C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe -D create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 default returned non zero exit code. Stderr: Docker Machine Version: 0.5.2 ( 0456b9f ) Found binary path at C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine-driver-virtualbox.exe Launching plugin server for driver virtualbox Plugin server listening at address () Calling .GetVersion Using API Version 1 () Calling .SetConfigRaw () Calling .GetMachineName (flag-lookup) Calling .GetCreateFlags Making call to close connection to plugin binary Making call to close driver server (flag-lookup) Calling .Close Successfully made call to close driver server Found binary path at C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine-driver-virtualbox.exe Launching plugin server for driver virtualbox Plugin server listening at address () Calling .GetVersion Using API Version 1 () Calling .SetConfigRaw () Calling .GetMachineName (default) Calling .GetMachineName (default) Calling .DriverName Host already exists: "default"
2,Windows的Kitematic比较怪,不会去连已经在运行的vb docker 实例。看你日志最后的.DriverName Host already exists: "default", 是实例已经在运行中了。去打开virtualbox,看到个正在支行的default机器,关了它,或是删了它。再启动Kitematic.
3, 额外的: Windows的Kitematic会先去启Hyper-V,有些非Server的Windows版本安不了Hyper-V, 也会报个错,会有两个按纽,去转成用virtualbox.