//jQuery supports concatenation and implicit iteration;
").attr("src","images/" $(value).attr("src")).appendTo(oPic);
//Flow layout main function;
function waterfall () {
var $boxs=$("#main>div");
//Get the direct child element div.box under the #main element;
//Get the width of each column;
var w=$boxs.eq(0).outerWidth();
//outerWidth() gets the width including padding and border;
//var w=$boxs.eq(0).width();
//width() can only get the width defined for the element;
var cols=Math.floor($(window).width()/w);
//How many columns to get;
$("#main").width(w*cols).css("margin","0 auto");
//Set the width and centering style of the #main element;
var hArr=[];
//Set of heights of each column;
$boxs.each(function (index,value) {
//Traverse each box element;
//In order to find the lowest point of all previous elements, then set this element to below the lowest point;
var h=$boxs.eq(index).outerHeight();
//Height of each box element,
if (index
//Determine the height of the first element in each column;
} else{
var minH=Math.min.apply(null,hArr);
//Get the minimum height in the column height array;
var minHIndex=$.inArray(minH,hArr);
//$.inArray() method gets the index value of element (minH) in array (hArr);
//The value at this time is the DOM object of all box elements after the first line!;
//$(value): Convert the DOM object into a jQuery object before you can continue to use jQuery methods;
"top":minH "px",
"left":minHIndex*w "px"
hArr[minHIndex] =$boxs.eq(index).outerHeight();
//Height of the lowest tallest element The height of the element just added to the lowest height = new column height;
// console.log(hArr);
function checkScrollSlide () {
var $lastBox=$("#main>div").last();
var lastBoxDis=$lastBox.offset().top Math.floor($lastBox.outerHeight()/2);
var scrollTop=$(window).scrollTop();
var documentH=$(window).height();
Return (lastBoxDis
Please refer to the comments carefully for detailed explanation, I won’t write it out separately.