
Instance; event; performance; mobile; foundation


英[dɪk'ju: ] 美[dɪk'ju:]

v.Out of the queue

jquery jQuery.dequeue() method syntax

Function: The dequeue() method executes the next function in the sequence for the matching element. This is a low-level method; using .dequeue() is more convenient.

Syntax: .dequeue(queueName)


queueName Optional. String value containing the name of the sequence. The default is fx, the standard effects sequence.

Description: When .dequeue() is called, the next function is removed from the sequence and then executed. This function in turn triggers (directly or indirectly) a call to .dequeue() so that the sequence can continue.

jquery jQuery.dequeue() method example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    div { margin:3px; width:50px; position:absolute;
    height:50px; left:10px; top:30px; 
    background-color:yellow; }
    div.red { background-color:red; }  

  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


$("button").click(function () {
  $("div").animate({left:'+=200px'}, 2000);
  $("div").animate({top:'0px'}, 600);
  $("div").queue(function () {
  $("div").animate({left:'10px', top:'30px'}, 700);

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