前端 - gitbook serve命令提示找不到wensite.css和website.js
给我你的怀抱 2017-05-02 09:52:53




Antworte allen(1)

gitbook fetch 2.6.7
gitbook -v 2.6.7
gitbook uninstall [version]

$ gitbook serve ./ --log=debug --debug
Live reload server started on port: 35729
Press CTRL+C to quit ...

debug: readme found at README.md
debug: summary file found at SUMMARY.md
debug: cleanup folder "D:workspacegithubgitbook_book"
info: 7 plugins are installed
info: loading plugin "livereload"... OK
info: loading plugin "highlight"... OK
info: loading plugin "search"... OK
info: loading plugin "lunr"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 4 pages
info: found 3 asset files
debug: calling hook "config"
debug: calling hook "init"
debug: copy assets from theme C:Usersliuyun2.gitbookversions3.2.2node_modulesgitbook-plugin-theme-default_assetswebsite
debug: copy resources from plugin C:Usersliuyun2.gitbookversions3.2.2node_modulesgitbook-plugin-fontsettingsassets

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookgitbook-plugin-fontsettingswebsite.css',Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookgitbook-plugin-fontsettingsfontsettings.js'

$ gitbook current
GitBook version is 2.6.7

$ gitbook serve ./ --log=debug --debug
Live reload server started on port: 35729
Press CTRL+C to quit ...

debug: add block 'html'
debug: add block 'code'
info: loading book configuration....OK
info: load plugin gitbook-plugin-highlight ....OK
debug: add block 'code'
info: load plugin gitbook-plugin-search ....OK
info: load plugin gitbook-plugin-sharing ....OK
info: load plugin gitbook-plugin-fontsettings ....OK
info: load plugin gitbook-plugin-livereload ....OK
info: >> 5 plugins loaded
debug: normalize plugins list
debug: start parsing languages index: LANGS.md
debug: start parsing readme: README.md
debug: readme located at README.md
debug: start parsing summary: SUMMARY.md
debug: summary located at SUMMARY.md
debug: start parsing glossary: GLOSSARY.md
info: start generation with website generator
info: clean website generator
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookfonts (2/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookfontsfontawesome (3/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookfontsfontawesomeFontAwesome.otf (4/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookfontsfontawesomefontawesome-webfont.eot (5/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookfontsfontawesomefontawesome-webfont.svg (6/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookfontsfontawesomefontawesome-webfont.ttf (7/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookfontsfontawesomefontawesome-webfont.woff (8/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookfontsfontawesomefontawesome-webfont.woff2 (9/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookgitbook-plugin-fontsettings (10/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookgitbook-plugin-fontsettingsfontsettings.js (11/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookgitbook-plugin-fontsettingswebsite.css (12/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookgitbook.js (13/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookimages (14/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookimagesapple-touch-icon-precomposed-152.png (15/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookimagesfavicon.ico (16/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbookstyle.css (17/18)
debug: remove D:workspacegithubgitbook_bookgitbooktheme.js (18/18)
info: OK
debug: call hook config
debug: transferring folder chapter1/
debug: transferring folder end/
debug: processing README.md 0%
debug: start parsing file README.md
debug: render template README.md
debug: use file parser markdown for README.md
debug: call hook page
debug: index page README.md
debug: write parsed file README.md to index.html
debug: processing chapter1/README.md 25%
debug: start parsing file chapter1/README.md
debug: render template chapter1/README.md
debug: use file parser markdown for chapter1/README.md
debug: call hook page
debug: index page chapter1/README.md
debug: write parsed file chapter1/README.md to chapter1index.html
debug: processing chapter1/section1.md 50%
debug: start parsing file chapter1/section1.md
debug: render template chapter1/section1.md
debug: use file parser markdown for chapter1/section1.md
debug: call hook page
debug: index page chapter1/section1.md
debug: write parsed file chapter1/section1.md to chapter1section1.html
debug: processing end/README.md 75%
debug: start parsing file end/README.md
debug: render template end/README.md
debug: use file parser markdown for end/README.md
debug: call hook page
debug: index page end/README.md
debug: write parsed file end/README.md to endindex.html
debug: call hook finish
debug: write search index
info: generation is finished

Starting server ...
Serving book on http://localhost:4000

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