Ändern Sie die Textfarbe beim Scrollen
P粉983021177 2024-03-28 22:55:23

Ich erstelle eine Portfolio-Website und möchte, dass mein fester Text in einigen Teilen seine Farbe ändert. Wie kann ich das tun? Ich kann meinen Code nicht posten, weil er zu groß und zu lang ist, aber es wäre großartig, wenn Sie ein Codebeispiel geben könnten. So sieht es aus (https://olaolu.dev), Sie können sehen, wie die Schaltflächen und Namen werden beim Scrollen in den Farben geändert :)

P. Bitte verwenden Sie dazu js, danke!

Ich habe versucht, nach Informationen zu suchen, aber nichts gefunden :(

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                            <a class="hide1-btn">My Work</a>
                            <a class="hide1-btn">My Shelf</a>
                            <a class="hide1-btn">My Resume</a>
                        <div class="p2">
                            <a class="hide-span">SAY HELLO</a>
                            <a class="hide-span">[email protected]</a>
                            <a class="hide-span">t/me.com</a>

            <div class="first-info">
                <div class="first-sec">
                    <h1>Frontend</br> Developer.</h1>
                    <h3 class="profession-info">I like to craft solid and scalable frontend products with great user experiences.</h3>
                <img class="my-img" src="/b/images/Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 19.35.20.png">

            <div class="some-info">
                <div class="a1">
                    <span>Highly skilled at progressive
                enhancement, design systems &
                UI Engineering.
                    <span>Over a decade of experience
                building products for clients
                across several countries.

                <div class="btn-container">
                        <a class="a" href="#s1"><div class="btn"></div></a>
                        <a class="a" href="#s2"><div class="btn"></div></a>
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                        <a class="a" href="#s5"><div class="btn"></div></a>


     <section class="what-do" id="s2">
         <div class="my-info">
            <div class="what-doing" id="i1">
                    I'm probably not the typical designer positioned behind an Illustrator artboard adjusting pixels, but I design. Immersed in stylesheets tweaking font sizes and contemplating layouts is where you'll find me (~_^). I'm committed to creating fluent user experiences while staying fashionable.
            <div class="what-doing" id="i2">
                    In building JavaScript applications, I'm equipped with just the right tools, and can absolutely function independently of them to deliver fast, resilient solutions optimized for scale — performance and scalabilty are priorities on my radar

    <section class="exp" id="s3">
        <div class="e1">
            <div class="exp-info">
                <h2>Over the</br> past 3 years,</h2>
                <p>I've built products for companies and businesses around the globe ranging from marketing websites to complex solutions and enterprise apps with focus on fast, elegant and accessible user experiences.</p>
                <p>Currently, I work at Shopify as a Senior UX Developer and Accessibility advocate crafting thoughtful and inclusive experiences that adhere to web standards for over a million merchants across the world.</p>
                <p>Before now, I was Principal Frontend Engineer at hellotax, where I worked on a suite of tools and services tailored at providing fast, automated VAT Registration / filings & Returns solutions for multi-channel sellers across Europe.</p>
                <p>Prior to hellotax, I was Senior frontend engineering contractor with Pixel2HTML, building JavaScript applications and interfaces for orgs and individuals.</p>
                <p>I once also led the frontend team at a Russian startup, Conectar through building multiple React applications into a single robust learning platform.</p>
            <img class="exp-img" src="/b/images/2634454 copy.pdf">

    <section class="done" id="s4">
        <div class="grid">
            <div class="what-done">
                <div class="w1">
                    <h1>I buld & </br> deign stuff</h1>
                    <p>Open source 
                    projects, web apps 
                    and experimentals.
                    <button class="done-btn">see my work ---></button>
                <div class="w2">
                    <h1>I write,</br>sometimes</h1>
                    <p>About design, 
                    frontend dev, 
                    learning and life.
                    <button class="done-btn">read my article ---></button>

    <section id="s5" class="send-me">
        <div class="send-container">
            <div class="send-top">
                <h1>Send me a message!</h1>
                <p>Got a question or proposal, or just want</br>
                    to say hello? Go ahead.</p>
            <div class="send-inputs">
                <div class="l">
                    <label>Your Name</label>
                    <input type="text" placeholder="Enter your name">

                <div class="l">
                    <label>Email Address</label>
                    <input type="text" placeholder="Enter your address">
            <div class="send-final">
                <input type="text" placeholder="Hi,i think we have to work together">
                <button class="shoot">SHOOT ---></button>

    <section class="end-1" id="s6">
        <div class="end-container">
            <div class="end-info">
                <div class="e2" id="ll">
                    <span>SAY HELLO</span>
                    <span>[email protected]</span>
                <div class="e2">
                    <span>My Work</span>
                    <span>My Shelf</span>
                    <span>My Resume</span>
            <h2 class="end-link">© Faxraddin Olawuyi 2022</h2>

    <script src="/b/js.js"></script>

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Antworte allen(1)



const title = document.querySelector('.topbar__title');
const sectionOne = document.querySelector('.section--one');
const sectionTwo = document.querySelector('.section--two');

const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entry, observer) => {
  entry[0].isIntersecting > 0 ?
    title.style.color = sectionTwo.getAttribute('data-color') :
    title.style.color = sectionOne.getAttribute('data-color')

* {
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.section--one {
  background-color: white;

.section--two {
  background-color: rgb(255 0 0 / 5%);


Section One

Section Two


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