: "Have _MAX_ Records in database",
search: i18ns['search'][lang],
paginate: {
first: i18ns['firstpage'][lang],
previous: i18ns['prev'][lang],
next: i18ns['next'][lang],
last: i18ns['lastpage'][lang]
}, //多语言配置
columns: columns_en,
ajax: {
url: DataUrl,
dataSrc: "data",
initComplete: function () {
rowCallback: function (nRow, data, iDisplayIndex) {
data['item'] = iDisplayIndex+1;
$("td", nRow).eq(0).html(data["item"]);
return nRow;
Wie soll ich es ändern, damit die Reihenfolge konsistent ist?