Your tools should be as refined as the code you write. STS is our Eclipse-based IDE crafted to serve the needs of building applications with Spring. We're always working on new features and performance in our mission to make STS the most productive Eclipse distribution available.
其实Spring有一个项目是专门帮你做简化配置的工作的,叫做Spring Boot,使用之后很多配置都不需要了,个人觉得这个应该比IDE提供对配置文件的强大支持好用很多,毕竟配置文件的灵活性太大,有兴趣的话可以看看这篇文章Spring Boot——开发新一代Spring应用
首先如果是要开发J2EE应用的话建议你将IDE换成MyEclipse,这样会更好开发,在MyEclipse 里有专门支持生成spring相关配置的插件,也就是你新建一个项目,选中,然后选择菜单栏中Myeclipse>Project Facets>Install Spring就可以了
Spring Tool Suite