英[ˈekəʊ] 美[ˈekoʊ]

n. Echo, resonance; (speech, style, thought, etc.) repetition; repeater; [radio] echo

vt. Repeat, imitate; echo; resemble; emit (sound, etc.)

vi. Be repeated; produce echoes; be filled with echoes

Third person singular: echoes Plural: echoes Present participle: echoing Past tense: echoed past participle: echoed

redis ECHO command syntax

Function:Print a specific message message, used during testing.

Syntax: ECHO message

Available versions: >= 1.0.0

Time complexity: O(1)

Return: message itself.

redis ECHO command example

redis> ECHO "Hello Moto"
"Hello Moto"
redis> ECHO "Goodbye Moto"
"Goodbye Moto"